Chapter 5

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My eyes were blank for a moment and I couldn't answer at all. When I started panicking, not wanting to create an embarrassing silence, that's when Kyo spoke. "W-Where would I even sleep?" I looked up to see Kizuma's face turn into a small frown, expressing his confusion. "With [Name] right? If it's a sleepover you guys should be hanging out"

*are you kidding me* I thought to myself. I mean, I don't really mind if it's Kyo, I've known him for long enough, but he's still a guy... is it really okay to sleep in the same room, at our age too? Kyo turned his gaze towards me, clearly searching for my opinion on the matter.

Under the silence's pressure I blurted out "sure, I wanted to show you this new show anyways" a smile was showing on my face, but internally, I was starting to panic. A boy was going to stay in my room tonight. He looked sort of relieved it didn't make things weird between us and agreed to stay the night. Kazuma-sensei expressed joy at this news. I think he just really wants Kyo to stop isolating and make closer friends.

He left to his room in the other building right next to the practice rooms and I led Kyo to the small place I'm using as a bedroom for some time. I was nervous in a way at the thought of Kyo seeing my room. What would he think about it? I knew deep down that there wasn't much to have an opinion about, it was mostly just a bed and a closet. The only things that were kinda decorative were my belongings laying around like my plushies or books, mostly mangas and my picture with Hatsuharu and Isuzu.

I opened the door, walked in and he followed  behind me. I could sense he was looking around so I felt the need to chat. "This is pretty basic because I didn't want to get my things everywhere in this borrowed room..." I started fiddling with my fingers, craving for him to give me a comment on it. Without staring too hard, I searched for some sort of response but he spoke up. "I like it, it's very you" he let out a small chuckle at the end of his sentence, a smile hiding in the corners of his mouth. Just that gave me reassurance and brought me so much joy I grinned.

I settled down on my bed, laying my back against the wall and motioned for him to come sit next to me. He sat down and I pulled out my computer. I opened a website to watch movies and series since I had seen one come out recently and wanted to watch it with him. I explained to him that it was this story about a young boy that wanted to go on adventures and become a hunter just like his dad. He hoped to follow in his steps to one day meet him for the first time.

Kyo looked interested as well so we started watching a couple episodes. It quickly became late so I layed down a futon for him, next to my bed. He got comfortable, I put away my computer and said goodnight before I fell asleep. In the middle of the night, a rustling sound woke me up. I rubbed my eyes open and sat up on my bed to see what was going on. I heard some whimpers coming from the futon. Kyo was having some sort of nightmare.

I felt bad for him and wanted to get him out of his thoughts. I walked up to him slowly, bent down next to him and softly woke him up, shaking his shoulder gently and calling out to him in a low voice. He jolted out of his nightmare and looked at me with a scared look. "Don't hurt me mom, I'm sorry I won't do it again" I tried to calm him down, telling him it was just me and that he was having a bad dream. When he finally understood, he covered his face with his hands. Because it was dark I couldn't really see what he was hiding but it probably was embarrassment. I grabbed one of his hands and held it tightly in my hand telling him it was fine and that I was there if he wanted to talk about it.

We locked eyes and he subtly nodded. We sat down on my bed and he told me about his difficult childhood without going in too much detail. At first he was sorta 'acting tough' but eventually some tears fell out of his eyes and he let me hold his hand while he relived his past trauma. I only listened the whole time, and didn't say a word. He did from time to time look at me to find some sort of sign of interest, but when he saw that my full attention was on him, he just laid out all the things he had held inside for too long.

The next morning sensei sent us out to do errands, mainly to force Kyo to not overwork his body in training. We got the groceries and some other housing products. We were chatting most of the time and I was glad since I felt closer to him than ever before because of our time spent the night before. He didn't fail at showing he was annoyed at having to do errands though. When we came back we saw a note from sensei saying he was taking the day off and so we couldn't use the training rooms. Kyo was super disappointed, but I convinced him to head to Shigure's house and hang out without friends for the day.

What I didn't expect was for Kagura to be there...

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