Chapter 2

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Shy's P.O.V.

I open my eyes, but it's all blurry again. I soon adjust my sight and look around. I'm in a church; it seems to be opened by the sides. Everyone is seated in the pews of the church, waiting for something to happen. In front of the church there were standing the father and some guy that looks rather familiar, he looks really similar to the guy that I was seating next to. The principal doors open and everyone stands up, including me. I look to the aisle and smile, there's a women walking in, dressed in white. She looks beautiful but really familiar. Then it all hits me. I frown instantly. I'm in my mother's wedding. How could I be so foolish and couldn't realize it? The horrible things she has done to me. I put my hands on my face. Then I look down to myself; I'm wearing a cream dress that it's a little below my knee so nobody sees the holes, but they can still se the cuts on my legs and my arms. When she gets to the front of the church everybody sits and the father continues with the ceremony. When they're in the part of their votes, my mother starts, "Ethan Dixon you're the love of my life, I love you now and I always will, you're the person I love the must in the world, because you're such a handsome guy, such a gentleman, and such a..." she says something else but I can't hear because the guy beside me says, "douchebag." I smirk at that word. The Ethan's part starts, "Victoria Skylar, you're my whole world, and I love you because you're such a powerful and beautiful woman, such a..."and he continuous but I mumble, "bitch." The guy besides me chuckles. I turn to see him and he does the same. He looks just like Ethan, just younger and hotter. Ethan is 45 years old and by the looks of this guy he's 20-30 years old. "Hey" he says in a deep voice wit southern accent. "Hi," I say trying to keep my voice as silent as possible, in the end we are in a church. "I'm Darryl" he says and smiles; I melt to the most beautiful smile I've ever seen. "I'm Shy" I mumble and smile shyly. "You're Victoria's daughter, aren't you?" he asks. I frown inmediatly tasting the sour truth in my mouth, I nod. "I'm sorry for what he's going to put you through" he whispers but I don't really understand what he's talking about. As if he's reading my mind, he says "You don't know! Do you? oh shit! Let me explain..." I'm getting scared, he sounds so surprised that it's getting to my nerves. He looks at everyone and I know what he's thinking, this isn't a place for telling so bad news. "I can't tell you anything here, would you mind going outside?" I consider it, he could rape me and kill me if I go with him but I have to know. We both stand up and silently ot out of the church hoping no one would notice that we were escaping this horrible nightmare.
Outside, on the garden, it was decorated for the dinner after the wedding. I glance at the gift table, lots and lots of gifts but one stands out and the temptation is to much so I take and 2 glaces. I walk further into the garden as Darryl follows, I finally stop at a bech that is far away of the tables and sit down. I examine the expensive gift in my hands, a really strong old scotch, nice gift. Darryl appears at my side and sits down next to me. He grabs the bottle from my hands an pours the scotch in the 2 glasses, then he gives me one. Is this guy trying to get me drunk? Because personally I don't have a problem with that but he's like 12 years older than me. "I'm going to tell you nowu but you might need that after I tell you" he says pointing at the glass of Scoth in my hand. I look at him ready to digest everything he has to tell me. "Well, as so you probably already noticed I am family with your mom's fiance, Ethan is my uncle." I nod making a gesture for him to continue. "Every man in my family, but me because I wouldn't do that in a million years, abuse their children." He finishes and looks at me with pity eyes waiting for my reaction. Of course this news given to another girl she would have probably flipped out and get scarred, but it didn't take me by surprise, it was only logical that if my mom was an abuser she would have married an abuser. I smile at Darryl as his pity turns to confussion. I get close to his ear and whisper, "I'm used to it". I get back only to see him even more confused. I grab my dress by the edge and slowly uncover my knees letting the injuries of my knees uncovered. My eyes turn to Darryl again, his eyes grow wider and he puts one of his hands in his mouth. I laugh a little at his reaction. "Did your mother do this to you?" I nod taking a sip of the scotch. I close my eyes and swallow. "Can I touch?" Darryl asks as he extends his hand. "Yea" I mumble and I close my eyes when I feel his hand above my injury. His hand is smooth and it feels soft as he touches my skin but when he gets to my knee the pain comes instantly. I close my hands trying to control the pain. My mom told me once that pain is inevitable but suffering is optional, she used that frase to excuse her actions. Darryl, seeing this, pulls his hand off my knee but I put it back not minding the pain. This is one of the first times I'm happy. I'm here in peace with a guy who doesn't mindmy injuries, my hand agaist his; it's perfect. I open my eyes to see his eyes staring at me, we get closer as a million thoughts cross my mind and my heartbeats one thousand times faster. Our lips melt togehter. My heart stops a beat and my world explodes. It feels amazing, it feels magical. Suddenly my heart isn't broken anymore, my world isn't as bad as it was.
But of course this feeling couldn't last forever. The reality comes back when I hear HER. "What the fuck you bitch!" she shouts. I break the kiss and look at my mother, she has the bottle of scotch in her hand, she looks more mad than ever. I hear the bottle crash in the tree at my side, I could've died. My mother grabs my arm, I try to get off her grip but it just causes me to black out. The nex thing I remember I'm in a dark room with a red light far away. I try to reach it but I'm tied to the floor. I stare at the light again, but it's not red anymore, it's white. In the light my mother and Ethan are standing in what they wore to the wedding, for my mom a wedding dress and for Evan a white suit. I look down and try to get off the chain but it's useless. My eyes go back to the light and what I see now is Evan and her covered in blood, everything soaking red. At their feet there is a body but I can't see it's face, I try and try until I finally see him. Darryl. I close my eyes, this can't be happening. I open my eyes slowly. I am not in that room anymore and I'm not tied. I am in the woods, I walk slowly exploring my surroundings. Then I hear a sound and soddenly, I'm soaking wet. I look at myself, I'm covered in blood! If you have seen Carrie then that's probably how I look. I start to panic, this must be human blood so I look for a corpse. I close my fists trying to look but I feel something in my hand, it's a blade. I breathe deeply and try to concentrate, maybe I killed someone; but who? I walk carefully to see any hidden clues when I see it, I see him. As they say be carefull with what you wish for. I found the corpse, Darryl's corpse. Tears fall on my cheecks, my knees drop on the floor and I hug Darryl's cold body. "Darryl" I whisper in his ear even though I know he's gone. "Please wake up Darryl!" I shout at him and shake him but it's useless. "Darryl!" Ik shout one more time as loud as I can, then I finally accept it he's gone forever. "Darryl" I moan between sobs hugging him. I start seeing everything blurry until I see nothing at all.

