17. when it rains, it pours

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"Yeah?" I responded from inside the changing room.

"Are you alone in there?" She's asked from outside.

"Yes." I said while I fumbled with my apron straps, tying it behind my back.

She opened the door and walked inside the room, resting her back against the wooden door.

Olivia was just finishing her morning shift, and I was about to start my late afternoon one.

"What's up?" I asked, putting away my belongings inside my bag and placing it inside the locker.

"Someone came here today, looking for you."

I was pretty sure I looked like I had just seen a ghost. I could feel my face petrifying, turning to stone.

"Who asked for me?"

"Some guy."

"What guy?"

My palms were starting to feel sweaty, and my heart racing, while I dreaded what Olivia was about to say.

It was him.

It had to be him.

"He didn't say his name." She shook her head while she untied the apron from around her waist. "He was in a suit, mid-forties, almost bald."

"Wh-what?" I stuttered, processing the description she had just given me.

It was not him.

But... who else could it be?

"Well, did he say what it was about?"

Olivia shook her head in denial. "He just said he was looking for you, that he thought he could find you here."

"And what did you respond?"

"I just told him you weren't here at the moment. He asked when would be the best time to find you, but he looked sketchy, so I just said I was new and didn't know."

"Okay." I let out a deep breath. "Thanks."

"So, who is he?"

"I..." I shrugged. "I don't know who he is. I wasn't expecting anyone."

"Clearly." She gave me a knowing look. "But you must know what it is about, at least."

"I don't." I said again. Which was true and at the same time it wasn't. I knew that it must have something to do with him and that phone call. But I still was not able to put the pieces together and form a conclusion. "Did he leave a note?"

"No." She shook her head. "But he might come back again, so you'll know then."

"Yeah." I said, quietly, at the lack of a better word. I just wasn't sure I was going to be happy with whatever this was about.

Olivia changed into her regular clothes, leaving her apron behind, and gave me a side hug and kiss on the cheek before leaving the restaurant and making her way out, and before I started my shift today.

I busied myself (more than usual), taking multiple orders, going back and forth with wine bottles so the customers could choose the one they wanted to try tonight. I felt like I was electric, like I had just drank three espressos and my blood was half caffeine half blood cells, all because of the unknown that wouldn't put my mind to rest.

Who the hell was that guy, and why would he need to speak to me? What would it be about? Would it be about him? It had to be, and that train of thought didn't make me feel any better.

After the parties of ten and fifteen that we had for dinner tonight, finished their meals and left, work slowed down a bit. At least, it slowed down enough for me to have some time to eat something in the break room, while my colleague took over, just after eight o'clock.

One of the best perks of working in a restaurant is that you never need to pack lunch or dinner, and you can just eat whatever it is the kitchen staff is cooking on that day, and not pay a penny.

On the other hand, I would very much prefer to eat my own food, but this scenario does save me some time at night, not having to prepare meals in advance for the next day.

Tonight's dinner was Rigatoni al Ragù di Carne, and after these past few hours, walking back and forth, busing myself with work, I needed the break to recharge some energy, and I definitely needed this delicious dish.

I was halfway through with my dinner when my colleague waltzed through the break room.

"Melanie?" He carried an empty tray underneath his armpit. "There's someone out there looking for you."

I managed to finish chewing and swallowing what was left of my dinner before walking out to meet the person who was so interested in seeing me.

I may have looked brave on the outside, but inside, I was nothing but a scared little girl, who didn't know who and what she was going to find outside.

When I came into the man's sight, I immediately knew he was the one wanting to see me. His eyebrows shot up, his back straightened, and he greeted me with a smile.

I did no such thing. I did not recognize him, I had never seen this man in my life. My face remained emotionless and my eyes were blank, with no expression. The only gesture I did was holding my hand up, while I talked to my colleague and asked him if he could cover for me while I met the guy.

"Of course, Mel! Take your time!" He'd said. I thanked him and once I met the man, I asked for him to follow me, outside of the restaurant.

"You're a hard woman to find, Miss Melanie Thompson." He started, sounding smug and cocky, managing to fire all alarms inside my head.

The evening was chilly, and despite the dark clouds that painted the night sky grey, it wasn't raining.

"Why don't you start by telling me who you are, and what this is about?"

"My name is George Williams. I'm a lawyer, and I believe you know my client, Mr. David Taylor."

And then, as if the sky was giving me some sort of sign to quit the silence and come up with something to say, I felt the first few raindrops on my skin.

And when it rains, it pours.

* * *


And the plot thickens!!! 👀 Don't be shy, let me know your theories about all of this!

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Xoxo, Mars

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