Chapter 15

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Zamm's P.O.V.

It got me a minute focus on where I was. For a second I thought I was done, that it was all over. But then I saw Hope in front of me, and I recognized the scenery. It was her office. I tried to move and look around. An incredible pain came suffocating me. I looked down at myself. I was in my same clothes but they were all full of blood. And my hands, they were tied on my back. I hadn't realized that until I didn't see them. I could feel them at all. I couldn't feel my legs. I could just feel the pain, making hard for me to breathe. Bringing tears to my eyes. I looked next to me. Eventhough keeping my eyes open was a huge effort. Next to me, Tamara was tied up to another chair, still unconcius. Her hair was now pulled up into a high ponytail, maybe to sew her crane. But her hair was still bloody. I took my eyes off her, to Hope. She was now staring at me, studying my every move. I tried to say something, anything. But nothing came out except pain. She crossed her arms. Her eyes were burning my skin, not litteraly. They were full of judgement against me. I just wnated to get up and hit her pretty face, but just the thought of standing up was painful. I looked her eyes shifting from me to Tamara. She had just moved. She was awake now. Probably made a sound. But I could't hear anything. Or smell anything. Or touch, or taste. It's like the only sense I had aware was my sight, but I couldn't even move. I couldn't feel almost anything. I thought that maybe it was better that I had just stood asleep, and never wake. But then again, Noah was alive and so was Shy, even if she was in a comma. Hopes moves her lips, saying something. I can't hear it. And I'm worried becuase this might be important. This might be a life or death situation. Even though, I would choose death right now. Hope looks at me with a questioning look. But can't do anything, I can't even move my lips. So I just stare, tears filling my eyes. And I let them fall like casquedes on my cheeks. Because I can't do anything else.

I barely feel the tears on my face, but I try to concentrate on them. The pain is excrutiating. I look at Hope as her lips move fast. I can't even lip read. I can't even concetrate. After a few hours- or maybe minutes, it's hard to tell,- Hope closes her mouth and nods. Soon Xephora and another nurse appear in front of us. Xephora comes closer to me and moves her lips. But still can't hear her. She turns on a flashlight and flashes one of my eyes. My first instinct is to close it, but she's probably examitating me. She will help me I know it. After she's done with my eyes, she revieces my left ear. She suddenly freaks out. People move closer to me. I feel an umberable pain and I look down at my hands. I've been released. I feel a slight touch on my shoulder. And someone bends me into my right side, putting my head in a horizontal possition. I feel cold luiquid going into my ear. An image comes into my head. Me drowning. The water filling my ears, my nose, my mouth. My lungs. They tilt me back to vertical possition and the feeling is gone. I hear distant voices, like there where just echos in a cave. They did over and over again to a point where i couldn't even open my eyes from the pain. But i could hear clear now. Xephora was talking instuction as the other nurse told Hope what was wrong with Tamara. But I couldn't consentrate in one thing they were saying, there was chaos in the room. The they stopped doing it, and Xephora calmed down, and the other nurse shut up. And it was quit again, but not silent. I could hear their movements, their breathing. And somehow that calmed me down, the pain went binding down. I inhaled deeply and exhaled. I opened my eyes carefully and slowly. I was still untied which surprised me, but any movement hurt like they were stabbing me over and over again.

"She's okay now, here ears will be okay," Ihear Xephora say. But i couldn't see her. She was out of my sigh. The only one i could see was Hope. But now I could sence the other people in the room, their was at least 6 people that I couldn't see, but I was sure they were here. Who? I don't know- except for Xephora,- but they're here. I know it. "Zamm can you hear me?" Hope asks in a demanding tone. I can hear her. The problem will be awnsering. I try to open my lips and the pain comes rushing. I can do this. I need to do this. I slowly open my mouth every milimeter I move it is something so painfull, I have never felt before. "Y-y-y..." I tremble mumbling. My breath thinckens and I close my eyes. "You can do this." A voice says in my head. But it's not mine, it's Noah's. I focus on rying to get the words out, not on the pain or the pressure I have. I can do this. I inhale. I try one more time without success. I feel tears rolling down my cheeks. I can do this. "Y-y-yes" I finally say it. This makes me smile. I try something harder, still with my eyes closed. I breathe out, "I can..." I cut myself to breath again. "hear you." My voice coming out is shaky and small but at least I can talk and that's a huge step. I open my eyes to see Xephora aside Hope, she's smilling. A tear rolls down my cheek, but this one is not because of the pain. I could talk. This was a sign. Things were going to get better. I knew it. Tamara looked at both of us and nodded.

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