Chapter 16

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A week passed since that whole incident happened and everything was pretty much back to normal between him and I. Except, he's been a bit more, how to put it....closed on himself? I noticed he stopped smiling as often, he wouldn't join us willingly. I always had to go towards him in class, otherwise we wouldn't talk all day. Maybe it has to do with the homework we received. We have to write our plans for the future before the start of summer break. One night, I decided to invite myself over for diner at Shigure's place so I walked home with the trio.

I started a conversation with Tohru and we both walked in front of them. "Yeah, that new math formula was super confusing... did you understand it Kyo?" I turned around while asking and that's when I noticed he looked pissed. "You guys go ahead, I can't stand walking next to this rat any longer. I'll take a detour." He rashly said before annoyingly leaving. Tohru and I looked at each other in disbelief. Something was clearly wrong.

I helped Tohru cook for all of us and by the time we were all done eating, he still wasn't back. I was becoming a bit worried, but then reminded myself how he was probably fine and wanted to be alone. 'I will confront him about it tomorrow for sure' I decided before heading upstairs to Tohru's room. We chatted and I ended up agreeing to stay over for the night so we could have a nice girl talk.

"Do you know what's been bothering Kyo?" I asked her, still unable to keep him off my mind. "No, be he does seem distant and extremely irritated every time he's near Yuki-kun, more than their usual querelles" she answered, a worried look in her eyes. "On another note, I heard of what happened between the two of you" she started with a little smug on her face.

I blushed a bit at her comment. "You falling for him right? It doesn't seem like just a crush anymore" She finally asked. I took a second to fully realize what she meant before shyly nodding as my cheeks turned pink. "If it's worth anything, I think there's a good possibility he won't reject you if you confess. I've seen the way he looks at you and you clearly mean a lot to him."

I giggled, feeling a little embarrassed and got up to go to the bathroom. As I opened the door, I saw Kyo who was standing, his ear close to the wall. "Umm, were you trying to spy on us-" "no! Was not. Leave me alone" he stormed off in a blushing mess. I just stood there, confused as to what had just happened but then I realized. 'For how long was he standing there listening in on us?? Did he hear me say I had a crush on him??' My thoughts were spinning like crazy.

I entered the bathroom, closed the door, locked it and splashed cold water on my face to cool off a bit. I looked at myself in the mirror and saw just how much of a mess I was, crumbling down over the butterflies in my stomach. I took a deep breath and walked out after calming down. I looked at the end of the hallway and he wasn't there so I walked back into Tohru's room.

The rest of the night went by smoothly, talking about sweet nothings with her and eventually falling asleep. Though, in the middle of the night, I got woken up by footsteps on the roof. It wasn't unusual as Kyo would always go up there but since he had heard us earlier and he's been acting distant lately, I had to go and have a talk with him. I got up, trying to make as less noise as possible to not wake up my sleeping friend and then climbed over to the roof. Sure enough, it was him up there.

"Hey.." I hesitantly said. I wanted to talk things out with him, but with how he's been acting, I was scared he would push me away again. "We need to talk-" "I wanted to ask you-" we said at the same time. "Oh sorry, what did you want to say?" I let him start, while coming closer to him and sitting down by his side.

"About earlier... I'm sorry I was rude to you." He started. "But, I can't believe you haven't talked to me about this crush of yours. I know you thought that maybe I don't like talking about stuff like that, but you're my best friend. You could've told me you liked some guy. Who is he anyway?" I looked at him with wide eyes. 'Wait, he didn't hear me saying it was him? Maybe he arrived afterwards and only heard the end of the conversation before I opened the door..' I thought. "Yeah, sorry. I don't really like to talk about it either but Tohru just asked me so...." I mumbled.

"Anyways, I wanted to talk to you about something else." I attempted to change the subject. "What is it?" He asked nonchalantly. I asked him why he was being so closed on himself for the past few days. He waited a long minute before giving in and telling me about his worries. He confessed that because of the cat zodiac, the family might imprison his after high school like they did with Kazuma-sensei's dad. It's all he's been thinking about since the teacher asked us our plans for the future. I was brought to tears at his words.

"Stop crying please, I knew all along and-" "But that does not make it okay!" I affirmed loudly. "They can't just just take you away like that. It's unfair. You didn't do anything." My sobs became louder and he brought his hand to the back of my head, gently stroking my hair.

I have to figure out a way to get rid of this curse.

𝒢𝑜𝓁𝒹𝑒𝓃 𝒽𝑜𝓊𝓇 {𝕂𝕪𝕠 𝕩 𝕗𝕖𝕞 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣}Where stories live. Discover now