The Town of Secrets (1)

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Long ago, a great famine spread across all continents. Humans suffered. Unknown diseases stealthily sprouted from the grounds like unseen ghosts. Livestock, wild animals, humans- nothing was spared. It was believed that it would be the end of all that was and were. Until Amma, the god of creation pitied human kind and gave a great rain that cleaned the earth of misfortune. And with the rain, came two beings of light and darkness, seemingly becoming the hands of Amma in the eyes of the pitiful humans. It was then believed that neither could one exist without the other.

The pair possessed extraordinary powers, and helped humankind freely, but as always, human greed is ever growing, and it had swallowed the being of light in its demise, leaving darkness to grieve the loss of its companion. Soon the being grew malevolent from misery, and all his fury were unleashed upon humanity.

Just when all hope was lost, Amma intercepted darkness' fury and locked him away, but came a warning from his mouth.

Humanity will forever be doomed by shattering the sprite of life. If you fail to control your greed, a wrath, greater than what has been spilled today will be your end.

I opened my mouth in amazement at the shadow play before me. I didn't know there was an intricate tale behind their religion. Amma, the god of creation, is the most revered god by most continents. But I had heard from my previous mentor, that there are few who worship the being of light, Patar, as their goddess while fearing her counterpart, being of darkness, Hojom. Figures. Everything has to have an origin, after all.

"It's amazing... I didn't know it has a story like that!" I chattered away at my silent companion. "It's so romantic yet... tragic."

"What are you so surprised about? It's a common story in the kingdom. Every child who  acted greedy probably had their mothers ingrained the story to their head."

I paused, shocked. It was that common? "I-Is that so? Nobody told me such a thing tho? I must have been a really good kid." I laughed mechanicaly before quickly turning away from the play, trying to search for something to veer the conversation to. "Oh look! What's that?" I pointed at a sparkling stall in the distance while walking briskly to its direction.

After gaining a few feet, I could discern a lot of antiques spread across the merchant's tables. Shiny and pretty things I've never seen in my previous world. Before Azrael could respond, I found my feet going towards them as if hypnotized. At the back of my mind, I couldn't help but sigh wearily. I might look like I've all the energy in the world, but my mind is begging for me to slow down.

Maybe it's because of what happened in the forest yesterday morning, but ever since we resumed the journey to the small town of Ashinlu, I found myself talking endlessly. Most of which I don't even recall myself. And now that we've reached our destination, and the town is brimming with the spirit of festivity, I've found another thing to talk about.

Meanwhile Azrael remained passive, a nod and a hum here and there to indulge me. I don't know how to act around him after I practically threw myself at him, clinging like a leech. And imagining my face that was probably full of snot and eye gunk, tears and saliva, all mixed into one. It made me almost pull all my hair out in embarrassment. I could almost hear the wind whisper 'shame', 'shame', 'shame', everytime it blew on my face.

I've always held my tears as best as I could around people I'm unfamiliar with in my previous life so I don't know how to act after what happened that morning. It left me feeling vulnerable, and I hate it.

"What's this?" I pointed at an item made of bronze, seemingly molded from wolvorine's claws.

"It's a weapon." Azrael answered a matter of factly.

"Of course... Silly me!" I laughed yet again, feeling like a fool. I casually gazed to the veiled merchant woman, who seemed to be only in her twenties. There was a small mysterious smile on her lips as she quietly sat behind her goods. I imagine she'd be a beauty behind her veil. Her prim and elegant posture cemented my assumption. "You have quite the interesting goods here, madam!" I beamed at her.

"Of course. The festival is nigh, and people grow weary of ordinary trinkets."

"Everyone wants something extraordinary." I nodded as I skimmed among her jewelry. "Your necklaces are pretty! How much for this one?" I pointed at a simple golden chained necklace. It wasn't the usual type where the pendant is pinned right at the opposite end of the clasp. Rather, the delicate pearl was fastened to a single chord that connected it to the main chain.

"My... You have picked my favorite. That's worth three hundred gold coins."

I instantly withdrew my hand as soon as she mentioned gold. But it looked so simple! I went closer to Azrael, quietly asking for his opinion.

"The price matches the craftmanship." His curt response made me feel ashamed of my initial suspicion. I must be really running out of luck.

"It is unfortunate, but it seems I don't have the finances to buy it..." I uttered, feeling embarrassed. Maybe it was meant to be. Wearing jewelry while travelling isn't good, anyway. It's bound to attract some hooligans along the way.

The merchant didn't reply, but her smile remained. I bet she heard our conversation a while back.

"I'm sorry for suspecting your integrity, madam. I may not be able to buy it, but I hope you get a lot of customers to buy your goods."

The merchant's mouth parted for a moment before the smile returned again. "...It is understandable to be wary. In exchange for the delicate miss' kind words, I shall gift you that necklace. Please have it."

I was surprised she'd suddenly give it for free. I feel like I scammed her to give it to me for free so I quickly shook my head. "I only said something anyone would say!-"

"Believe me, nobody would say such words to a merchant like me. Only you. And do not fret over my earnings. Nobody ever liked that necklace until you. And I doubt there will ever be one, so take it."

"But..-" Can I really just take it..?

I looked up at Azrael and he nodded, seemingly understanding my plight. Yet I still couldn't get the courage to get it for free. It feels wrong.

"As I thought, I don't feel comfortable having something so expensive for free. And I don't believe nobody would appreciate such a pretty thing." I ended the conversation with a sheepish smile and pulled Azrael to a different direction.

"Try as you might, you will not be able to run away from the chaos you left."

What was that?

I whipped my head back to the merchant, but she wasn't looking at me. Rather, to her new customers that began flocking the stall.

"D-did you hear it, too?" I asked Azrael, not noticing my grip on his sleeves tightening. What was happening to me these days? Hallucinations and plaguing nightmares... Am I going crazy, after all?

"Hear what?" His response filled my heart with icy dread.

"Hear..." I gulped. "Hear my heart beating for you!" I continued, shooting my index fingers at him with a wink.

The dead silence that hung afterwards made my arms falter as I slapped his back, guffawing. "My god! You're so serious! I was only trying to lighten up the mood, you dimwit." I giggled before going to a food stall. The corners of my lips that were filled with mirth went down as soon as I turned away from Rael.

Nightmares or hallucinations. I won't let my appetite be affected. A healthy body is a healthy mind!


Yet even the healthiest minds fall prey to the beast.

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