19. stay for tea

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"I am sorry I have to cut this visit short." I said, my tone apologetical, but carried with a lightness I didn't have before I had officially agreed to join L'Amour. "I have to pick up Lexi from school, they're expecting me."

"Oh, that's no problem." Sébastien got up from his seat even before I had the chance to, leaving behind a nearly empty wine glass, and made a beeline towards the front door, where his bags were left off. "I'm glad we got a deal and I can't wait to start working with you."

Sébastien picked up the duty-free airport bag while talking to me. "I've brought the little one a souvenir from Paris."

"Seb, you didn't have to." I said once I had joined him by the entrance.

"I brought one for you, too."

It shouldn't have come as a surprise to me that Sébastien had actually bought me a Paris gift. Considering everything that's happened between us since we met, and how straight forward he's always been about his feelings, I shouldn't have looked like this was unexpected. But I did, and when I noticed it, I was far too late to try and conceal my agape mouth or my wide open blue eyes.

"You did?"


When a person goes somewhere and comes back with a gift for someone, that usually means that they care about that someone, and that they've thought of them. It's a small gesture but it's subtext speaks volumes, and I recognized it.

"Well, you could come with me." I suggested, and this time, Sébastien was the one who couldn't feign surprise. "I'm sure Lexi would be happy to see you."

"I would love to." He smiled and after quickly grabbing our coats, we walked out the door and made our way to Lexi's school.

Thankfully, the heavy rain that fell outside and hit the windows on my kitchen, and that had served as a backdrop noise for our entire conversation, had paused for a bit. We walked side by side, taking long strides, until the school came into view and I saw my daughter, standing next to the teacher on the playground, already expecting me. She smiled when she saw me, and she ran towards the exit when she noticed Sébastien was coming, as well.

"Seb!" She extended out her arms, with a wide grin on her lips and a twinkle in her eyes. Sébastien crouched, lowering himself to her level, allowing her to wrap her arms around his neck in a tight hug that he reciprocated.

Lexi's teacher took a couple of steps forward in my direction and her presence was enough to catch my attention. I turned my head to face the woman who was in her mid-fifties, with some grey hair to prove it, and who carried a knowing look on her face and smirk on her lips. She used her index finger to call me and drag me away from Seb and Lexi, and I met her by the large flower vase, somewhere where we'd be out of earshot.

"Should I be expecting to see this young man more often? To, say, pick up Lexi?"

I knew all too well what her intentions were with that question, and they had nothing to do with who she would expect to see outside school, everyday at four.

"Not at all." I simply responded. "Sébastien's a friend and he's just visiting."

"That's too bad. I really think Lexi could use a father figure in her life. It would be positive for her upbringing and her development to have a male role model, so to speak."

There has been so much going on in my life right now, and the last thing I needed was a conservative, tight up bitch to question my own child's raising. I could feel my blood boil as it ran through my veins while I tried my best to keep my composure.

"I'm sorry, but as her teacher, do you think that my daughter's missing something?" I paused, knitting my eyebrows while giving myself some time to wrap my head around the fact that my daughter's primary school teacher had the nerve to insinuate that I should get a man.

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