Chapter Eight: Band

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Kion covered his mouth as he yawned while sitting down at lunch a couple days later. Koch grinned. "Did you have a long night last night?" He brought his spoon up to his mouth and Kion caught himself staring at his friend's lips and pinkish tongue. He blushed heavily and mentally smacked himself before nodding. "Yeah, my parents got back and were so glad that I had been hanging out with y'all guys and that we had some drinks and smokes." Kovu smiled at him, and Kion sighed happily but only inwardly. "I'm guessing they didn't take that very well, eh?" he asked, chuckling slightly. Kion laughed and shook his head. 

"Didn't take what well?" asked a female voice from behind Kion, sitting down next to him. He looked over and grinned at Vitani as some of her hair fell over her one of her eyes. "Hey, Vitani," he said, greeting her. "Me and Kovu here were talking about how my parents didn't like us hanging out together and having a bit of a smoke and drink." 

Vitani sighed. "Same here, bro. My mom always hated it when we smoked or took a shot of some weed she kept around in case her and Scar wanted to get high that night. She beat the living shit outta Nuka when she caught him snorting some crack in the backyard shed with a couple of the Jackals from Reirei's gang. I mean, goddamn, that lioness is strong for someone her age of like sixty, give or take a coupla years." She leaned in. "You know how he's got that freaky laugh of his?" Kion nodded. "He went to a doctor once and he gave him some tests. He's insane." Kovu and Kion laughed. 

"No shit, Sherlock," chuckled Kovu. "He's a fucking pyro!" Vitani shook her head. "Naw, yo. He's, like, clinically insane. They ran some tests and he got a diagnosis. He's weird laughter is cause of something called the Pseudobulbar Affect, which basically means, in medical lingo, he had the living shit beaten outta him, so now his only reaction is to laugh or cry." 

Kion whistled. "Hot damn. Never knew Nuka was so fucking crazy." Vitani nodded. "And Zira don't care. He's her failed child, she likes me and Kovu here way more than him." 

The table went silent for a couple of seconds, before Kion spoke up again. "Yo, guys, I was thinking. Y'know how Bunga did really good at the talent show as a rapper? What if we decided to become a band, just us three and Nuka, y'know? And the school's band tournament is coming up soon, why not enroll in it?" 

Kovu and Vitani looked at each other and smirked. "Kion, the Band Tournament would make us really popular if we won. And you could easily stick it to those fucking asswipes that betrayed you, the fucktards." 

Kion laughed. "See! Y'all guys get me!" 

Kovu grinned and stuck out his dark brown paw. "You guys ready for this?" 

Vitani looked at him and smirked. "Sure thing, little bro." She placed her paw on top of his, her tan contrasting yet complementing with his dark brown. 

Kion smiled at both of them. "I love you guys so much." He slowly set down his yellow paw on top of Vitani's and looked across the table at Kovu's green eyes. "Let's kick some cool kids asses."

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