9. i'll show you mine if you show me yours

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My choice to come to L'Amour today, hoping to see Sébastien, was a long shot. He might not even be here. However, Lexi was at school while I had the day off, so today was the perfect opportunity.

I had to take that risk, because I needed to clear things out between us. What happened at the restaurant the other night, could not ever happen again.

As I was walking on the sidewalk, approaching the bakery in question, I started noticing the warm, yellow lights shining from inside, and I let out a sigh of relief.

As I lifted my hand to curl it into a fist and tap against the closed glass doors, I saw that the handwritten note was gone. The closed sign was now missing, and instead, there was a piece of paper that said Reopening Soon!, that had clearly been computer written, carrying a lot more excitement in that exclamation point than I'd ever imagine Sébastien having.

The French man came out from inside the kitchen area and, at the sight of me standing outside the bakery, he grinned before throwing the towel he was carrying over his shoulder, and opening the door.

"Melanie." He greeted me with a smile that graced his tanned face.

"We need to talk." I said assertively, pushing aside whatever feelings were surfacing after I heard him say my name. Walking inside the bakery, I heard him close the door behind me, and I made my way to where he was, in the kitchen. Sébastien followed.

"Sure." He tossed the towel that was on his shoulder to the corner of the counter and turned his head into my direction. "What's up?"

"What were you thinking when you did that?"


"Oh, don't play dumb. You know exactly what I am talking about."

He was about to throw some other bullshit at me but, holding up a finger, I stopped him before he could open his mouth again. "Telling the chef his food doesn't live up to your standards after you had my pasta dish?"

"It's true!" He held his hands up.

"Look, you are very sweet. I truly appreciate your opinion on my food and coming from a Parisian baker with a family history of cooks, I'm flattered! Really, I am, but ... I can't let you do that at my workplace."

Silence reigned between us two for a while, until I broke it, sounding much more like sweet Melanie, now that I had done what I came here for.

"I can't afford to lose that job. It pays well and believe it or not, I do learn a thing or two from the kitchen staff. I am finally in a stable place in my life. All I'm asking is that you respect that and don't repeat your actions again."

I didn't like coming on too strong to people. Being the nice person that I am, I usually avoided conflict, but I could not let this one slide. Not when after Sébastien left the restaurant, the chef shot me a glare that I swear froze me in my spot. If looks could kill, I would have dropped dead.

Chefs didn't like getting stepped on their toes, and especially when that involved someone who was below them in the hierarchy.

"You're right." He said. "I am sorry. I shouldn't have done that. But I stand by what I said."

My lips curled upwards into a smile and I found myself dipping down my head a little as I felt my cheeks blush.

"Thank you."

After we got that out of the way, and I said what I came here to say, I looked around us, noticing how messy the kitchen and countertops were. There were boxes everywhere, some unopened and some already empty, with their contents displayed around them, on top of the marble stone.

"So... Reopening soon?" I quoted the note I read that was on the door of the bakery.

Sébastien smiled at me as he nodded. "I wasn't kidding when I said Lexi got to me and made me change my mind."

I squinted my eyes as I looked at him and shook my head. "I don't buy it."

Sébastien chuckled and I added, "One day you're going to tell me why you decided to re-open this bakery and you're gonna drop that excuse."

"One day." He said as he turned in his heels and opened one large box, pulling out some kitchen utensils.

I made my way to one of the high stools and took a seat. "Do you need any help?"

"Not really." He shrugged after dragging his eyes away from the box and towards me. "But I could use the company."

Again, trying to hide the pink shade that slowly creeped on my cheeks, I found myself bending my head down.

I grabbed one of the still closed boxes and a knife that was scattered around the countertop, and used the blade to cut open the sealing.

"So, I've tried your food." I nodded in agreement, not knowing where he was going with that.

"There's an english expression, it's I'll show you mine if you show me yours." I shot him a look, still as confused as I was two seconds ago, probably even more. "I tried the best chocolate cake in the world and the zucchini spaghetti."

Until he made it clear for me. "Now it's your turn to try my food."

"I won't turn down that offer."

"Good." His lips curled upwards into a bright smile. "What do you say dinner and dessert, next Saturday night, here at L'Amour?"

"I say yes!" My answer came out probably way too fast. "I'm actually working that night, but I can easily talk to my boss and make a switch."

"Fantastique." Sébastien said, his French accent in all its glory, before succumbing back to the task at hand.

And I remained frozen in my spot, feeling numb as I took all of this in, thinking about whether or not this was going to be just a dinner. And re-thinking my answer.

* * *


MY BABIES!!! ❤ But I gotta say, I love that Melanie stood up for herself and got the guts to set the record straight between the two of them <3

I know this chapter was a bit shorter than usual, but good things are coming! And yes, I just realised that's a very vague thing to say lol see you next Tuesday!

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Xoxo, Mars

Xoxo, Mars

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