Captured. Jedi Master Even Piell has been kidnapped by Separatist forces in hopes of getting information about the Nexus Route that could tip the war. Now the Jedi along with Spartan 117 plan a rescue mission to save them.
Master Chief, Anakin Skywalker, Obi-wan Kenobi, Plo Kloon, and a few Arc troopers were inside coming up with the plan to rescue Piell.Plo Kloon pulled up a hologram of the Citadel, "As you are aware, the Citadel is their most isolated and impenetrable detention facility. No one has ever escaped."
Not so surprisingly Anakin spoke up with his cool attitude, "There's a first time for everything."
"Indeed there is." Obi-wan commented.
Plo continues informing, "Their security has prevented our probes from obtaining recent reconnaissance, so we've been forced to construct a crude map based upon data from the archives."
"And since the data is extremely old, the map will be difficult to rely on." Obi-wan tells.
Anakin frowns, "So we're basically going in blind."
"For now." Cortana interrupts while taking over the hologram. "But get me into any computer and I can get us a much better map."
"That's what we're hoping for but we suspect the Separatist will be not wanting any kind of risk." Plo tells her. "So don't expect to get any information."
"Beg your pardon General," Captain Rex chips in. "But how do we know Master Piell is still alive?"
"The Separatist won't dare kill Master Piell until they have what they need." Obi-wan answers.
Plo Kloon continues the answer, "He obtained the coordinates of a secret hyperspace lane know as the Nexus Route, which travel into the heart of both Republic and Separatist homeworlds."
"They can prove vital in maneuvering our forces deep into remote Separatist sectors." Obi-wan tells.
Anakin finishes Obi-wan's explanation, "Or the enemy could use them to slip through our defenses and attack Coruscant."
Plo Kloon finishes the meeting telling everyone, "These hyperspace lanes are of immense interest to both our sides and could tip the scale of the war to whomever is in possession of them. That is all."
Master Chief and the clones salute and make their way to the hanger and prepare for the upcoming mission. The Spartan wonders what gear he'll need. "It's a stealth op that may go loud." Cortana says. "You may need to prepare for it to all go horribly wrong at the worst time possible."
Master Chief understood and grabbed his reliable magnum and attached a silencer to it. Hopefully it was only going to be close quarters so he put two smgs on his hips and his assault rifle on his back. With that he also carried a backpack full of grenades for plan B.
"We're trusting those droids to get us into the Citadel?" Fives said as an R2 unit and three reprogrammed battle droids head for the ship they would be taking.
"It's the only way." Cody answered for the arc troops. "We're flying right into the heart of Separatist territory. Droids won't be detected."
The Spartan didn't like this much less then the troops around him. He could just see from their faces that everyone had doubt.
"Anyway we could make these boys lighten up?" Cortana asks. "Doesn't someone usually give a nice speech to make everyone here feel inspired? Or do you want to give it a shot?" She asks with a taunting laugh.The soldier never really did talk much. Only when he had too. He looked at Rex. A man who everyone clone respects. He went over to him, "You and me both know there is a lot that can go wrong even before we land. We don't need them thinking that."
Hyperspace Anomaly
FanfictionHalfway into the Clone Wars Jedi master Obi-wan is taking back Ryloth from the Separatist droid army. The General gets notified of an object coming out of hyperspace and is currently burling down to the planet's surface. The object appears to be a s...