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we sat across from each other i was fuming, who the fuck was my wife messing with and how she could move on so fast?

"Mr. East please calm down she can take you for everything you own," my lawyer stated i didn't give a fuck i thought i had time to win her back and bring her royal and Alina back home i know it was a stretch but i missed my dysfunctional family.

"i don't give a fuck did you hear what my wife just told me," i snapped my voice boomed throughout the room i could hear miracle cries for help her sobbing i was sick of her.

"i hate you, miracle i hate that you made me become this crazy obsessive man like you literally changed me for the worse with the help of Layla of course," i snapped

"You know what you are so right Dave," she cried out

"i know i am you love this cat and mouse shit this me chase you down beg you back just for you to go out and find another nigga and you to realize that nigga isn't me and we are back where we started," i snapped

"Not this time Dave I'm done with this shit you have hit me embarrassed me for the last fucking time i would take you for everything you have but that would just take away from my kids. keep all your shit i just want a restraining order to put against you so you can stay the fuck away from me.

"The fuck you mean a restraining order... you are my wife miracle you can't get rid of me how am i going to see my daughter." i snapped

"We will let the courts decide that honestly, I'm just tired Dave tired of fighting to make this shit work it was fun from the sideline.... i guess it isn't that fun to me anymore i grew up a lot and this shit right here is old this back and forward this resentment this hate i have for you is almost unbearable. you say you hate me, and i say i hate me too so at least we can agree on that." i watched as tears streamed down her face, she rubbed the bruise around her neck.

"Miracle i can't live without you," i choked up

"Then die," she looked me dead in the eye before grabbing her bag and walking out the door with her lawyer right behind her.

"Well, Mr. east i think giving the current circumstances we might want to give into all of her demands, as she currently has the upper hand in this," my lawyer Greg stated like i didn't fucking know this already.

"FUCK!" i yelled while slamming my hand on the table  i fucked up this time. i grabbed my phone walking out of my lawyer's office i looked at my phone seeing i had 40 missed calls from Mya.


Mya: Dave we have a problem

me: what type of problem

Mya: I'm pregnant

suddenly i felt lightheaded and soon i just blackout completely



me and Alina have been really good lately and i wanted this to work I'm pretty sure she does too but deep down i knew this wasn't going to work in less than 9months i will be going off to basic training. it's also not helping that i have been avoiding ki and she has been blowing me up with apologies about how she handled the situation she wanted to talk. i had no clue what to do i felt like we did leave a lot unsaid but how would Alina feel about this. plus, how would ki feel after she finds out me and Alina are back on. so, i was avoiding it all together but i knew better than to think i would haven't to face this sooner or later.

i picked up my ringing phone seeing Kiara calling and i decided not to answer her ass. i had too much going on right now i just didn't have any more energy. she called two more times i  ignored all of them i didn't give a fuck. i turned my phone off getting up from the couch seeing my mama come in i watched as she held her throat.

"Ma what happened" i asked fuming because i knew the answer already i just needed her to prove me wrong.

"Dave" she choked up "It was my fault though i shouldn't have provoked him i just wanted him to sign the papers," she cried looking down at the floor she looked so defeated.

"Ma stop making excuses for him did you call the cops," i asked hoping she did.

"No what is the point he still has kids to raise he built this empire i wouldn't want to tear that down we always disagree this time i just may have taken it too far," she wiped her eyes "royal i never told you how sorry i was when you were born you was so sick and i left you i thought i was doing the right thing you know. i wasn't all together and if i have any regrets i would leaving you when life hit me. i thought i had it all figured out my hot ass messing with a married man that kept showing me who he was and i kept going back. i even married him thinking he would get better that i was all he needed to finally be happy. if you don't learn nothing from mama learn this love isn't hard baby. real love doesn't hurt it shouldn't hurt you to love someone. love and lust are first cousins i would like to say. she wiped her eyes.

"Ma you have to do something about dad,"

"i did i let his ass go," she smiled hugging me before Alina came running downstairs

"Dave just got rushed to the hospital," Alina yelled making the room grow silent idk we all had the same blank expression all zoned out in our own little worlds

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