10. love is the secret ingredient

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"I don't know what's worse," Olivia said in disapproval, referring to the incident at the restaurant a few days ago. "The fact that you didn't tell me or that I had to hear it from one of the new girls!"

"Come on, the new girl only knows about it because she likes sucking up to the chef and he told her."

Taking the paperboard cup to my mouth, I took a long sip of the black tea I had ordered. Olivia had joined me and Lexi on our afternoon at Regent's Park and we got some hot drinks to busy ourselves with while we sat on a bench, talking, and while we watched as Lexi ran around the green park, chasing the squirrels to feed them.

"Or, the fact that you're only now telling me because you're going on a date with him."

"You're absolutely loon. I'm not going on a date with him. I'm just trying his food," I said before adding, "His offer!"

"That sounds like a date to me." Olivia uttered in a singing voice, and I shot her a disbelieving look.

"If it was a date, he would have told me. And asked me."

"You're forgetting about the fact that he's French." I looked at Olivia like she had just grown two heads. Then, she explained herself and her train of thought. "French guys are romantic. Romantic and intense."

"I think you've seen way too many romcoms." I fidgeted with the hem of the paper cup holder.

"Say whatever you want... But it's a date!"

* * *

Saturday night rolled around, and when Sébastien came to open the door of L'Amour, after I knocked on it, and I looked at him, I started to think that maybe Olivia was right.

If I was just coming over to try his food, then why did he have to dress up like he was about to take me to the ball?

And that led to my mind going down the spiral of thinking I was probably underdressed for tonight. While I was wearing a simple, grey dress and my black ankle boots, Sébastien was wearing a pressed white shirt, with the sleeves rolled up, and fancy pants. Fancy shoes too.

"Melanie, you look so beautiful." Was the first thing he said to me, after opening the door and sliding to the side while extending out his hand, allowing me to walk inside the bakery.

Once I heard the door lock behind me, I turned in my heels to face him. With a shy smile, I thanked him.

The bakery was lit up in a dimmed, yellow light, with candles scattered around the place, allowing the place to feel intimate. Much more intimate than I ever imagined it could feel like.

"Sébastien, I..." I hesitated for a while before I gained the courage to ask what needed to be asked. "Is this a date? Because if it is, I am sorry I gave you the wrong impression, I never meant to lead you on when-"

He cut me off, in a low tone. "It is if you want it to be."

Wordlessly, I focused on removing my jacket and placing it on the back of one of the high chairs.

When I looked around some more, I noticed all the tables were occupied with boxes and some other supplies he had ordered for the reopening of the bakery.

"I thought we were eating here." I said, confused that it already smelled so good but there was no table available for us to eat dinner.

"We are." Sébastien had an amused expression on his face while he watched me become even more confused.

Then, he put his hand on the small of my back and led me to the backstage area of this bakery - the kitchen.

Step by step, the aroma of what seemed like meatballs and a fantastic tomato sauce filled my nostrils.

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