Chapter 18

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Shy's P.O.V.

"I'm hoping you are the famous Shy?" a guy asked walking towards Heather, Noah and I. His bright red hair called my attention, I had seen that hair before but I couldn't actually remember his face. "And let me guess, you're Alex." He smirked, "In the flesh." I gave him a fake smile. "Umm... so what do you need?" I asked. He bit his lip, "Oh yeah, I was going to offer you if you preferred if I took you to see Zamm, tonight?" I'm shocked, I thought they all followed Hope like robots taking her orders, maybe not. Or maybe it's a trap. "Why would you do that?" I asked. He sighed, "Well, it's my fault Zamm's there in the first place. I warned her about Tamara and she ended up almost killing her. I just thought I'd make it up to her." I raised an eyebrow. Was this really true? I looked at Noah, he moved his shoulders up. The he sighed. "Fine, let's go." I said to him, "Let me just talk to Noah and Heather for a bit." He nodded. I came closer to heather and Noah, both of their faces full of uncertainty. "What's up?" Noah asked. "I don't trust him," I said not joking. They both looked at each other. "He's a good guy," Heather said. "Maybe he is, but I need to make sure." I said. "Okay, so what do you need to do that?" she asked. "A gun." I said dropping my tone a full 8. They both seemed surprised. But I looked at them dead in the eyes, "I promise I won't shoot him, unless he attacks me. I just want to be safe." My tone was soft, but my blood was pumping. What if all of this was a trap and he was going to try to kill me or something? I needed to be prepared. Noah was still shocked, but Heather seemed better with it. "Here," she handed me her gun. I grabbed it slowly, and checked the bullets. It was full. "Thanks," I said still a little bit confused. "And here's more ammunition but I hope you won't need one bullet." She handed it to me and backed up a little bit. "I also hope so," I said, "I'll come soon." I hid the gun and ammunition between my pants and blouse. I turned to Alex who was admiring the night sky. "Let's go Alex!" I screamed because he seemed a little lost. He turned startled, "Right let's go."

As soon as I entered the hallway, chills traveled down my spine. This look creepy as fuck. I think before it was where the private office was. It had iron bars dividing the other part of the hall from us. "I don't remember this hallway at all. " I said still a little spooked. "Yeah, probably whoever went there didn't come out alive but you know, now we have it." Alex said laughing it off. I smiled, "Yea you are right." I gulped and shake it off. If something happened, I had the gun, I didn't need to worry. Alex opened the iron bars and let me through. "It's the second door, just wait a second, so that I can open it." He said. I nodded. I swear I remembered him from somewhere. "Excuse me," he whispered as he passed in front of me, opening the door of the cell where my friend was being held at. As he opened it, I couldn't believe what I was seeing, it wasn't even like a prison or a cell. No, it was a fucking closet with no way sufficient oxygen was getting in. And in the floor, with a fucking bloody head, laid Zamm. She had passed out or something, but I could tell she had been crying. And from the bruises in her knuckles she was pretty much trying to get out really badly. I kneeled down where she laid. First thing I did, check her pulse. She was alive. "Oh thank the gods," I muttered. I raised her head from the ground, to examine her injury. It wasn't as bad as I thought but if it continues bleeding, she might die. "Do you have anything to put on her head, something for pressure?" He looked around. "I only have this," he said taking his shirt off. Well, holy mother of god. I got stuck for a minute, he had been working out those abs. "Here," he handed me the shirt. "Thanks," I muttered and grabbed it. I carefully wrapped Zamm's head around it and tied it tight, making sure to apply enough pressure. Now I had to wake her up. Great. "Hey, do you have water?" I asked trying not to sound to inconsiderate. He nodded and passed it to me. I shook Zamm. "Hey Zamm, you have to wake up!" She slowly opened up, and then completely shot them again because of the brightness of the light. "What's going on?" she asked, her voice almost unbearable. "Zamm, you have to drink water," I said, "here." I offered her the water and help her take a sip. "Shy?" she asked confused. "Yeah?" I asked. "I thought you were going to die." She said almost crying. "Well, not yet, I'm not" I said smiling. She stroke her eyes, "Are you here to take me home?" I smile, "you can't go yet, but they did grant me a few visiting hours." She chuckled. "Well, I'm still glad you're here, I was dying inside you know?" she said. "Yeah, I noticed," I laughed.

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