Chapter 26

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The cultural festival is coming quickly, and today, the student council came over to our class to discuss with us what we were going to do for it. Since last year we had done a café, we wanted to go on a different route this time and also make it big since it was our last year.

After much deliberation, we ended up choosing to do a play. When it was time to choose which play, we went with the classic from Disney, Cinderella. We decided to go for a vote when it came to the roles, and it gave us this:

The prince = Kyo
The fairy godmother = Yuki
Cinderella = Hana-chan
The evil stepsister = Tohru
The evil stepmother = me

Kyo threw a fit, of course not even wanting to participate in such an activity, but the class forced him, so he sat down pouting.

Classes went on like normal, and at lunchtime, I went to the rooftop with Kyo. I didn't want to rub it in by talking about the play, but i really was excited about it. Sure, i was shy and would probably be nervous about going on stage, but it seems like so much fun, and i was lucky enough to receive one of the important roles!

"Well, someone seems excited about it, at least." Kyo said, nagging me. I smirked at him. "I hope you'll enjoy it too, you know, you even got the main character role. Why are you upset? Is Kyon too shy?" I teased him.

His cheeks turned pinkish at my comment, and he looked away briefly before daring to look back. "What's so great about the role of a goody twoshoes character?" I laughed, imagining Kyo playing that role.

"Alright, i get it, ha ha ha. You know, if you had been Cinderella, i would've been way more excited. Why did they vote for you to be the evil stepmom? You dont fit that character at all! Hanajima would've been way better at that role. She already has that mysterious and evil aura around her."

I chuckled and blushed a little bit, thinking about playing roles of lovers with Kyo in the play. "Maybe we can ask the class to modify the roles a bit when we started practice. That way, we could adjust the roles to fit our personalities more accurately."

And so I did. I went to talk with the script writers team, and they all loved my idea. We would now have a prince not interested in getting married, a Cinderella who loves her stepsister more than anything, and a kind stepmother that wished the best for her kids. Of course, Yuki had to stay the fairy godmother to satisfy the 'prince Yuki fan club' and their weird obsession.

Though the first day of practice, Kyo didn't show up. Once practice was over, i went to look for him and found Yuki and him arguing in an empty classroom.

"I always just wanted to find a friend in you, Kyo..." "A FRIEND?? YOU'RE THE MAIN REASON WHY MY LIFE IS A NIGHTMARE! You never had any hardships. You grew up like a literal prince, always loved and applauded for everything you've ever done... you make me sick."

Kyo stormed out and ran into me. He looked extremely pissed and just avoided my gaze, ashamed of the state he was in. I first checked how Yuki was doing, and he seemed not the best, but not the worst either. He gave me a pained look. "I know you wanna go after him, just go. I'll be fine..."

I thought about it for a second and then took off. While running after the orange haired boy, I spam texted Haru and told him that Yuki needed to be with someone and that I would be indebted to him if he helped me. He answered immediately with a thumbs up and a demon emoji. I chuckled before turning a corner to find the door leading to the roof of the school.

The door was cracked open, leading me to think Kyo had gone up. I carefully went up and looked around. He was indeed there, laying down on his back, a couple of cats laying on top of him.

I sat down next to him and grabbed a cat to pet it. "Hey, I'm here if you wanna talk, but you also don't have to tell me everything. I can also take your mind off things... what do you need right now, Kyo?"

He remained silent and looked at me. He grabbed one of my hands and closed him eyes, not letting go. I let go of the cat and sat closer, bringing his head onto my lap. I did not let go of his hand and even started playing in his hair with the other.

A moment later, he spoke up. "Hey [Name], do you even know why I don't want to do this play? Why do I need to get this curse to break? What will happen to me if i stay in this state?"

I thought for a second, "well probably because find it lame, be freed from Akito's control over you and the others and will be stuck with being careful not to transform for the rest of your life right?"

He bit his lower lip, looking away. It was as if he wasn't telling me something. Something big. Something not a lot of people know about. He took a deep breath and mumbled, "Right..."

I looked at him and started rambling, wondering if i said the wrong thing. "Wellyouknowofcourseitwouldbebetterifyouwerefreefromthecurseforthebothofus,sowecouldstartdatingforrealyouknow...."

He sat up and kissed my cheek, stunning me in place. "Of course, I can't wait for that day too [Name]." He said, smiling softly at me, though i could still feel that he was hurt, probably about the thing he wasn't telling me.

The next couple of days, Kyo came for practice only if he was required there, otherwise him and I would practice our lines together at home with Tohru.

Then, the day finally arrived, and the cultural festival was here. I was nervous but also excited about it. We made sure all of the decors and costumes were good and the general had gone great last night. Now, it was time to present it in front of everyone.

I knew Haru was gonna be in the croud, and he had told me a couple of other cursed Sohma were coming to see us act too.

The play started, and all was going well. The public seemed to enjoy it, too. Then the scene of the ball arrived, and it brought chaos.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06 ⏰

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