19.who is he...?

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Darshan's pov
I, Isha, shraddha and Kartik we all are here in the mall for random shopping. I was looking for something to buy for Tanisha, i searched for her, she was observing a coffee mug which she will use to drink tea i know. There was a person behind her, i had seen him anywhere, he said something to her and she turned around to face him. She looked shocked, hurt, angry and many mix of emotions. I suddenly went there. Then i noticed that the person is Shivam they all talked about but i don't know him neither what he did to Isha. I stand beside Isha. Shivam looked at me and then Isha, he raised an eyebrow at her and give me a sarcastic smile and went there without saying any word. I looked at Isha with a look that she get i want to know each and every thing about this. She looked at shraddha and Kartik and they nodded at her and give me a small smile.
The car ride was a complete silence but this was not the comfortable silence that me and Isha experience but it was more of awkward and felt like we were forced to sit together. Kartik has informed about the encounter to malik brothers. We reached at Isha's house. I know it will be hard for her to tell and the look malik brothers are giving me has possibility to kill me. But i ignored them and walk towards Isha to know the story.
She nodded towards Malik brothers.
"Shivam was my boyfriend" she started. What a good sentence to start with.
"We both met at a show, audience loved our chemistry, to maintain the TRP of our show, we started to fake like we are dating or something. Shivam was a very good friend so I thought it will not do any bad to me. And people will recognise me more. I was selfish that time for fame. So we both started to post videos, photos together. We went to lunch, dinner, coffee knowing that paparazzi would be there. This was an act and i forget that Shivam is an amazing actor. Slowly i don't know how and when I started to feel something for him. From my side this was not an act anymore but a reality and from his side it was only an act. After sometime it was not easy for me to do this, so I talked to him. He just listened and after few minutes asked me if i wanted to be his girlfriend."her voice is now cracking. She closed her eyes took a deep breath and continue.
"I-I was shocked but said yes. I thought he also liked me and did this but he did this because he don't want to loss the TRP or the show or the fame. After the show end he came to me and said we should break up. The reason he gave were that i want to do something in Hollywood so i should first focus on my career. He explained it in a way that I at the end agreed with his decision. I thought he loved me and want me to first focus on my career and he is super nice etc etc but I was dumb." A tear escape from her left eye.
"And now i know one more thing about him" she was controlling her tears so badly. I gave her an encouraging nod.
"Shikha, the news reporter is his wife" I was too shocked to say something.
"She thought that he was cheating on her with me and i already know about their marriage. But i didn't knew that he was married. I think no one know expect both of them" I just hugged her, she was crying now, i rubbed her back and say some soothing words. I hate this to see her in this condition
Now i know why shikha hate Tanisha.
After good 4 hours Isha is fine now and she is sleeping right now. I messaged shikha to meet me now. I went to a park to meet her. Shivam used shikha and Tanisha. He cheated on both of them. I told shikha to file a case against Shivam and to move on, i will help her financially and Isha will help her emotionally. She should not be just tolerating this. She should speak for herself.
"Thank you Mr. Raval but will Isha help me. I mean whatever i have done to her-"
"You don't know her. She is a very good human, she will definitely help you but you need to apologise to her and never ever post anything against her. Okay"
She smiled and nodded.
"We will meet tomorrow"

Hey guys 😶 (audience - wait a minute who are you?)
Sorry i was busy with some things but here is your new chapter hope you like this. I really not so sure about this one.
And and and today darshan's new monsoon song is coming on 11 AM on Sony music India 🥳🥳💖 don't forget to watch it.
Bye. 1 hour is left.

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