The truth that meets you (6)

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Sierra... Wake up... 

You need to run... 

Run away... 

It's dangerous... He's dangerous...

What's dangerous..? The haunting whispers continued to echo in my ears, sometimes near. Sometimes they sound far away, and all they ever tell me is to run away. It's tiring to listen to the same words over and over again. My eyes fluttered open. 

"Hello? Can you hear me, Miss?" An exhausted voice called for me. I looked at the source and found a man snapping his fingers at me. He looks like a ghost with his sagging eyebags and an unkempt grey hair that was sticking out in all sorts of manner. 

"Wh-Where's Azrael?" I paused, and coughed as a result of my dry throat. I feel so thirsty, but I need to see Azrael right now. His injuries are not a joke. I can't believe I fainted. How long was I sleeping? 

The man, who looked to be at least in his mid twenties, pursed his lips as he helped me sit up when my body couldn't properly move as I'd like. He then offered me a glass of water. "He's in a much more better state than you. Drink. I'll call some maids to prepare you with something to eat and inform the Captain that you've regained consciousness. Are you feeling alright?" After pulling a string by the bed side table, he continuously checked me like a standard modern doctor. Flashing light in my eyes with a magic gem, opening my mouth, checking the patch on my neck and so on.

I stared up at him in awe. Judging by his tea green coat, he must be a Physicker recognized by the empire. It was my first time seeing one in this world. It's a luxurious job that only nobles or elites can have, with the exception of a few commoners that are fortunate to have been sponsored by nobles who recognized their talent.

"You seem fine. I will take my leave then." He grunted and left as soon as the maids entered the room. 

"Good morning, Miss. We prepared something easy to eat. Would you like to freshen up first?" They were pushing in a cart that held a tray, probably the food, while two washbasins of lukewarm water were already being delivered right to the bed. 

Although I appreciate the sudden luxury... Why is nobody informing me why I'm here? Where is this place? Where is Azrael? "Umm... Where am I?" I asked sheepishly with an awkward smile. 

The middle-aged woman holding the bowl looked at me in surprise. 

"Oh my... I'm sorry, miss. I thought Lord Wilfred had informed you. You're currently at Banaha in the villa of his grace, Duke Gofraidh. You were unconscious when Lord Leon brought you here last night."

"Oh... Thank you for the information... I didn't think he'd personally take us in as guests..." I whispered the last sentence as they gently pulled my hands to one of the basins for rinsing. Next, they soaked the towel in the other wash basin and helped clean my face for me, leaving me feeling awkward. It has been a while since I've been assisted like a sick person. I really don't miss being treated like this. Next time, I'll do it myself. 

"Th-thank you..." I uttered awkwardly. 

The middle aged woman smiled at me heartily as the maid who helped me clean up retreated behind her. "I am the head maid of this villa, Elizabeth Irvine. Do not hesitate to call for my assistance during your stay." 

"Y-yes. Thank you very much." This is so awkward. "Before that... Where is Azrael..? My companion? The one with a hood?" The ancient doctor said he's fine, but that's not possible with the injuries he's gotten. 

"Oh yes. Mr. Azrael is currently recuperating in the room next to you. It seems like he's still sleeping when we passed by. It will be best if you eat first before visiting him." 

I tried to move again, but I felt pain with every effort to move. Sighing, I resigned to my fate. We should be safe in the villa. Leon Gofraidh is not only a very righteous character, but also someone powerful, so there shouldn't be any dangers here. I tried to relax as I looked around my surroundings. 

with every turn of my head, my eyes would pop in disbelief at the luxury I'm seeing. The bed was quite comfortable, too. After eating and taking a bath in a luxurious tub, I was even lent a dress by the head maid, who said it was previously her younger sister's.

It was the prettiest dress I've worn since I came here, with an ankle length skirt and bishop sleeves of a light blue shade and a white button down fitted bodice with a high collar made of ruffles. I tried to refuse after seeing the quality, but the head maid was insistent. She said, the two outfits I've been switching throughout my journey was destroyed while they were washing it, so it would make her feel better if I accepted the clothes.

I didn't want to go around naked, so I wore the clothes obediently. 

"Hey...-" I soon walked in Azrael's room without knocking, and was greeted with a shirtless view of a man I've never seen before. "Who-" My face felt hot, and I quickly shut the door close as soon as I met his eyes. Who is that?! The head maid said Azrael is staying in the room next to mine! Could she be referring to the other side? 

I was about to escape to the other room to find Azrael when the door opened and someone grabbed my arm. 


My eyes widened at the familiar voice coming from the stranger. I turned my head around slightly. My eyes traveled from his fingers on my wrist, to his forearms, to his shoulders, to his neck, and then ever so slowly, to his face. To familiar brown eyes that were shaded, but looked as if they were glowing. This person couldn't be Azrael, could he..?

The light spilling from the windows in his room shone behind him, creating a looming shadow over me. A few strands of midlength brown hair glittered from the daylight. Some of his fringe fell brushing his smooth forehead and covered his eyes, and I squinted as I lowerred my eyes to the taut, chapped lips that twitched ever so slightly as if unsure of what to say. The high-cheekbones and the squarish jaws tensed, then relaxed as he spoke. 

"...Do you like my face that much?" 

The spell immediately broke as I moved my eyes up to his eyes in a mix of incredulity and shock. 



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