Dusk Brings nightmares

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"You really will not confide in me?" Azrael's redundant question is starting to annoy me as I scavenged the ground for a much more diverse meal. He didn't take the idea too kindly as he had stared at the things in my bag and said they were weeds for cows.

Fortunately for him, he'll have the novel experience of being a cow when I cook these weeds and shove them into his mouth.

"I told you, I was just spooked by a spider about to jump on me from the linen closet."

"Indeed? And you're not lying?"

"Yes! For Christ's sake! Even Pinocchio won't be able to give consistent answers from your grueling investigation!"

"...Who is Krayst and this Pinokyo you speak of? Are they your family?"

I slapped my forehead with the back of my hand. "Oh god..." I finally turned to his hooded figure, the distance between my brows lessening.

"You are upset."

"Gee, Sherlock. You've finally cracked the case. Now, moving on." I resumed plucking out the plants, stuffing them in the different compartments of my bag. Frankly, it wasn't only for the sake of lunch, but I figured I would need to get herbs while I could. It would be worrisome if we fell ill while in the wilderness.

"Sometimes, I don't understand your words."

I pursed my lips. "It's only natural. I came from a very far place." Farther than all the places you've been and known. I fell into a melancholic mood, my mind going to my family and the modern world that was once my home.

Lunch soon arrived and I was thankful for the herbs I've gathered. Finally, our diet that consisted of bland roasted meat became better with some spices and weeds. And in the end, he had voluntarily ate some of it after seeing me eat them sumptuously.

"Welcome to the herd." I jokingly uttered after the meal and was surprised to hear him counter it with a joke to match.

"I must decline. I'd rather be a wild cow than be tended by you."

I raised a brow in amusement. Hah! A relic like him wouldn't survive my scathing responses if I get serious.

"I wouldn't want an overgrown cow like you,  anyway." And I turned towards the stream with a smile, cutting the conversation to my advantage.

When night came, Azrael ushered me in a tent he had managed to assemble, probably noticing the bite marks I've gotten on my hands from collecting herbs.

"I appreciate the tent, Rael." I said, using a nickname I made for him during the day. He grunted in response, and I heard the horse snort from the distance as if in disappointment. I frowned, shaking my head as I opened the entrance covers made from large leaves he'd gathered from a nearby water fall. "Are you going to sleep outside without a tent of your own?"

"Yes." He didn't care to look at me as he threw some branches for the fire to eat.

"But wont you get insect bites, as well?"

"I won't. I've covered myself well."

It's true. He wore long sleeved shirts. A hood and long boots to cover the gap between the hem of his pants and socks.

"But isn't it uncomfortable?" I insisted.

He sighed, finally looking in my direction. "Miss, if I don't know any better, I'd think you're inviting me to your bed."

I blushed, feeling heat spread all over my face like coals. "I-I was only worried!" Did it really sound like that?

He nodded.

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