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A loud yell out of nowhere was how Annabeth woke up at serial-killer o'clock in the middle of the woods. She immediately leapt up, drawing her dagger to face the threat and rushing out the door. Although she was one of the first to respond, soon everybody was half-awake and battle ready.

Annabeth only dropped her dagger when her eyes adjusted enough to show her that the source of the noise was Sophie, standing there covered in owls. Literally covered. They really liked her, apparently, as they only acknowledged Annabeth kindly instead of messing with her playfully (as some owls chose to do).

A deep sigh went around the group, and Annabeth was sure that both Keefe and Tam would be checking their girlfriend over for injuries by now if not for the many carnivorous birds glaring at them from their perch.

"Sorry, it just surprised me when the birds decided to land on me. Um... surprise, we have the animals for our plan now?"

Sadie and Leo both snorted, and Nat teased "We can see that, Soph."

Sophie blushed and glared, then began to walk off into the woods. "I'm going to go release the birds, if anyone else wants to come."

The next hour was Sophie attempting to convince all of the birds to leave her be, and as the last straggler was finally brushed off with a promise that Sophie would visit from time to time, the full hilarity was revealed. Feathers. All over Sophie. Everywhere.

The largest clump was in her hair, quivering in place- Feathers don't quiver. Not on their own, at least.

"Sophie, you have a thing on your head." Leo said, brushing a hand over his hair in pantomime.

"Owliver, I know you can fly buddy. C'mon, I promised to visit and you know I keep my promises!"

The young owl- almost a baby really- hooted and snuggled deeper into Sophie's hair, picking at it gently with affection.

"I guess Sophie has a new bestie, then. C'mon, I wanna go back to sleeeep" Sadie groaned, already shuffling back in the general direction of her bed.


Will woke up again with the sun in his eyes- a better greeting than the one he had earlier that morning. 

He had genuinely thought that he was going to have to patch up some horrific energy, or fight off some sort of deity- it was almost a relief for the only issue to be the rather absurd amount of owls that had claimed Sophie as their perch.

Everybody seemed to be just chilling in the campsite when Will stumbled into the light already changed for the day. Whether it was friendship bracelets and lanyards, fidgeting with craft supplies, or quietly talking in groups, it seemed that the consensus was to let everyone wake up naturally after the break in sleep earlier.

Sophie herself seemed to have woken up just enough to walk outside, but then fell asleep again in Tam's lap. Tam didn't look like he minded at all, chatting softly with Alex.

As Will got closer, he could hear that they were comparing awful parents. Tam and Alex seemed to be bonding over the fact that both their mothers and fathers were terrible. His opinions as a healer were extremely conflicted about this, but he decided that whatever time it currently was could be considered too early to sign people up for therapy sessions in the Apollo cabin.

His mind made up and a note made for later, Will headed over to talk to Magnus about whether there was an official Valhallan therapy method other than murder.

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