Chapter Five: New Friends

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When Kion showed up at school a couple days later, he could already tell how the dynamic had shifted all around him. Apparently, people that he used to think were his friends turned on him in a heartbeat on the word from Rani, who he never actually saw. Madoa and Jasiri were with Kiara and her gang of popular friends. He saw Baliyo hanging with some basketball kids, including the hippo Beshte. Beshte had always been one of those kids that was nice to Kion, even now he smiled and waved slightly as Kion passed their group. Kion returned the gesture half-heartedly then continued walking and pulling up his hoodie when the mutters and whispers started up again. 

He walked to his locker and opened it. Inside was one of those weird voodoo dolls that people could stab pins into. This one appeared to be a handsown Kion doll, with a bunch of little needles poking out of it. A note pinned to the inside of his locker's door read FUCK OFF FAG. Kion geared up slightly. He had obviously gotten hate notes before, but now that he was no longer a 'cool' kid, he was sure to get even more, and especially from his friends. 

He sighed and shut the locker door. The bell rang and most of the animals in the hallways headed for their respective classrooms. Only a few remained inside the halls, and most were almost to their classes. The two minute bell rang. Kion started walking towards his history class, barely making it inside before the final bell rang. 

The teacher barely glanced at him before starting the lesson. Kion took his seat in the very back, far right corner of the room. In front of him was Vitani, one of those weird kids he had decided to become. Next to him was Kovu, Vitani's younger brother and another one of those weird kids. Him and his former friends had always pitied him before, having to sit in the back with the freaky emo kids. Now, these weird emo kids might be his only friends. 

He tapped Kovu on the shoulder, and the tall lion slowly turned to look at Kion. Kion gasped softly. He had never noticed how beautiful the lion was before, always focusing on his dark hoodies and ear piercings instead of his face. And it was so beautiful, that face. Lustrous black hair framed his beautiful brown furred face with his bright green eyes looking at Kion with annoyance, confusion, and, was that....pity? 

"Hi," Kion said, stuttering a bit while knowing he was just overtly staring at Kovu. "I'm, uh, Kion." He held out his hand to have Kovu shake it. Kovu just looked at her for a few seconds, then back up at Kion. Kion slowly retracted his outstretched hand, embarrassed. 

"I know who you are," Kovu said. "And why the hell are you talking to me?"

"Uh, well," Kion said, scratching his red mane and the now dark purple streak running through it. "I, uh, don't know if you, uh, know, but I got, um, abandoned by the um, popular kids, and wanted to, uh, know if I could hang with y'all now?" 

Kovu stared at him for a couple seconds before shrugging and grinning. "Okay, I mean, never had someone of your former stature in our little group, right, Vitani?" Kion turned and saw Vitani nodding. 

"Yeah," she said, smacking her gum loudly. "Never got one of you cool kids down here to our place." She looks at Kion intensely before breaking into a grin. "Welcome aboard." 

Kion smiled at the two of them as Vitani held out her fist. "It's a power bump," she said, noting Kion's confusion. "It symbols an unbreakable promise and is kinda our little group thing." 

"Huh," Kion said with a bit of surprise. "Where's you get the idea from?" 

Vitani smirked. "One of the gang, a hedgehog called Sonic, came up with it. But, uh, don't do it with Knuckles. He'll break your hand. That's kinda why we started it in the first place, because Knuckles accidentally broke Sonic's hand when they shook hands when Knuckles and Tails first joined." 

Kion was shocked. "How big is this group?" He asked. He didn't think these weird kids had many friends, but from what he heard they had a lot. 

"Well, the main members of me, Vitani, our brother Nuka, Sonic, Knuckles, Tails, and we have some others come and hang out sometimes." Kovu said, chiming back into their conversation. 

"What other members?" Kion asked, turning back to Kovu's hot face and body. 

"Well," said Kovu, continuing them off on his fingers. "Fuli comes around sometimes, Anga is usually there and she brings her boyfriend Ono, Bunga comes a fair amount and sometimes brings Binga, Janja comes and wants to bring his girlfriend Jasiri, I know you two have history, but she never comes. Oh, and Beshte usually hangs with us as well, I almost forget about him. And, yeah, that's it." 

Kion stared at the two weird siblings in shock and astonishment. "He didn't know that the weird kids' friend circle stretched as far as the upper kids like Beshte, Fuli, and Jasiri. Janja and Anga were givens, due to Janja's past gang and criminal life and Anga's just natural gothic style. He could see Bunga coming and Binga, both pranksters and Bunga was a rapper who loved gangsta rap though he didn't practice it himself. Ono was another shocking one. Kion didn't expect the nerdy debate team captain and all around science geek to come hang with his girlfriend's freaky and strange friends, but apparently he did. Huh. 

Kion smiled at the two friends and siblings as they grinned and smirked at his astonished response as his feeble mind tried to comprehend and calculate why and how their reach for their friendships and friend circle was so big and massive. He chuckled and grinned wider. 

"I think I like these new friends," he said. "Can I sit with you guys during the lunch period?" 

Kovu nodded and blushed. "Sure, Kion. I would love to have you there, I mean we. I mean, yes, I would love to have you there, but we as a whole - you know what, I'm just gonna stop talking."

Vitani laughed as both Kion and Kovu blushed. Then the three all returned back to the lesson, Kion the happiest as he had some new friends and a new gang and crew to run with. 

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