16. sweet and sour

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I threw a robe around me, trying it loosely around my waist after my feet met the ground and I slid my feet into my slippers, and chose to get up from bed. I glanced at the red lights cutting through the darkness, coming from the digital clock I had on my nightstand. It read 3:12.

I groaned and made my way out of the bedroom and walked downstairs, making a beeline for the kitchen, quickly finding a clean mug and a teabag. I filled the kettle with some water and waited for it to boil, so I could get my tea done. While I waited, I took a seat in one of the chairs that stood next to the table and close enough to the counter, where my tea was brewing, and helped myself to a slice of the lime pie that was laying in the centre of the table, covered with a glass cake dome, and that seemed to be crying for my attention.

Without moving from my seat, I extended out my arm and reached out for the silverware drawer, and fished out a knife and a fork. I cut a slice and took a bite, my mouth instantly filling with the wonder that is the contrast between sweet and sour. The crust was crunchy and sweet, and I could tell it was made out of the classic Lotus biscuits, which had their own, personal hint of caramel, which paired perfectly with the taste of the filling made from lime curd, and with the sweet meringue that topped it off.

Since I practically shoved Sébastien out, I changed into my pyjamas and went to bed, with hopes of sleeping and waking up the next morning to find out that that phone call was nothing but a nightmare. But I couldn't do that, because the moment I closed my eyes, my mind filled with questions and what ifs, keeping me up at night and not allowing me to sleep a wink. So, getting up and spending the night eating pie and drinking tea seemed like the next best thing. Only it didn't help with the demons inside my head.

Why was he calling?

How did he get my number?

If he knew my phone number, how much more did he know about me?

I finished my slice and cut another piece, this time putting it onto a plate and taking it with me to the couch, holding the hot mug with the other hand.

I turned on the television and immediately pressed on the sound button, lowering it so it wouldn't wake up Lexi. Most channels had on reruns of old shows, and I settled for Murder, She Wrote while I took another bite of the dessert to my mouth.

I tried my best to focus on the way Jessica Fletcher was about to solve the mystery no other detectives could, but my mind kept replaying last night on loop.

One thing was for sure, I needed to apologise to Sébastien for kicking him out of the house when he'd been nice enough to babysit and entertrain Lexi, bake a pie and not take it with him.

But, I also needed to ask him secrecy about that phone call as well, or else, everything I had worked so hard for would be going down the drain in a heartbeat.

And I did not want that.

* * *

"Mommy, you look tired." Lexi said while she ate her cereal, the next morning.

Out of her eyesight, I rolled my eyes and whispered Obviously, but then turned around and joined her at the table.

"Mummy went out with Olivia last night, remember?"

"Did you have fun?"

"Yeah, I did, my love." I played with her blonde hair, watching her while she used the spoon to capture every honey loop and eat it. "Hey, so I was thinking that we could call uncle Luc and ask him if they're feeling better?"

She nodded in agreement before finishing her breakfast and jumping out of the chair.

"But brush your teeth first!" I shouted out, hoping she'd hear me.

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