Shorts 15

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Around 12am at night, yb and you had just made it out of the movie theaters, walking back home- and yes I mean walking...yb wanted the THRILL of catching someone trying to mug y'all so he could 'hurt' them. But that's not the point- as y'all walked down the side walk y'all seen a small black figure animal sitting in the middle of the path. "Uh...the hell is that..?" Yb whispered to you, squinting his eyes at it. You'd cautiously walked up a bit-

From the outline of the little creature you could figure what it was- "it's a fucking stray cat- lets just

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From the outline of the little creature you could figure what it was- "it's a fucking stray cat- lets just...go on the other wa-" you shushed yb, getting closer and closer to the cat. Hearing the groans of yb as you picked it up, surprisingly it didn't attack you or hissed- it was more relaxed in your arms then it was before. Cradling the kitty, you walked back to yb with a huge smile- he seemed more irritated by the situation. You told yb that he didn't have a tag on him, soooo you wanted to keep him. "Whoa whoa whoa- darling I don't think that's even sanitary- that's a whole STRAY...and a cat.." puffing your chest up and giving him the determined look- he'd sigh and clasp his hands together- giving you a gentle smile. "Dear-" before he could state anything- in a fast but playful tone you stated that if y'all don't keep this you'll leave him in a heart beat- ....
Silence for a moment, then you seen yb take off his coat. Placing it into the cat that's in your arms- "keep it warm.." he'd say in a defeated tone. But as y'all got home, you asked yb if he could clean the cat. And he accepted of course- being the nice lil boy he is. But as he grabbed the cat (HISSSSS!!!) "FUCK!-" the cat clawed his arm, making him drop it and let it run by your leg. Hiding behind you in a way. "Come here you little shit!!!" You watched as yb chased the cat around the house, leaping over the table or trying to trap it into a box but as you thought it would never end- you seen yb grab it and folded it into his jacket. Preventing it to scratch him again, and hurrying to the bathroom- closing the door. You headed the the bed, getting dressed and hearing the bath water start to run between the walls. Laying in your bed- hearing mumbles that gotten nice and soft to yelling and cussing- "come on bud...just go in- OH YOU FUCKING BITCH!-" and a hour later- you seen yb slouching into the room, and laid beside you- out of breath. "That thing gave me clean him next time please..?" You agreed-.
Watching of opportunity
Before the relationship you'd Slouched at the counter with your pen and paper, the sounds of the never ending coffee mixers and talking at the cafe everyday just seemed to bother you. (Ring) the bell from the door, opening to see the familiar man that you seen rather often- it frightened you of how many times he would come in and order 1 thing, and it would be the same damn thing and then stay there for hours. Getting yourself ready- you walked over to where he sat down at 'hello, what can I get you?'- Ugh...he just stared at you, smiling and tilting his head "filled donut please...". You nodded quickly, speed walking back to your work station and placing in the order. As you tilted your head down, you glanced at him from a side eye- seeing that he was watching you- disgusting...but then another ring- (RING) "heyyyyyy y/n!" You looked over to the side, seeing a good friend of yours. 'Oh hey verick!'. Finally someone you knew came in. And mostly one of your best friends- you ran over, giving him a hug as he picked you up in the hug- swinging you around. But, what you didn't notice is that yb seen that- clearly...glaring at the man. As y'all talked together, yb started to spiral a bit- thinking... <what if that's their boyfriend? They got a boyfriend..? No no no...> and for those couple hours the guy was such a mess. But as your shift was starting to end you seen verick wave you goodbye but...he gave you a kiss on the head before leaving. You laughed it off, you and him was always closed but y'all both knew y'all wanted to stay in the friend zoned- but HE didn't know that.. you looked over at the guy, still sitting at his seat and his plate empty- staring at you before quickly looking away. Sighing- and taking your cafe hat off. About 10 minutes of working left, you was cleaning up the tables when you turned and got knocked into him- making you spill the coffee that you had in your hands all over you outfit and hand. "O-oh! I'm so so SO sorry- d-do you need help I-I" you firmly said no to his offer, saying that's it's fine. "Well...Uhm..." did he seriously try and make a conversation happen- you turned to him. Saying that you was about to leave in a bit so you didn't have much time to talk. He seem to frown but had a bit of hope in his eyes- walking over to set his cup on the counter....: Shift is over- stretching, you untied your apron and set your note pat in the drawer. Clocking out and it seemed like at the exact time you clocked out- the guy stood up, walking out with you...

 Clocking out and it seemed like at the exact time you clocked out- the guy stood up, walking out with you

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God fucking dammit! You didn't bring your umbrella with you- nor a jacket in that matter. But you heard some rustling beside you- the guy pulled out a black umbrella- placing it over y'all. "I can..walk you home- so you don't get...wet" didn't have a choice at this point. So you nodded, crossing your arms as you told him where your house was- (which was a lie- why the hell would you tell a stranger where you told him a place CLOSE BY- so you can walk the rest of the way there) y'all walked a for a couple minutes before he broke the silence "so...what's your name?" fairly didn't wanna say but what they heck- 'y/n- what about you?' He'd smiled quickly "oh! Well I'm your boyfriend!" What, the, ever, lasting, fuck, did, he, just, say-. You stopped walking, looking at him like he's insane- 'what the fuck!? I don't even know you!' He'd then shook his head and had a nervous look on his face "o-oh sorry- I uh.." you walked out of his umbrella area, muttering. 'Fuck you man..creepy...I better not see you at work again!' You stormed off but gave him a shove just for good measures. Yb stood there, placing a hand in where you shoved him in his chest. Chuckling to himself- "that's the first time you touched me...."

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