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        —"and it was a start to something new"


"Yes ma," I dropped the book I was reading on my study table,and followed the direction of my mother's voice.

"Here,take this,"she hands me a knife. "Cut these vegetables and use it to make soup for your father's dinner".

"Yes ma," I took the knife from her hands and rinsed the vegetables under the kitchen tap.

"When would you be going?" I asked her as I chop the vegetables.

"In an hour. I have to cover up for your aunt Rahmah," she answered.

"Why? What's wrong with her?" I asked curiously. Aunt Rahmah rarely misses her shift. I've always known her to be a hardworking single mother.

"Her BP suddenly rose after her mother visited her yesterday. She's weak,and can't possibly be able to work efficiently, that's why I'll be covering up for her".

"That's bad. I'd love to pay her a visit later in the day. Would it be okay if I leave after I'm done cooking?"

"Alright dear. I'll ask Uncle Tee to drive you there. Make sure to have your phone on you always". Mum looked at me,and I nodded.

Aunt Rahmah was one of the few people I was close with. She's like a second mother to me,and she's so sweet and caring. Times like this,when she's in pain,are when I feel really bad.

Thirty minutes later,I hugged mum goodbye as she entered into her car,and zoomed off. I went back into the kitchen,and place a pot on the cooker to prepare 'semovita' for dad.

I played with my phone while waiting for the water to boil. There was this group I newly joined on Facebook last week when I created an account.

The group is filled with lots of people with incredibly good sense of humour. I always looked forward to reading posts from the members of the group and comments which always made my day. It is the definition of 'alive'.

"Oops," I almost dropped my phone on the floor. The water was boiling already and I had been so engaged with my phone.

Mum would definitely scold me if she knew. The rate of the increase in price of cooking gas now has increased, and despite the fact that we could afford to pay the price conveniently, my mum had always been against 'wasting ' gas while cooking.

Well,not just gas. Any other things you could think of,even electricity. There's a duration for letting the fridge,and freezer run,we don't turn on the bulbs in the day,and we only turn on the AC when it's absolutely necessary.

Yep,that's my mum for you. She's unique in her own way,and I can't love her less.

Now,here's a little about me. My name is Dayesha Ameerah Wadi',an eighteen year old girl. I'm in my second year in the university,and studying Nursing.

I'm an introvert,and no,that doesn't mean I'm shy.I am the only one in my family with a different skin colour —dark.

My mother is a fair complexioned Fulani woman in her late forties who's married to an Edo man in his mid fifties,also fair. It still remains a mystery as to where I got my complexion from. Well,I stopped caring about that since last year when I'd attended a seminar hosted by a friend in Kano. It was life changing and now,I am comfortable and walk with pride.

I'm obsessed with food,but cooking seems like a chore to me. I do it because I have to do it, and not because I want to do it.

That's bad? Yeah,I know that too. But,hey! I'm just eighteen and still got my life to live before any future responsibilities.

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