Guarded Secrets (7)

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Meanwhile in Oakenna, Capital of Kesoe, Leon Gofraidh stared into the vicious amber eyes of the intruder currently sitting in the lounge furniture of his private chambers in the palace. His sword pulsed with his magicks as it hung in the air, the tip, mere inches from the hooded gentleman's neck.

"Your highness... What is your objective for entering the palace?"

Prince Issac Gryffon Vanderbilt pushed the Captain's sword away with a nonchalant attitude before removing his hood. No longer is he keeping up with the transformation magick, so his midnight blue hair and amber eyes were exposed in the open.

"I thought we're past this, Captain." The prince smiled, but his eyes remained stoic. "I came here to accept your offer, is all. I'm the best soldier you can get against Pubrina's forces."

Leon didn't lower his guard, but lowered his sword, nonetheless. "What could have brought this sudden change of decision? Are you now eyeing the throne for revenge?"

Issac cocked his head to the right as if thinking about the question, but he didn't respond, and only kept the smile on his lips.

"If it's only for revenge, I can not allow that."

"Why?" Issac asked. "Are you frightened the Princess will get caught in my schemes?"

The captain's eyes narrowed as he finally sheathed his sword and sat in front of his guest. "Does your higness not hold any regard for the Princess who tirelessly looked for you?"

Issac shifted his gaze to the ceiling as if it suddenly looks interesting. The intricacies are as extravagant as he remembered, and it had been well maintained throughout the years. "I have no use for a throne holding no power..."

Issac is aware of the Emperor's burden ever since he could talk. The man sitting on the throne married for love. A commoner who was of no help to the already unstable power of the emperor. In the end, the allies who could have helped the emperor gain his past glory stepped back to lick their wounded egos.

Despite losing their trust, he could have used his son who awakened as the descendant of Hojom's disciple after five long decades to ensure stability, but he was too scared and resentful to do anything other than to suppress Issac's ability and abandon him. And so Issac became a mere child who killed his mother at birth. So until now, the position of the emperor remains a decoration in the imperial palace.

"I only seek asylum. The leaf of Biyya could not break the curse. It can only heal the symptoms. I become vulnerable every fortnight until the essence of Biyya heals me-"

Leon held his palm in the air to interrupt him. "Your highness, why are you telling me this?"

"Of course, to get your cooperation."

He needs a safe haven in return for his service? More than that, he couldn't believe the leaf really exists, and to think it could even quell the curse of a corrupted. Leon shook his head. Pubrina's greed will not be the only problem if the Prince speaks the truth. Biyya's proof of existence will cause an uproar if not kept hidden.

And where to better hide it other than a place nobody would expect? The center of power in the Kesoe empire, Capital Oakenna. "Very well... I will accept your highness as a knight. I believe this deal will both be beneficial for us both."

The smile returned to Prince Issac's face. "I appreciate your consideration."

"I assume I am the only one who knows of the Prince's situation?"

"Only I know the potency of the leaf of Biyya. However, I made a big scene in Ma-i's palace... Ajin may sniff the traces I wasn't able to extinguish."

Leon frowned. "Ajin?"

"The organization I recently escaped from..."

"How dangerous is this organization?" The Prince's nonchalant way of speaking couldn't be trusted. Not after seeing the scars on his body in Banaha.

"...The issue is the scarcity of information available. They spread their influence through anonimity, and if someone gets caught with valuable information, they send assassins."

To think an organization managed to exist in hiding for so long... Leon couldn't help but feel intrigued.

"I destroyed their lab in Zorzog, but I'm not aware if it's of any importance to Ajin as I am always kept in isolation except for special occasions. Information is hard to come by, especially when the workers are compelled by dark magicks to keep their mouths shut at the cost of their lives."

"They treat their members like expendable spare parts... The master of the organization knows his craft well." Leon uttered in contemplation.

"Yes. Well... I will tell you everything in due time. For now, I need an identity I can immediately use."

The Captain nodded. "By the way, where is your highness' companion?"

"...I also want to know." Issac replied as shadows from the corners crawled out like snakes in front of the Prince. It grew in size, and spat out a hawk that lay exhausted in an ominous cage made of shadows. "She ran away. I ought to catch her, but I couldn't move alone freely, so I received the message in her place. I hope you don't mind."

Leon's brows furrowed at the creepy tendrils of shadows that crawled out. Is this the magicks of Hatan's blessing? She must have seen the accursed thing. Why else would a sweet lady run from someone she cried for? "The princess wishes to see her."

The prince's mouth remained shut, making it more difficut to read his thoughts.

"Lady Alvi-or can not be harmed, your highness. Not only because of the Princess' wishes, but because she may know something very important."

Issac's eyes focused at Leon. "Something important..?"

"It is a matter of national safety." Leon enunciated.

The prince nodded with a smile. "Leave the task to me. I'll capture her alive..."

"Before you do that... Would you like to speak with the Princess?"

Issac stood up as if to leave. "I don't want to put a strain on our relationship... The sister that I've never seen before will always be a stranger to me, but you think oppositely, Leon Gofraidh."

"...Still... Even once is enough, your highness."

The prince didn't turn around as he spoke heartlessly out of topic, "I'll come back soon to get my identity."

Broken to disrepair. And the only thing that created a spark in his eyes is a suspicious woman. What a troublesome bunch.


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