Chapter Eleven: Argument

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Kion listened as the key slowly turned in the lock. When it made a small click, he sat up and stared at the door. He watched as the brass knob slowly and carefully turned until the door opened. The mahogany  door was pushed quietly open, but a small cream made the lion on the other side wince. The door full opened, then, and the lion was silhouetted against the doorway by the illumination from the hallway's lights. 

"Hello, Kovu," Kion said coldly. "Where have you been?" 

"No...where," Kovu hiccuped. His dark green eyes were glossy and appeared to be glazed over, and kept drifting around the room, looking anywhere but directly at Kion. Kion sighed inwardly. He was drunk again. 

"I told you Kovu, I need to know where you've been, okay?" Kion asked calmly. Kovu's face reddened. 

"I..hic..told you I wasn't no where," he growled, trying to casually lean on the doorframe but missing it by twenty feet and tripping, barely catching himself before he fell to the ground hard. And he was speaking in double negatives again. That meant he was for sure drunk. 

"Look, Kovu, it's been about a week or so from when we started dating and if we're gonna keep dating, we can't have secrets from one another. Is that clear? Do you understand what I'm saying?" Kion said carefully, hoping not to anger or irritate Kovu. 

"I don't need to tell you everything!" Kovu snarled, his voice growing louder as his face got redder and more flushed from the effects of the alcohol - most likely his preferred type, hard cider -  and his growing anger as well. 

"Please, Kovu, just tell me where you went!" Kion begged him. He was really hoping Kovu wouldn't say anything stupid or rash that he would regret later, along with the massive hangover he was going to have the next morning of tomorrow. 

Kovu snarled. "Fine." He breathed in deep and slowly exhaled. "About a day or two after we were dating, I went out with some of Nuka's friends and we got drunk. I got separated from them and met this really nice lion. And we..uh...had a one night stand." He covered his face with his hands.  "And, I've, uh, been getting drunk to try to, uh, keep it from you. So you wouldn't suspect." He peeked out at Kion. "You must think I'm a horrible person," he whispered. Kion slowly started "Bye, Kion," he said, turning and stumbling out of the door, gripping his head as a massive headache quickly and painfully set in.  

"Wait, Kovu," Kion's voice drifted off into nothingness as Kovu started down the stairs, heading away from him, gettkng farther away by the second. He sighed, and dropped his head as he sank down onto the white mattress of their bed, now just his bed. He groaned and fell backwards, crying softly to himself. 

So...another friend left you, came the soft scratchy voice dripping with evil. Of course they do. They always have, Kion, my boy. Why would they stop now?  

Kion whimpered. "Kovu's different," he muttered. "Vitani and Nuka are, too." 

Oh, Kion. You naive, trusting little CHILD. The voice snarled at him. You should know by now. Nobody loves you! Nobody wants to be with you! Nobody even wants to be near you! The voice was screaming now. Screaming loudly, so much the Kion yelled in pain as his head hurt so much. But I do. I am Nobody, Kion. I love you. I want to be with you. I even want to be near you! All you have to do is listen to me and everything I say

Kion whimpered and slowly shook his head. YOU WILL LISTEN TO ME, the voice screamed at him, and Kion screamed back in response, from the pain and fear he was causing him. Kion ran into the white kitchen and he grabbed a really big and sharp knife from the knife block and held it to his arm and started cutting. 

After about three cuts, he cried out and fell to the floor, holding his head and screaming. He started to black out, and the world began to darken at the edges as his vision went black. Moments before he went unconscious, he heard the sound of feet pounding up the stairs and loud knocking on his door and yelling and shouting voices of other concerned people. 

His last thought about was whether Kovu was out there, pushing through the people outside to try and help him. 

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