Chapter 17

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Shy's P.O.V.

I sat in front of a girl. Her features were strong, the kind of strong that you don't want to mess with. Her sapphire blue eyes were fixated on me, studying my every move. I could tell that she was pretty behind her ruthless face. She had a good figure and blonde hair that cascaded down her shoulders. I just wandered if I had seen her before, if we had any classes together, if she knew who I was. My eyes met her eyes, a shiver went down back. I couldn't be afraid of a girl. A girl that I didn't know. That I was probably her same age. How could someone that age make me want to hide and never come out again. Breathe in, breathe out. She's confident, that's all. She crossed her arms and send me a daring look. What does she want me to say or to do? I look at her with a question on my face. She takes a deep breathe and looks at me one last time before she takes a sit in the chair behind the desk. "Why?" She says and waits for answer. I don't know how to respond to that. Why what? I look at her. "Why did you kill him?" <she asked like she just read my mind. I closed my mind still thinning about the look of his eyes, if I didn't kill him he wouldn't have stop. Not after he rapped, he would continue to harass me. Inside of me I knew it. "I did what I had to do," I said my tone strong. She chuckles, "Why?" She thinks I'm kindling. Great. I cross my arms and raise one eyebrow. She stands up and hits the table. "I asked why did you kill him?!" She screamed, the look in her eyes was pure rage. How could this bitch be mad at me, it was fucking self defense? I stoop up in a jump. "Because he fucking wanted to rape me!," I screamed. Hearing come out of my mouth was totally different from accepting it in my mind. A tear came down rolling down my cheek. The image of that fucking sick psycho touching me is just too much. "That isn't a reason to murder someone" she said calmly. I clenched my fingers together. I tried to just take it all inside, I used to be good at that. But I was done. Done with everything. "You think that isn't a valid reason to kill someone?! It was fucking self-defense you little bitch! I don't fucking expect you to understand but just imagine some fucking disgusting pig throwing you to the floor she he fucking knows that you can't even move properly. And then stay fucking still as he takes advantage of you and touches you and does somethings he should never do without fucking consent. And then he fucking beats you up and leaves you there. And down deep in your soul you know that he isn't fucking done with you until either you are dead or he is. But he is done with me because I killed him, his dead and he is never coming back!" I shouted everything. I was crying but I didn't fucking care. I just wanted to go out of this fucking fucked up place.

The girl starred at me stunned. She had been wordless about ten minutes. I didn't know what she was thinking but I didn't exactly care. The girl finally lets out a breath and looks at me dead in the eye. "I need you to go right now, grab anything you want and just go and never ever come back" she said, I could tell she was dead serious. The offer was so tempting just leave and never have to see this fucking people again but I still didn't know where my friends where. And I couldn't leave without them. "No," I said stepping my ground. She chuckled, "No?" I clenched my knuckles. Control yourself Shylene. "I'm not going anywhere without my friends. So if you could tell me where they are, I'll get out of here with them" I said trying very hard for my voice not to break. She laughed. This is not a joke bitch, I said in my mind. "That isn't going to be possible, your friends are in solitary for a week, they aren't going anywhere." She said and crossed her arms. "Then I'm not going anywhere either." I said looking at her in the eye. "Fine, then you will be sentenced to death" she said a smirk on her face. What the fuck is this place? Europe on the 1800? I chuckled, "I don't think that's going to happen." The girl looked at me confused. "I killed one of your must important men with a rock when I couldn't even move properly. What do you think is stopping me from murdering you, a not armed person locked in an office? I could do it in a second. But I'm not going to do it unless you threaten me or my friends, then I will do what is necessary because that's what I do." I looked at her in all seriousness. I will kill her if I have too. There's no question in that. The girl looked at me and considered it for a few seconds. "Fine, you can stay but only for the week and you'll have to work just as the rest of them" She said in her business tone. Ooh we are negotiating. "I'll stay for a week but no work, and I need to see my friends" I said. "No way," she said moving her head side by side. " I just need to see that they are okay and that they are alive" I said putting my hand forward ready to close the deal. The girl sighed, "Fine." She shook my hand. "Alex will take you tomorrow to see your friends, today it's already too late you should rest" she said. I nodded. Tomorrow. Tomorrow I'll actually know if my friends are okay.

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