Chapter Ten: Boyfriend

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Kovu sits down across from Kion at their lunch table in the cafeteria the next day. He looks at Kion and notices he seems more tired and angry than he usually is. He reaches out and places a hand on Kion's. Kion looks up from his tasteless grey blobs of food on his light blue tray into Kovu's eyes. Kovu sighed inwardly. He could stare at Kion all day long. 

"Hey," he said softly and lovingly. "You alright?" 

Kion started to nod, then sighed and looked down before answering. 

"No. I had a...relapse...last night." He said quietly. Kovu was the only one of his friends or anyone outside of his family and therapist, really, that knew he was schizophrenic and had suicidal thoughts. 

Kovu's eyes widened. "You didn't...cut yourself? Did you?" Kion looked down, and Kovu's heart jumped into his throat in fear. "Kion? You didn't, did you?" Kion slowly shook his head, but reached up and pulled back his long red hair. Kovu gasped softly. A maze of mismatching scars and cuts adorned Kion's forehead. The blood looked only recently dried. 

"Kion," Kovu said, reaching out with his paw and touching him. "Are you sure you're okay?" 

Kion looked up at him and his warm brown paw on his head. "Yeah," he smiled. "I think I am." He took a deep breath. "Kovu, can I tell you something?" Kovu nodded. "Alone?" Kovu hesitated, then nodded again. They got up from the lunch seats on the cold hard metal benches and threw away their lunch and their trays as they exited the cafeteria. Vitani and Nuka saw the two leave the lunch room, and looked at each other happily, before high-giving and letting out a small victory whoop that their little brother was finally getting a boyfriend. 

Kion looked around the empty hallway, before pulling Kovu into a secluded shadowy section of the hallway, next to a alcove with the water fountain and some of the dark blue metal lockers. Kion slowly breathed in, then breathed back out. Kovu waited patiently for what he had to say. 

"I've had a crush on you for a while now and I want to be more than just friends," Kion said in a quick rush of breath. Kovu looked at him in confusion and disbelief. 

"You..have a crush on me?" Kovu said, not believing the words Kion had just uttered. Kion nodded, covering his head with his paws. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that," he muttered. 

Kovu smiled at him and grabbed his paws. "No, Kion. I should have told you sooner. I've...felt the same way for a while too, actually." Kion lifted his head. "You have?" He asked, smiling weakly. "You bet," Kovu said, grinning at Kion. Kion grabbed Kovu's face and kissed him. This was his first time kissing a boy or anyone for that matter and it felt really good. Kovu stood there in shock for a couple of seconds before slowly placing his arms around Kion's waist and pulling him in closer to his body. After a couple more seconds of happy yet clumsy first-time kissing, they broke apart. Both wore large happy smiles on their faces and feverish looking green and hazel eyes. 

"So...." started Kovu. "Are we together now? Y'know...uh...boyfriend and boyfriend?" Kion shrugged. "If that's what you want, I'll do anything for you, Kovu." 

"Same goes for me, Kion," Kovu said, looking happily down at his friend in a new light. 

"Aw, look, the little fags got a crook boyfriend," came a mocking voice from right outside their little hiding place. Kion and Kovu slowly turned. Janja and his gang of hyenas stood there, covered in tattoos and wearing faux leather jackets with fake gold cross necklaces, bracelets, and chains. 

Kovu growled. "What the fuck did you just call my boyfriend?" Janja chuckled and sized up Kovu, then looked back at his gang before stepping forward. 

"I called him a faggot, you bitch boy. Got a problem with that?" He said a low and menacing tone of voice. The other hyenas started to fan out, making threatening gestures with their hands. 

"Yeah." said Kovu, trying and failing to calm down. "I think I do." 

With a loud roar, he charged Janja, grabbed him by the shirt and threw him against the wall. The other hyenas gasped and backed up a bit, not knowing what to do in this particular situation, before Cheezi and Chungu decided to try and rush Kovu. Kovu whipped around and grabbed Cheezi's head and smashed it into the lockers with a loud thud and a clang. Chungu tried to jump on Kovu. Key word being tried. Kovu easily batted him out of the air and Chungu was sent flying into the cold concrete floor of the hallway. Tano and Nne looked at each other than growled and ran at Kion. Kion ducked Tano's swiping fisted paw and hit him in the balls with a groin kick. Nne dropped below Kion's right hook and he had his legs taken out from under him by a mean swipe of Kion's left leg. 

Kovu grabbed Janja and lifted him up by the neck before ramming him into the white plaster wall. He shoved his face as close to Janja's scared and bloodied one as he could without getting repulsed. He spat onto Janja's clothes than stared into his terrified eyes. 

"You will never mess with me or my boyfriend or any of my friends again. Do you fucking understand?" Kovu snarled. Janja whimpered and nodded quickly, choking as his arms scrambled to get rid of Kovu's vice grip on his neck. 

"Great. Glad we understand each other," Kovu growled, and dropped him. Janja clutched at his throat gasping, panting, and wheezing for breath. He groaned and rolled over onto his side.

Vitani and Nuka turned the corner and stopped in their tracks as the witnessed the massive amount of brutal carnage all over the hallway's floor and wall. 

"What happened?" Vitani asked, stepping over Tano's downed body. "They insulted Kion, so I took care of them." Kovu replied, kicking Janja in the ribs and making him groan louder. 

"So...are you and Kion...y'know..together?" Nuka asked carefully as he hopped calmly over Cheezi's broken body.

Kovu looked down at Kion and smiled. He nodded and Kion nodded. "Yeah, this is my boyfriend. And ain't no one hurting him. Ever."  

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