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i know many are wondering about me and royals complicated relationship and when were we planing on telling miracle and the truth was we was going to keep it a secret from everyone after that night we had sex almost everyday after that slept in the same bed everything the whole nine yards and things were good until kiara moved in but how can i really be mad at her for breaking up me and royal basically i was waiting on tilly to come into the girl restroom my legs was shaking i was shaking i was nervous

"im here girl where are you at," tilly called out and i kicked the door she swiftly came into the stall with me i felt like i was having a mental breakdown

"do you have it," i asked

"yes i got it," she nodded shuffling around in her bookbag for the first response test

"i cant believe im actually doing this," i choked up i had missed my period and one thing about my period it was like clock work and here i was almost a week late i tried not panic but i couldnt help it and what excuse would i give royal to stop by cvs to pick up a pregnancy test

"here is a cup," she whispered looking at her feet she was my bestfriend and i didnt even tell her i was having sex so me calling her to ask to ask royal to stop at cvs for her and to pick me up a pregnancy test had shocked her but nevertheless she had came through for me yet again i peed in the cup then sat the stick in the cup for five seconds before pulling it out now all we had to do was wait. the waiting had have been the hardest part about this i was only 16 what was i to do with a baby royal had his whole future ahead of him

"so who is the daddy,"tilly asked

"i cant tell you,"i mumbled

"i just snuck a pregnancy test in school for you... you have no other choice but to tell me who you loss your virginity too," she snapped

"im to ashamed to talk about it," i mumbled wiping my tears

"was it tray i know you have had a crush on him for the longest,''  she asked but i just sat there not saying anything  "oh you better tell me now or we are no longer friends and i mean that," she snapped i couldnt loose my only friend i knew i had to tell her

"it was royal," i mumbled and she looked at me so dumb founded

"come again... because i know i just got a physical but my ears are starting to go bad,"she stated

"it was royal okay," i huffed and her eyes widen

"woooowwwww," was all she could say  "so that is why he been acting so crazy about you for the last couple of months,"she asked answering her own question in the process  "and here i thought you like tray,"

"i do like tray,"

"you could be possibly pregnant with that man bestfriend  you cant like him that damn much i mean this is alot to process," she stated as her alarm from her timer went off she looked at me

"i cant look tilly please," i stated as tears swelled up in my eyes she nodded her head grabbing the test she looked back up and me i couldnt read her face  "tilly??"

"im sorry girl," she mumbled as tears fell down her face i looked at the test with the plus sign on there my heart dropped i mean sank all the way into the bottom of my ass cheeks

"tilly nooo," was all i could say while crying hysterically i mean bawling my eyes out i didnt know what to do what to say just cry

"im so sorry girl what are you going to do," tilly said wiping her eyes

"i cant have a baby im only 16 i cant be the stereotype here how will i tell miracle...royal... dave,"i cried harder

"you could always get an abortion alina,"

"i cant we dont do that where im from i would be dishonoring my mother,"

"and having a baby by her god son is sure honoring her," tilly snapped "look you have option i cant tell you what to do in this situation because you are not me only you can tell yourself what to do," she shook her head i put the test in my bookbag walking out the bathroom heading to my class the day went by in slow motion for me before i knew it. it was time for lunch i walked to royal car seeing him sitting in the car i looked to see tilly and tray was nowhere in sight.  i hopped in the car i just needed something to eat

"where is tay and tilly," i asked

"not here i needed some alone time with you," he spoke i just nodded as he pulled up on a cliff

"royal what are we doing here," i asked

"we havent had alone time in a minute and i could really use it," he smirked attacking me with kisses and they felt good but all i could think about was that i was pregnant and how i could hide it until i found a way to tell everyone.

"stop..stop.. royal," i pushed him off of me

"whats wrong," he asked looking me dead in my face

"i just am not up to this right now,"

"why not i mean we havent touched each other in almost two weeks we dont sleep in the same room nothing and i honestly miss you," he stated i smirked a little because i missed him too i pulled him back down attacking him with kisses and we had sex hot steamy i miss you sex in the car i mean i know we was late coming back from lunch we had finished having sex and pulled up to the school royal was about to get out of the car but i stopped him he smiled at me

"i really needed that," he smiled even harder

"royal this has to end," i blurted out


"this between us has to end before it get to serious,"

"it is serious,"


"and who might that person be,"

"i dont know," i shrugged

"i think i do," he snapped looking at tray jog over to the car

"im sorry royal..."

"save it you said we done right why you apologizing you said this shit now stand on it," he snapped jumping out the car walking in the school completely ignoring tray and tilly

"what is his problem today i swear that boy is bipolar," tray shook his head turning around chasing after him

"royal look heartbroken did you tell him," tilly asked

"no i broke things off with him,"


" i know i wanted to tell him but i blurted that out instead and once it came out i couldnt stop there so i just told him i couldnt be a secret and the man i need is going to show me off," i told her

"and what did her say,"

"he thinks i was talking about tray,"

"well was you??"

"i honestly dont know but i think i just fucked up even worse and to make things worse he took me on a cliff telling me how much he love and misses me and we had sex,"

"girl no you didnt,"

"yes i did," i told her walking in the school building wiping my tears what am i going to do

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