Chapter Four: Change

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Kion scowled. So if being an athlete and a cool kid hadn't worked out for him, what if he tried the exact opposition? Now, who were the most hated type of kids in the school? Gays, but he was already gay. What about....those weird kids who liked depressing music and dressed in black? What if he tried to be one of those? But would it work was the question? 

He shrugged. If he didn't, his life couldn't be any more shitty than it already is. He reaches into his closet and pulls out a black hoodie. Hm, could work. He yanks it on over his grey shirt and pulls the hood up. He's already wearing black pants and the effect works well. He looks like a completely new person. He frowns. But wait, something was missing. 

He ran his hand down his cheek. What would go well with the scar Simba had given him? It was dark red by now, so purple? But he didn't have any purple clothing or other accessories. He snapped his fingers, what if he dyed his hair? He's always wanted to, and it would just be another big f-you to everybody who abandoned him. He chuckled, and went to his parents' room.  

Nala always had some type of hair dye. Usually blonde or brown so her grey hair didn't show, but Kion thought she had some purple from the one time she needed the gay votes to keep her husband in his office. Kion rummaged through her shelves of dye and other hair products. Jesus Christ, who the hell needed this many things for your hair? He finally found a small kit of  purple hair dye. He shrugged. Now the hell could he do this? He nodded, of course! He walked over to his phone (which he had set on his bed before embarking on his dangerous journey to his parents' room) and turned it on. He quickly went to Dafari and typed in 'how do you dye your hair' and got some results. He clicked on the WikiHow article and smiled. Now this would be the fun part. He leaned forward and started to read.  

About an hour later, he was done. He turned around in the bathroom and looked in the mirror. His hair was still the same red color it was before, but now it had a long purple streak running through it. He smiled. Now it was time to make some friends the next day. 

A loud knock on the door sounded from below. Kion's grin disappeared. Shit! If his parents caught him with all this stuff, there'd be hell to pay! He grabbed all the stuff and quickly ran to their room, and shoved it all back into its respective and necessary places. He quickly jogged out of their room and back into his room, before shutting the door behind him. 

The door shut downstairs, and Simba's voice echoed through the house. "Hey, kid! We're home!"  His voice was loud and booming, happy and boisterous. Something good had happened at work today, Kion could feel it in the tones and sounds of his voice. Nala laughed at something Simba muttered that Kion couldn't hear but assumed it was about him and his uselessness. Nala seemed happy too. They both must've had something amazing happen at the campaign office today to make them this joyful. Good. This meant that they were more likely to accept his new hair. It would've been even better if one or both of them were drunk on something like they usually were, but oh well, you couldn't have everything go your way in life for once. 

He grinned and slowly opened the door. He walked out, still wearing all of his black and grey clothing and his purple hair streak. He slowly thumped down the stairs. They had a gate at the bottom from when Kion was a little kid and wasn't allowed upstairs and neither Simba nor Nala had ever gotten around to removing or replacing it because they were always so busy at Simba's mayoral campaign office all the time. 

Simba turned. "Ah there you are, Kion. I was...wondering..." His voice trailed off as he saw what Kion was wearing. His voice changed. "Kion, why the hell do you look like some freaky damn cultist?" Kion gulped. Uh, oh. Maybe not happy enough. He tried to play it cool. 

"Well, uh, y'know, I wanted to, uh, change things up a bit, y'know! Yeah." His voice was a bit high and the words sounded fake even to him. Nala finally turned around from where she was getting some alcoholic beverages down from their liquor cabinet near the ceiling of the kitchen. She gasped when she saw Kion. 

"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO YOUR HAIR?!" She yelled. Both Kion and Simba cringed at the volume, and Kion gulped again.  

"Uh, it's a new, uh, look, uh, trend, thing." He said lamely. Nala scoffed. "If it was a new trend, I would've either started it or known about it in two seconds flat after it was started. Now, I want you to tell me exactly what you were thinking when you decided to dye your hair purple of all things?" 

Kion shrugged. "Uh, I don't know." Simba snarled. "Don't you 'I don't know' your mother, now answer her question and tell us what the fuck were you thinking!" 

Kion growled. "Fine, I just got fucking dumped by Rani and her friends all left me. So I decided to find a new crowd and decided to take the steps to get there. Happy now!?" 

Simba and Nala stared at him. "Rani broke up with you?" Nala asked slowly. Kion nodded, tearing a bit up in his eyes. 

Nala gasped. "Now we can't get their vote for the campaign! And all her friends went to! Oh, Jesus Christ Kion what did you do!" 

Kion stared at her open mouthed. "W-wha?" His mouth couldn't form the words to work and ask the question. He shook his head. "Fuck this." And he ran off towards his bedroom, leaving his father comforting his mother and telling her it's all okay. 

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