"Darryl" I shout at the top of my lungs, then I seat up and cover my face with my hands. Someone rushes through the door onto my room. "Are you okay?" I hear his southern accent and I can't belive it. I saw him die, it can't be. I remove my hands slowly and look at the person standing in front of me. I jump and hug him, "Darryl, you're alive." I hold him tight as he chuckles, "I'm alive, babe, but don't be so loud you'll atract the walkers". I smile at his nickname, it was long ago the last time he called me babe; even though we are just friends it's a nice nickname. I stop hugging him, "What time is it?" "Like 2 AM" he says. He turns around and closes the door, but I notice something red soaking his shirt. "Are you bleeding?!" I ask and touch his back. He closes his eyes but shooks it off and says, "I'm okay, it's nothing." I can hear in his voice that he's lying. "Sit on the bed, I'll cure you." He does what I told him to do and then he takes out his shirt. I get distracted just for a second, with his beautiful abdomen. I come back to reallity and go for my first aid kit from one of my bags. I sit behind Darryl and inspect his back. Several of his scares are bleeding again. I bite my lip. I look in my kit for a bottle oxygenated water and cotton balls. "Is it too bad?" he asks trying not to show any emotion. "No, but it is going to hurt" I warn him, he just nods. I pour some oxyganeted water on a cotton ball. "Wait! Could you sing?" I smile, "Yeah". Since I've met him, when I'm trying to calm him down I sing, and even though he hates when I sing, he ends up calmed down. I sing 'Mad World' by Gary Jules, one of my favorite songs. With one hand I grab his shoulder while with the other one I press the cotton onto his open skin. Darryl's muscles tense as I clean up his scars. Once I finish, I stop singing, I put away the first aid kit and lay on my bed. Darryl stands up and walks to the door but I stop him, "Darryl would you stay for a few more hours? It's just I'm still kind of shaken with the dream". Darryl chuckled and nods. He lays next to me. "Come 'ere" he whispers and puts my head in his bare chest. I hadn't noticed he didn't put his shirt back on. "So..." he says and plays with my hair. I don't understand why boys like to play with your hair, what's the point? messing around? "Did you have someone else?" That question threw me off. What does that even mean? "I mean, someone else who actually cared about you?" he said as if he had just read my mind. I think for a moment even though deep inside I knew the anwser to that question. "I did" I half smile. "Who?" he seemed very eager to catch up with my life. "His name was Ashotn Lagoon, he's probably dead though." I sigh and and hug Darryl tight. "Goodnight Dixon" I close my eyes and breathe slowly. "Goodnight Skylar" he gives me a kiss in the forehead

Sorry for taking so long to update but now I promise to update at least once a week.
Anyway I hoped you liked the chapter, more coming soon.
Thanks for the votes!

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