Chapter Twelve: Planning for the Battle

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Kion pulled aside Vitani and Nuka, right out of the massive mob of people that were rushing to get to the cafeteria, not caring if they trampled or killed anyone on their way. The two grinned at him, then their smiles faded after they remembered what their little brother had told them. That he had gotten drunk, had a one night stand, gotten drunk again and kept disappearing on Kion, before aKion finally tried to confront him about it and Kovu ran from him. Kion then had another one of his mind rapes, as they dubbed it, from the voices in his head again. And Vitani and Nuka were concerned for Kion. And they also knew that Kovu was as well, but his pride allowed him not to say anything about or to Kion. 

"What's up, Kion?" Nuka asked, looking in concern at the younger lion's hazel eyes, his left being partially covered by his long red hair. Kion brushed back his hair out of his eye, and Vitani and Nuka could see the pain and fear in the young teen lion's hazel brown eyes. 

"If it's alright with you guys, I, uh, want to keep doing our little band thing, even if, uh, Kovu, doesn't want to work with us anymore," Kion said, flipping his hair back to keep it from falling in front of his face again.

Vitani looked at Nuka and watched as he nodded before she shrugged and nodded as well. "Sure, Kion. We'll do the band with you, first we need a definite name though. The one we gave to the school was temporary right, The Lions of the Outlands?" Kion nodded. "We'll, then, what's our new name?" 

Kion muttered something after a couple of seconds. Vitani and Nuka didn't hear him. "What was that, bud?" Nuka said, leaning down a bit. "You gotta speak up, yo," Vitani said. 

"I said, we make our band's name the Anarchists for Hire," Kion said louder.  Nuka looked down at him and whooped. "That is the best name for a band I've ever heard!" He shouted, pumping his fists in the air. Vitani was a bit more composed, but Kion could tell that she especially liked the name as well. "Love it, Kion," she said, making a finger-gun at him. "Let's get this band started!" She placed her hand in front of her. Nuka smirked and dropped his paw on top of hers as well. Kion grinned at both of them. "Thanks, guys," he chuckled. And dropped his yellow golden paw on top of Nuka's. "Anarchists for Hire, let's go kick some asses." 

They all threw their hands up in the air and continued on down the hall to the cafeteria. They pushed threw the doors with an air that commanded obedience about them. Everyone watched as they headed to their usual table in the far corner of the back and slid into the respective spots with their metal trays full of tasteless shit not falling or missing anything at all. 

"Alright," said Nuka. "We need ten songs in total. Three for the first round, three for the second, and four for the final round. What should those songs be? Any suggestions?" Kion pulled out a piece of paper and a pencil. 

He wrote down SONGS TO KICK ASS AT THE BATTLE OF BANDS. He wrote down #1: Only Happy When It Rains by Sam Tinnesz and Holy Wars. Then #2...he tapped the pencil against his chin as he thought and thought. Then he thought of what to put down. #2: STFU by blackbear. "Hey," said Nuka, pointing to the second song on the sheet of paper. "I'm friends with blackbear. Maybe I could get him to sing the song with us. It would certainly make us cooler and make Rani's crew seem less cool 'cause they got." Kion nodded. "Thanks, Nuka. You can do that."

 Vitani grabbed the paper and wrote down #3: IDGAF by BoyWithUke and blackbear. Kion could sing BoyWithUke's parts of the song, and Nuka could get blackbear to sing his part of the song as well." Kion nodded. "Thank you, as well, Vitani." Vitani grinned and nodded, brushing back her back over her right eye. Kion and Nuka and Vitani  sat there for a couple seconds, thinking about what songs they should plan for the second round. Then Kion had a idea. He grabbed the paper from Vitani and quickly scribbled down #4: Underdog by The Script. He nodded, pleased. "There's a small rap portion that we could get Bunga to do, which would gain us even more wild popularity 'cause of his rapper status and make the other bands look like fools."  Vitani and Nuka chuckled. 

Nuka held out his paw for the paper and Kion passed it and the yellow pencil to him. He placed it flat on the table and quickly wrote down another song idea for the second round. #5: Legends Never Die by League of Legends and Against the Current.  Kion turned the paper right side up for himself and smiled. "I know that song," he said. "It's a pretty good one. And Vitani could sing this one 'cause it's a female vocalist that sings, with a slight male backup which I could do." Vitani had another idea. She took the piece of paper from Kion and wrote down #6: Born for This by Manafest. "This one also has a rapping part, and we could get Bunga to rap it cause I know how much he owes attention while he's rapping. And him and Kion could do this song together." Vitani grinned. 

"Now I have a couple of songs for the finale round," Kion said. "They're almost all by the same guy and we could do them all really well and easily." The other two nodded. Kion quickly wrote down a blur of things on the paper. #7, #8, #9, and #10, all went flying past in a blur of a quickly scratching yellow standard pencil. He pushed the paper towards them and grinned. "How 'bout these?" The two of them quickly looked the songs over. 

#7: Sometimes People Suck by Sam Tinnesz. They nodded their approval and moved on to the next song on the list. 

#8: Burn It All Down by League of Legends and PVRIS. "I could sing this one, Kion," Vitani volunteered herself. "I'm the only girl in the band and you need a female vocalist for this song." Kion nodded his approval and grinned at her. 

#9: Even If It Hurts by Sam Tinnesz. "Damn, Kion, this one is write up your alley," Nuka said. "The song talks about your loyalty to your friends." Kion grinned at him. "Thanks, Nuka," he said softly. "That means a lot to me." They moved on to the final, hopefully show stopping song. 

#10: IDFC by blackbear. "Are we gonna get blackbear to sing this one?" Vitani asked Kion, then watched in surprise as he shook his head. "No, uh, I, uh, kinda want to do this one myself." He said sheepishly, blushing slightly. "Are you sure, Kion?" Nuka asked. "I mean, this song is kinda what you and Kovu went through..." He trailed off as Kion shook his head again. "Thanks for asking, Nuka, but I'm okay. I'm gonna be okay with this. I'm good, man. I'm good." Vitani and Nuka looked at each and shrugged. "'Kay," said Vitani. "If you're chill with it." 

"I am," Kion smiled at them. "I really am."  

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