Chapter Nine: Practice

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Kovu yawned and slowly stretched his long arms. Kion licked his lips as he caught a bit of his friend's muscular chest underneath his tight white shirt as it drifted up slightly from the tension. Kovu smacked his gum loudly and slowly climbed off his brother's drum kit. Kion set down his guitar gently on the floor. Behind him, Nuka set down the second guitar, leaning it against his drum kit he had happily lended to his little brother when he learned they were forming a band to fuck with Kion's ex-friends and ex-girlfriend. Vitani stepped away from the microphone and turned to look at Kion and Kovu. 

"I'm tired, Kion," Kovu said, rubbing his eyes. "Can we go now?" Kion shook his head. 

"One more run through of our last song, okay?" he said. "Then we can all get some sleep. I mean, it is 2 in the morning and we do have school tomorrow, so I say one last song then we all go home. Cool?" 

Kovu yawned again and groggily nodded. Nuka shrugged. "Fine by me," Vitani said, popping her neck. Kion grinned at them. "Everyone ready? Let's about idfc?" The three nodded, Vitani and Nuka giving each other small smirks. They knew that Kion chose that song for their newly made band 'cause of his feelings for their little brother. And they liked that. Kovu might finally get a boyfriend. 

Kion nodded at Nuka as he started the beat for the song, and the other two came in in a couple of seconds behind him. Kion stepped up to the microphone and waited the amount of seconds to reach the correct and perfect moment before he broke into song. 

When he stopped singing he sighed and looked back at his friends. "Y'all can go home now, if you guys want to." The three of them nodded, then paused and looked at each other. Vitani and. Nuka nodded slightly. "Actually," Kovu said, stepping up to Kion and tentatively draping his arm around Kion's shoulder. "I think I want to stay." He looked back at his older brother and older sister. "I think these two want to stay as well, right, guys?" Nuka shrugged and nodded, and Vitani smiled. "Sure, we'll stay here with you, Kion. Wouldn't want to leave Kovu on his own here. He might get a bad idea and want to do some things with you that maybe your parents wouldn't approve of." She laughed loudly as both Kion and Kovu blushed and Kovu snarled a playful warning at her and swiped a big brown paw at her pretty black nose. Nuka chortled loudly, as well, before breaking into a even louder and deeper guffaw.

Kovu looked at Kion. "Sorry about them, Kion," he said. Just the mention of his name on Kovu's lips sent shivers coming up and down Kion's spinal cord. "They like to make fun of me. I d-don't like you like...that," he finished, blushing and dropping his head. Kion's heart died a bit.

 "Oh," he said quietly. Kovu didn't seem to notice and looked at his watch. His eyes grew wider. "Shit! It's later than we thought! Nuka, Vitani, y'all guys, we gotta go!" The two turned and looked at him. "What's wrong, Kovu?" asked Vitani, confused. "Mom's birthday present, it's coming at this time! Right now! And you know Mom's paranoid enough to go check right away what's in the box they're giving whoever's at the door!" 

Nuka's eyes grow wide. "Fuck," he swore. He grabbed his coat and pulled it on as he ran out the back garage door, with Vitani putting on her cloak and Kovu doing the same as his siblings. Kion watched them run down to Nuka's truck and pile in, before driving away. He watched it turn out of his street and quietly slip off into the dark night. Then he turned and shut the door quietly. As he shut it, he heard a low voice in the back of his head whisper something. 

Hello, Kion. Long time no see. The voice whispered softly yet commandingly. Kion dropped to his knees in horror, holding his head. He dropped his head to the cold concrete floor and held it there, letting his long red and purple hair into his warm lap of cutoff cargo pants. "No," he whispered. "You're gone. I took the meds Nuka gave me!" The voice darkly chuckled. 

You little foolish lion. You thought those pitiful little pills could stop me? If they couldn't stop your uncle's voices - who was a much stronger lion than you, though that's not saying much as you are extremely weak and useless, Kion - how would they be able to stop yours? He starts to laugh, the soft whisper turning into a loud booming voice in his head, and Kion gripped his forehead, clawing and tearing, trying to make the loud pain go away. All the while, the voice kept laughing, that horrible screeching laughter, the kind of laughter that comes from the freaks and serial killers in movies. 

His parents found him like that, two hours later, whimpering and sobbing on the floor, the stone around him coated and covered with his tears and blood from his scratched and cut forehead and arms, in his futile attempt to stop the horrible voice's laughter during the painful episodes of his fits. 

"Shit, the little fucktard's meds ain't workin," he growled. "If the press or my opponents find out that we gotta batshit crazy kid, they'll never elect me for mayor. And now that Kion's little girlfriend broke up with him - wish she had only seen sense later, after I won - we lost her parents' votes, and her friends' parents' votes as well. Damn you, Kion." He looks down at him, before sighing and picking him up. 

"Still, we gotta go put him in bed before someone sees him and thinks we beat him. I mean, we do, but they don't know that, now do they?" Nala shook her head, and looked down at Kion in disappointment. "I'll put him to bed, you shut that door so no one sees into our home." Soma nodded, and shut the door. But he still had a bad feeling about this entire incident. 

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