Chapter 2

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A big crash woke me up. Startled, I stood up in a hurry, worried something could've happened. Opening the sliding door to my room, my eyes landed on an orange tuft of hair. Kyo was practicing punching and breaking planks of wood. I slowly walk up to him, admiring his strength. I hadn't fixated on that when I saw him yesterday, but his muscles definitely grew bigger. His strength was greater and his movements were more precise than they used to be.

At some point, he turned to look at me. "Could you stop staring?" My face turned red as I realized what I had been doing for the past minutes. I would've died of embarrassment if this went on so I tried to save it. "I was looking at your technique, you really got better since years ago" To be fair, it wasn't a complete lie, but it wasn't the whole truth either. He looked sort of proud, and gave me a slight grin. "That's the point of training everyday dummy"

I smiled back and he went back to practice. I walked over to the kitchen at the end of the hall. There I saw sensei getting some tea ready. I walked over to him and he served me a cup as well. "Thank you, would you like some pancakes?" I proposed and he smiled, nodding. I took out a bowl and found the ingredients I needed. Hatsu would request them often so I got really used to making some. After a couple minutes, I was done cooking them and set them on the table in front of Kazuma. He thanked me before digging in. His face told me he liked how they taste, the corner of his lips curling upwards.

"These are delicious, thank you! Do you have some left? Kyo would love them" I shook my head, "I don't have any left, but I can make more. I wanted to ask you, what can I do to help you out around the dojo?" I wanted to do as much as I could in exchange for my stay. "That won't be necessary" My eyes grew wide at his response. Now I really felt like I was taking advantage of his kindness. "I will do anything, but please just let me help in a way! What would make you happy?" I probably sounded desperate as he sighed heavily before making an agreement.

"The only thing I need right now is for Kyo to take care of himself better. If you really want to repay me, find a way to make him go to his classes. He recently got kicked out of the private boys school because he was missing too many classes. He would rather train alone here instead of learning at school. He will be transferred to Kaibara high with you and Yuki. Please look after him for me"


This morning, I was up earlier than usual. Today was the last day before the start of the third semester but also the first day of my compromise with sensei. I had to make sure Kyo was gonna attend school.

Kazuma had already told him he was forbidden from coming to the dojo from now
on, so I had to go meet with him at Shigure's house where he would start living from now on with his rival, Yuki. I never really knew why Kyo despised him so much, something about him being a damn rat.

I arrived in front of Shigure's household and all I could notice was a hole through the roof, along with some loud bickering. I walked in, the front door being unlocked and walked up to the second floor. There I saw quite the scene: a high school girl sitting down apologizing to a dog, cat and rat.

"Well would you look at that, nice to see you [Name], it's been a while. I heard about your little fight" the dog spoke to me. "Yeah, it's nice to see you too, Shigure-san" I said after sighing heavily. I walked up to the very much confused girl. Next to her, the orange cat and rat were arguing about whose fault it was. I just rolled my eyes at them before trying to reassure the poor girl.

"Hello, I'm [Name], don't worry, I'm sure you didn't do anything wrong. We'll let them calm down and they'll explain everything" The girl took a deep breath and smiled brightly at me. "I'm Tohru Honda by the way" I walked her down the stairs and told the animals to come down once they were more presentable.

Sitting down in the main room, we started chatting. She was really sweet and the conversations went smoothly with her. I learned that she had the same kind of problem as me. She didn't have anywhere to go and Yuki proposed to stay at Shigure's. After some time, the boys came downstairs. Kyo looked annoyed and disappointed that his plan didn't work. He had the intention of challenging Yuki to a fight to try and finally beat him.

As Yuki and Shigure came towards us to explain what had happened to them, Kyo went up on the roof. Even if I hadn't seen him for a couple of years, this side of him didn't change. I could easily tell when he was upset and was trying to keep it hidden. To the outside world, it seems as though he was just quickly angered, but I know there was a deep feeling to it.

Sneakily, I walked out while they were talking. I headed outside to meet up with Kyo on the roof. I was climbing up the ladder when my eyes arrived on the silhouette of the boy. His legs were folded and held by his firm arms, head resting on his knees. He was so frustrated, he looked on the verge of tears.

I slowly approached him, sitting down carefully next to him. I lifted my arm and set down my hand on his back. He lifted up his head, and when he realized it was me, he brought his face back down on his knees. We stayed like that for a couple of minutes before he sat back up. "Thanks, I needed that." I smiled softly. We talked about loads of things, catching up on everything that had happened since the last time we had hung out.

This feels nice, I missed this..

𝒢𝑜𝓁𝒹𝑒𝓃 𝒽𝑜𝓊𝓇 {𝕂𝕪𝕠 𝕩 𝕗𝕖𝕞 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣}Where stories live. Discover now