Chapter 1

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My wake up alarm rang and I lazily opened my eyes. I stood up from my bed and got towards my wardrobe. I pulled out my high school uniform and put it on. As I walked out my room, I saw Hatsuharu putting his shoes on, almost ready to leave. "Good morning Hatsu, are you going off to school this early?" He turned his head in my direction and softly smiled. "Actually, I was going to meet up with Rin before going". I nodded, waving my hand before he closed the door behind him. I walked over to the kitchen and prepared myself a quick toast with some jelly and fresh strawberries on the side.

When I finished eating, I got my textbooks in my school bag, put on my polished shoes  and a light jacket before walking out the front door. The Sohma's had their own private schools that were, of course because of the curses, gender split. I go to the same school Rin attends as a second year and the one Kagura also attends, though she is two years older than me. This all girls' school isn't the best. Especially when you're not one of the zodiacs since you have to work extra hard to get on their level. For some reason, Rin and Kagura both received special treatment at school and never had bad grades. For me, I had to study my ass off, otherwise I could fail each one of my exams and if that ever happened, I think my mom would banish me from the house. She doesn't want to look bad in any way possible, even through her children.

I walked through the gates and saw the usual attroupement of people. They are probably all around Kagura again. These girls think that if you grow close to a zodiac member, your grades will significantly improve magically. I just go around the crowd like each morning and head off to my first class of the day. Like always, the day went by swiftly and I went straight home when we were dismissed. To my surprise, my little brother wasn't back when I arrived. I pulled out my cell phone and tried calling him. "Hey sis" he answered. "Why aren't you back home?" I quickly asked. "Something came up. I was supposed to meet up with Rin again, but can't seem to find her." I noticed his voice was a little shaky. "Where are you right now? I can help search" He gave me a vague description of where he was and where he had already looked.

I headed towards the main buildings of the estate. I had a hunch she had gotten into big trouble. The head of the family and god of the zodiacs, Akito did not like Rin very much. From what I knew from it, Akito seemed very jealous of Isuzu for how much time she hung out with my little brother. And because of her fierce character, Rin could've caused herself a big deal of problems. I just hope she is going to be okay.

I almost ran on the way there, looking all around. When I finally arrived at Akito's main residence, my heart sank from what I saw. Rin's motionless body laying on the ground covered in blood. I lifted up my eyes as they fell on a horrifying smile glued to god's face, Akito just standing there looking out the window. My thoughts raced as I immediately put the pieces together and understood that Akito was the one who pushed her down. Rage filled my mind as my body moved on its own making its way inside the building. I reached the second floor in a matter of seconds and came face to face with Rin's  assaulter. Without thinking twice, I jump at the throat of the head of the family. Akito tried punching me away but I was stronger, pinning her to the ground. Before I could choke her to death, two maids grabbed my arms and pulled me away, restraining me. As I saw the rooster zodiac go to Akito's rescue, a cloth covered my mouth, making me inhale something and I blacked out.

When I woke up, I was in my bed in my room. Hatsuharu was sleeping resting his head at the end of the mattress. I sat up under the covers and he must've felt the movement since he woke up. His first reaction was to grab my hands and surround them, as to simulate a hug. If he actually pulled me in his arms and transformed, our mom would've been so mad she would've exploded in rage. I returned the warm squeeze while giving him a reassuring smile. When he let go, he sat down next to me in the bed and explained to me what had happened after I passed out. Rin was stable, under restricted medical care in the hospital. Her and Haru's relationship had been found out and she had taken full blame for it, convincing Akito that it was her who charmed him first. I was glad she was going to make it.

As for my situation, Akito had yelled curses at me and apparently banned me out of the Sohma estate. I was expected to move out as soon as tomorrow morning. I was of course going to transfer schools as well. This sort of punishment was to be expected after what I had done, but I was still at a loss. I had nowhere to go. Either way, I would have to leave so I started packing my things. Haru helped gather all the essentials. It was late and I needed to rest a bit more. Let's hope my dreams give me a hint as to where I should go from there on.

First thing in the morning, Kureno was waiting for me in a car that would drop me off outside the Sohma grounds. Hatsuharu gave me one hand squeeze before my parting and apologized. "You shouldn't have been punished, it's all my fault for asking you to help me look for her...". I looked him straight in the eyes. "Don't you dare think this is your fault. It was my decision to help you and my actions caused this for me. I will figure something out, don't worry."

I flashed him one of my brightest smiles before walking over to the vehicle. When we arrived at the main entrance of the Sohma estate, Kureno asked me to step out and gave me my luggage and backpack that contained all my precious belongings. I started walking towards a part of town I'm sort of familiar with. The dojo. I thought that maybe Kazuma-sensei  would let me stay there for some time, and I could help out in exchange. Hopefully he will agree.

I was now standing at the gates leading to the dojo. I took a deep breath and walked in. Sensei was a kind and generous man so I had very slim chances of getting rejected. Even so, I felt bad asking this out of him. I walked up to one of the main training buildings but didn't hear nor see anybody so I continued towards the backyard. There I came face to face with a familiar boy. Kyo. We both looked at each other for a long time without breaking eye contact. We hadn't seen each other for a couple of years, but even so he hadn't changed much. One thing I noticed though was he was now taller than me. I was about to speak up when Kazuma walked in. "[Name]? I haven't seen you in so long. What brings you here and what are all of these bags?"

Breaking eye contact with Kyo, I turned towards the martial arts teacher and bowed. "Sorry for the intrusion sensei, but I'm in trouble and was hoping you could lend me a room for me to reside in for a bit. I will of course compensate for your hospitality by working around the dojo so pleas-" I was cut up short by Kazuma. "Hold on a second, are you implying that you don't have a house anymore? What happened?" I swallowed thickly, sort of ashamed of sharing the cause of this situation. "Let's say I sort of fought with Akito and now I'm banned from the whole estate..." His and Kyo's eyes widened as I looked down, feeling ever so embarrassed.

"Well, I guess you could take hold of one of the rooms, but I don't have any real furniture, at most a small futon maybe..." My face lit up and I smiled so hard, tears fell from my eyes, all my stress falling down at last. He showed me around the house and let me take one of the small rooms.

I quickly settled down and thanked him again for his generosity.

A/N: Hope you like it ( ^∀^)

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