Chapter Seven: The Show

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Kion laughed. Him and the rest of his new friends had driven over to school at 8 PM on their boring Saturday night to go watch their friend Bunga rap at the school talent show. Him and the gang were currently in Nuka's black church van and everyone was laughing as Fuli had a cigarette for the first time and started coughing loudly. He smacked her back until she stopped coughing and Fuli smiled at him weakly.

"Thanks, Kion," she said, panting slightly. Kion grinned back. "No problem," he replied.

Nuka turned the van slowly into the school parking lot and jerked to a stop in a small parking spot underneath the shadows of a small pine tree. He turned off the car and everyone quickly tumbled and piled out.

The group walked over to the school front doors, laughing and hiding a six pack of alcoholic beverages (ie beer and whiskey) underneath Nuka's massive dark brown coat. Anga and Vitani had to wait outside to smoke their cigarettes under the surveillance and scrutiny of the security guards posted at the doors while the rest of them went to go find seats so they could watch Bunga. They clambered into a row of seats near the middle, with Kion on the very end write next to the wall. He pulled out his phone and texted some messages to his parents about how well he was doing just so they didn't worry about him. Not like they ever would, he thought sadly.

Anga and Vitani climbed over Kion into the seats by him, muttering apologies and 'excuse me' as they slid into the two seats nearby, just as the curtains slid apart on the massive new stage the school had constructed.

The show started as the principal walked onstage and announced that their first singer would be their very own Bunga, who would be called Little B. Kion and his row clapped wildly as he stepped up to the microphone and opened his mouth to sing. Kion held up his phone and recorded the entire song.

When Bunga finished to thunderous applause and some whooping and cheering from the students and families in the crowd, Kion and the others talked happily about how awesome it was. 

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