Keep your enemies closer (1)

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When I woke up, the sun was still shining in the same spot as I remember. It was only after staring at the sky through the window for at least a minute that I realized it was already the morning of the next day. I didn't even believe it until I saw Elizabeth's worried face that had just come inside the room.

"This child! Even though you didn't sleep well the previous night, how could you sleep throughout the whole day!"

I could only stare at her in confoundment. "Mrs. Elizabeth... Are you sure today isn't the same day?" Did I really sleep that long?

She looked incredulous as she held her waist before lightly knocking my head with a closed fist. "You're speaking nonsense because you haven't eaten anything until now!"

"I-I'm sorry..." I smiled sheepishly, hoping to reduce her anger somehow.

"Anyway, you better eat!"

"C-can I take a bath first..?" I uttered to which she responded with a frightening stare. "On second thought, I'm feeling quite hungry, after all."

She sighed noisily as she nodded. "Who wouldn't be hungry after sleeping for a whole day? Come along. The young Lord and Mr. Azrael have long finished eating breakfast."

"Where are they now?" I asked curiously as I stood up to follow after the head maid. It was my first time going to the dining hall of the guest house, so I didn't know where it is.

"They have left to the borders as soon as they're done. Mr. Azrael was worried and asked me to wake you up before they left."

"I see..." I uttered absent mindedly. "Is he helping with the investigation?"

"It seems so." Mrs. Elizabeth responded.

"Is he feeling better now? What did the doctor say about his injuries?"

"If you're that worried, you should have woken up sooner to check on him!... But yes, his injuries have healed thanks to the Lord William's potions."

I nodded. "That's good to hear..." The adopted brother of the Captain is a genius, after all. I thought the physicker I saw when I woke up was quite familiar. It turned out that he's that Lord William.

We soon stopped in front of the big double doors to open them. And before I could even pull out the chair for myself, Mrs. Elizabeth was quicker, so all I could do was say my gratitude once again.

"Now, now. Please, eat quickly to gain some nutrients." She urged me as she signed for one of the maids on standby to open the dishes. Looking at my face, she added, "It's a little stuffy to eat in here alone. The gentlemen might not be able to come back for lunch. Why don't you eat in the garden later?"

I shifted my eyes to her in excitement. "There's a garden?"

"Of course. You can take a walk later after breakfast. I will be busy with other matters, so this maid will guide you."

I looked at the girl with brown hair. She looked a little younger than me. Fifteen years old at most. Soon, she curtsied and introduced herself in a small voice. "Good morning, Lady Alvi-or, I am Daisy."

Her mispronounciation made me smile. They must have heard it from the Captain and thought it was the right way to say it. "Nice to meet you..."

"Well then, I'll leave you to yourself now." Mrs. Elizabeth muttered, looking satisfied. 

I nodded and thanked Mrs. Elizabeth again. "Daisy, please make sure the lady eats properly. She is an important guest of our master."

I chuckled in embarrassment. I wonder about that? Their master seemed very eager to see me die after I signed the oath of death. The door shut behind the headmaid and I was left with the food in front of me. Steam wafted from the sumptous meal, eliciting a light growl from my stomach. It was only at this time that I truly realized how hungry I was. The familiar feeling settled in my stomach as I picked up the utensils and started eating slowly. 

My idle schedule started after bathing. Because I didn't let anyone help me with my bath, Daisy insisted to comb my hair. I couldn't win against her, so I relented. Then combing became drying. And drying became styling, and now she was braiding my hair in an updo. 

"The lady's hair is so pretty. I've never seen anyone with white hair before." 

Her comment made my ears perk up. "Really..? Isn't it common in the cities?" I asked. 

"Not at all, lady Alvi-or! Even among the nobles, white hair does not exist, so I thought the lady must be a foreigner." 

I gazed at my hair in the mirror as Daisy braided it happily. Soon after it was finished, she accompanied me in the garden where I poked and stared at the plants with interest. At last, I halted in front of an enormous fountain. At the center stood a white stone statue of a woman. A gentle smile was permamently carved on her face as she looked downwards, her gentle eyes looking at something, and nothing at the same time. Water trickled from her hair, making it look as if it was part of her. As if it was moving. 

"Oh. That is a sculpture of the goddess Patar. It was purchased by the Duke as a gift for the late Duchess. You must come see it at night, Lady Alvi-or. When the moon touches the stone, The sculpted hair emits a white light!" Daisy chattered excitedly beside me. 

"It must be very expensive." It even had a light feature. I wonder how it was made? Daily life in the Kesoe empire was pretty much simplified almost like the modern world because of the talented craftsmen. Some objects were explained in the novel, but I might see other things I've never encountered before. Like this sculpture... 

"Yes, indeed! Even the King of Ma-i desired this very same statue! Unfortunately, the Duke's love won in the end and he was able to take it home from the bidding." Daisy sighed like a hopeless romantic as she folded her hands together while muttering a wish.  

I'm sure it wasn't love but money that won in the end. Still, it was indeed love that made the Duke wave his money like that. To win even against a king... I wonder if I could meet someone in this world who'd love me as much as the Duke loves his wife. 

Grandma Inchop's face popped up, and a smile instantly laced my lips. "The Duchess must have been very happy..." 


Daisy peeked at the Lady's smiling face, and wondered how someone can be so pretty. She looked very much like the goddess' statue when she broke into a smile. 


A/N: OKAAAYYYY!!! It's the perfect time to start making theories of what's to come, my single measly readers! 

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