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i was backstage waiting on my cue to come on stage i waited patiently before i was cued on. 

"You know this girl she has been all over the blogs and she is here to give us the scoop," Wendy smiled as people cheered me to come of 

"Hey Wendy" 

"How you doing" she smiled as i sat down 


"I'm good i haven't sat down with many side chicks lately" Wendy shaded 

"ohh I'm not a side chick," 

"Yes, you are child but okay what would like to be called,"


"Mya the side chick" 

"no... just Mya," i snapped trying to gain my composure. 

"Well so you are Dave east the rapper turned music company Ceo new baby mother,"

"yes" i smiled 

"What about his wife miracle though ohhh i love miracle such a sweet girl," Wendy beamed i rolled my eyes slightly 

"They are getting a divorce," i snapped 

"Are you the reason behind that," she asked 

"Not completely their marriage has been over with they just didn't know how to let each other go," i shrugged 

"And let me guess you helped them see that," she sides eye me 

"i guess you can say that" 

"ohh honey... girls like you make me sick you know that" she scuffed "you are young and pretty why mess up someone marriage for your own personal gain why embarrass that woman that is clearly dealing with the fact of now having to accept u being in her life," she asked making me sit there stupid 

"i don't know i didn't think of it that way"

"Well, you should have u already messing with this woman husband but you going to put out all of their business and then come on national tv for what. like what are you gaining out of this," she asked 

"i just want Dave to take care of his baby"

"Did he ever say he wouldn't," she asked which made me sit there and look even more stupid it felt like the walls in my world was closing in on me i quickly got up from the seat walking off the set this is not how this was supposed to be. i can't believe this i made a complete fool of myself on national tv. 

"ohh she leaving someone catch her!!"i heard Wendy say to the crowd making them all laugh i was sick of being the joke this one was just not funny. 

"You have to get back on stage," Wendy producer stopped me i huffed. i was getting paid for this me and this baby needed to eat so even if i make a complete fool of myself at least i can say it was worth it. i turned around quickly around heading back on-stage hearing people cheer for me made me feel a little better 

"Back so quickly," she asked 

"Yes, i just needed a little break that's all," 

"i know most do when there in the hot seat," she shaded again i just gave a fake friendly smile 

"So, we were talking about you being a side chick," 

"Yes, Wendy but I'm not the side chick," i snapped 

"Then what are you," 

"I'm Mya David east baby mother," i shrugged 

"plus, side chick," 

"If that is the case then what does that make miracle," i couldn't believe i said that but i did 

"And i Opp," Wendy chuckled "i like you" she laughed 

"I'm just stating facts she was his first side chick turned wife... SOOO miss Wendy let's talk about it," i snapped 

"That is true i covered their story awhile back and it was messy wasn't she the assistant too," 

"Sure was," 

"Well looks like Dave has set a pattern here don't work for Dave unless you want to leave with a baby and a broken heart huh," she laughed making me laugh with her because that was true.

"i just want to know why women get all the blame for the man's actions Ms. Wendy... no one is dragging Dave like their dragging mines and miracle mad at me when she was me years ago... it's just baffling to me," 

"Well maybe miracle is mad because you aired out her family business," 

"Business that i wouldn't have known if Dave didn't pillow talk right or wrong," i asked 

"I'm asking the question here sweetheart," she shaded again making me roll my eyes. 

"Look all I'm saying is i just told the world the truth behind who Dave really is and I'm the bad guy it took two to make this baby but I'm the one sleeping in hotels until i can find my next move and for what because a married man didn't realize what he had at home until it was gone." 

"You are right i give you that but i have to ask where your morals are," 

" Idk, but when you have miracle on your show be sure to ask her that same question ms Wendy," i snapped sick of her trying to come for me. she looked so shocked that she quickly cut to commercial break. i walked off set done with this interview i should have never come here this lady was mean and rude. i walked into my dressing room only to see Dave sitting in the chair waiting for me it scared me I'm not going to lie but i played it cool.

"I'm really trying here with you Mya, but this is just too fucking far," he stated calmly 

"what's to far is trying to get rid of me and this baby," i snapped 

"And I'm going to apologize for that but i thought we were better than this," he asked 

"Me too," 

"Then stop you made your point you got what you wanted i lost everything are you happy now," 

"My plan was to never to make you lose everything my plan was to not have me and my baby a secret anymore to have a family your marriage was already over Dave i just wanted to be a part of your life finally, but you couldn't do that so i had to get your attention some ways suck it's had to be this way though,"i shrugged 

"Me too" he nodded before getting up to leave i watched him walk out and for some reason that made me cry. 

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