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       "what are you doing?" I tried peeping at her phone.

She instinctively tapped on the screen several times. I narrowed my eyes in suspicion.
" what are you hiding Zainab?"

"Me?" She laughed. "I'm not hiding anything Esha".

"You can't even lie to save your life. Look at me in the eyes, and tell me you weren't hiding something from me".

She smile sheepishly and looked over her shoulders for any listening ears. When the coast was clear, she dragged me closer and whispered into my ear.

"What?" I half yelled at her.

"Shh," she placed her hand over my mouth. My eyes were as wide as saucers, almost popping out of their sockets as I ran over what she just said in my head.

"When was that?"

" two days ago".

Her response didn't seem to calm my nerves, instead making my stomach churn. Zainab was out of her mind, that was a fact.

" do you have any idea how dangerous this is Zainab?" I whisper and yelled at her.

" nothing bad is going to happen In Sha Allah. He's a good person ".

"That's not the point Zainab," I scolded. " you know what? Let's talk about this somewhere more private". I didn't give her a chance to speak as I dragged her across the hallway to one of the spare rooms.

We were at my Dad's other home, meaning his first family's house. My mum got married to my dad when she was twenty, and he was forty-three. His first wife or Umma as she was being referred to, had given birth to two boys and a girl when the marriage took place. Need to say, she and my mum don't get along, always avoiding each other like plague even in public places.

I slammed the door behind me, making sure to turn the lock. The last thing I want is Umma or any other person hearing our conversation and putting me in the spotlight. I would rather not have anything stain my reputation thank you.

"You're being dramatic, " she said.

" you're the one who has lost her sense of reason here Zainab," I said. My voice rose with each word.
" What has gotten into you? A meeting with an online stranger, and that too in a secluded place?" I paced up and down in the empty room.

The fact that this was getting into a heated argument between the two of us made me want to hunt down the stranger guy and give him a piece of my mind. Zainab and I had gotten along well until he came into the picture.

"Look," she stretched her arms in front of her as a form of defence. " it's not as bad as you make it sound. Besides, he's a Muslim so he wouldn't dare try any nonsense ".

" I don't trust you to be alone with a total stranger. For Allah's sake, haven't you read stories on what usually happened in scenarios like this one?" My voice was laced with desperation as I tried to knock some sense into her skull.

" what is wrong with you? You were doing just great a few days ago, and now you're being stubborn and unreasonable".

" I don't remember judging you when I found out you double date guys on social media," she said, her phone clutched in her hand.

My heart desperately reached out to hers, a wave of indifference washed through her face and I watched helplessly as my pleas fell on deaf ears.

" Okay".

Her head shot up at the one word I uttered her eyes failing miserably to conceal the surprise in them. However, before her thoughts could get any wilder than it already was, I said. " but, I'm coming with you".

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