Chapter 18

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In the following days, Tohru and I were invited over to the Sohma's beach house. Usually, only the members of the zodiac would get access so even I never stepped foot there. It was big and pretty high quality with long windows that covered the walls. We settled in and decided that Tohru and I would share a room.

Once our luggage were all put away and we were properly settled in, we changed into our swimsuits and joined the others on the beach. I wasn't really planing on going in the water and was a bit embarrassed of showing my bikini so I put on a light vest. The younger ones were playing in the sand and Haru was racing against Kyo to the water. I set up a towel and a parasol for some shade and sat down. Tohru went to the water with an inflated donut and swam around.

Kisa came towards me and invited me over, asking for my help with the big sand castle. I smiled and followed her, sat down and got to work. It was funny how Hiro seemed jealous of the attention Kisa was giving me. I eventually decided to give a chance to the boy and made up and excuse to leave the two of them alone. "I'll go prepare some drinks for everyone. I'm sure Hiro can continue helping you." I winked towards the boy and walked away, proud of my cupid act.

I went back to the house and started preparing a fruit juice, pored it in a big jug and took plastic cups before going back outside. Kyo seemed as if he was searching for someone and when he made eye contact with me he smiled and walked my way. Now in front of me, he took the juice jug from my hands and carried it over to the shade I set up earlier. He pored glasses for him and I and motioned me to sit down next to him.

"Aren't you hot with that vest?" I giggled. "You really want to see my bikini huh?" I teased him. His cheeks turned bright red and he looked away for a second, then turned back towards me and glared at me. "What if I do?" He still had his cheeks flushed but he had managed to make me blush too. I stayed quite, scared I would stumble over my words but luckily, Tohru showed up.

"Let's go swimming together [Name]-chan!" She grabbed my arm and gently pulled me over to the water. Before going in the water, I removed my vest, trying not to look behind me, even though I wanted to see his reaction. I walked in the water and enjoyed the small waves and the refreshing feeling.

The next day went pretty much the same way, all having fun on the sunny beach and salty water. In the late afternoon, we had gone back inside and I was helping Tohru prepare food for diner. Most were still hanging out in the main living room, talking with us while we cooked. That's when Shigure walked in and announced something. "Akito also came and now wants to see all the zodiacs. [Name], Tohru and Kyo, we'll see you later." An uneasy feeling came over me as I saw them all leave. I rushed over to my brother and held his hand, making him stop for a second.

"Promise me you'll come back soon..." he smiled, reassuring me and I waved him goodbye. I turned around and saw Kyo walking over to me. Tohru out back to put go hang the clean laundry and let it dry in the sun. I suggested to help but said there wasn't a lot so she would be fine on her own. I still wanted to help her somehow so I said I would help with making dinner tonight. She laughed at my persistence and nodded  before walking outside.

It was now only Kyo and I in the house. Even though I know I should've been happy to be able to spend one on one time with him, I couldn't help but have an uneasy feeling. I started questioning myself on what would happen next with Akito spending the summer vacation 'with' us.

"What if Akito discovers I'm here too? And we were on the beach all day maybe- what if Akito saw me?!" A ball was forming in my stomach, soon blocking my words. My breaths were shortening. My head started feeling light and my vision blurry. I could feel warm tears spilling on my cheeks.

Suddenly, I was grabbed by the shoulders. A hand to my chin, he forced me to look his in the eyes, snapping me out of my panic state. "Everything's gonna be alright, I'm here with you. I will make sure Akito can't hurt you ever again." His beautiful orange coloured eyes were fixated on my trembling ones, bringing me back to a calmer state.

I thanked him for his reassuring words but I still felt somewhat embarrassed at my breakdown. I excused myself and went out for a walk in the woods behind the house. The fresh summer air and gentle wind in my hair helped me calm my nerves. This place was truly beautiful. I walked in silence by myself and took in the whole scenery.

That's when I saw it. In between the trees, passed out cold, was a black horse. At first, I was confused, why is there a horse in these woods?then I grew worried, it really didn't look well.  Curious and distressed for its well being, I walked over to it and as I got closer I recognized it. I couldn't believe my eyes.


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