Guarded Secrets (4)

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The herbalist merely changed the bandages on my hand, and prescribed me potions for the pain. He also told me not to walk for a while as the condition of my ankle is quite serious. It was regrettable that he couldn't provide a potent healing potion to heal fractures more quickly.

While Ashinlu is a thriving town, it's still only a small town that lacks precious supply of ingredients to make higher grade potions.

With a few more reminders to Imaya, who took the role of my caretaker, our visitors left, and I quickly reverted back to my exhausted, melancholic state.

"I apologize for suddenly appearing like this unannounced... We don't even know each other that well..."

Imaya stood beside me as she poured water in the glass cup.

"I was sincere when I advised you to come to me when you don't have anywhere else to go. I think that means, you are always welcome in my home, Miss Sierra."

I stared at the face that was covered by a black translucent veil. She did say that before I departed Ashinlu with Azrael... And a lot more... That I shouldn't be burdened to save everyone when I can't even rely on myself for intrinsic troubles. And that fate is stronger than willpower.

"No mother can save a child who dies in her womb,"  Were her exact words.

"I don't understand... Why exactly are you willing to help me..?"

Imaya shifted her head to look at my sitted frame. "You are my benefactor."

"But I didn't do you any favors." I insisted.

Imaya walked to the window by the side of the bed and opened it. "Do you believe in magicks?"

"...Somewhat." I replied.

She continued to look outside the window. "Before you came, I was always bound to be forgotten in people's memories no matter what I did. People I've talked to yesterday, don't remember it happening. But as soon as Miss Sierra talked to me in the festival, I felt the veil around me disappear..."

"...Really..?" Is that even possible? I don't think I have any ability like that?

Imaya turned to look at me. "It's no use hiding your identity. I've known ever since that Miss Sierra is an Eldritch, because I am a Seer."

My mouth formed an O at her words. Imaya is a Seer? And I am an Eldritch?

"Why do you look shocked? Do you... not know?"

I pursed my lips and recalled Biyya's words in a dream, but that was that. I don't know anything about my body other than it's healthy and that I am a sister of a magical tree.

And now Imaya says I am an Eldritch... So I'm not human? But I bleed like a normal human. And even with my blood's property, I remain mortal, because my ability doesn't affect my own body.

"I... am even clueless as to why I exist here..." I decided to be honest to Imaya who seemed shocked at my revelation.

"You lost your memories?"

"It's..." I don't know if I should reveal more than that. I don't know if I can really trust Imaya. What if she sees me as a threat after my confession..? "...Similar."

"I guessed as well..." She uttered. "I thought it was weird that an Eldritch like you is traveling with a... mortal."

"...What exactly do you see that made you think I'm an Eldritch?"

She seemed stupefied again. "...Miss Sierra emits this mystical glow that no human could ever have."

So I'm a light bulb? Biyya said the same thing, too. Something about shining.

"A lot of the white caste Eldritch creatures also like to flock around you... Even now..."

I tilted my head at her. White caste eldritch creatures..? I think I have scanned a paragraph about the separation of Eldritch creatures. White caste refers to those who are not necesarily evil, are peaceful, and sometimes they even help humans. On the other hand, the dark caste is the opposite. If I remember correctly, they are under Hatan's domain. 

"You can't see them..?" Imaya asked and I shook my head. She closed the curtains and nodded in my direction.

"It's okay to show yourself to Miss Sierra."

Soon, after blinking my eyes, I saw a small humanoid face looking into my eyes very closely. Pink petals bloomed out of its face, forming an enchanting billowing magnificence. It looked almost like a flower if it curled up.

"You really couldn't see us..?" Her voice was soft and drawled like a child who was sleepy.

"... Pretty..." I couldn't help uttering, which aroused the rest of the creatures with the same features to pop into my field of view.

The petals turned bright red as she moved away for a bit. "Sierra is the prettiest." The pink flower who looked embarassed, uttered in her sweet voice.

The rest nodded in agreement, squeaking in high pitched noises. They can't speak..?

Imaya came and sat beside me with a smile. "It's rare for flower spirits to interact with humans, because they're very cautious, so they don't bother to learn how to speak in our tongue. The one who spoke fluently is quite eccentric, if I say so myself." A glowing butterfly propped itself on Imaya's shoulder as she explained patiently.

"I see..." I uttered as I looked at them again who scattered and inspected my body.

"Sierra is badly hurt... What happened?" The pink blossom asked as she grabbed strands of my, now, short hair. The rest went to my ankle, tweeting incessantly while floating around it.

The question reminded me of what happened in Mai, making me purse my lips. The excitement of seeing something incredible dissipated, and I avoided everyone's gazes. 

"...Okay everyone. Sierra is tired, let her rest." Imaya uttered and they all pitifully sighed, but disappeared obediently.

"They returned to their abode, so don't worry and rest well. I'll go and prepare you something easy to eat."

"Thank you. I promise to pay you back properly."

"...Okay." Imaya is very perceptive, as expected. She could see through my discomfort easily and always acts in consideration.

I looked at my bandaged ankle anxiously, sighing at how it throbbed.

"Please heal quickly..."

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