9: Dayesha

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As I brewed some coffee for my dad, my mind couldn't help but wonder. I'm in deep trouble, and it's partially my fault. Maybe, just maybe, if I hadn't encouraged him all this while, I wouldn't be having a restless mind.

For the third time today, my phone pinged, but got no response on my side. I am not ready to face him yet, so I've been ignoring the messages.
That's weird, and you know what's even weirder?
I cut off all other guys I had a flirty relationship with. I'm at the most crucial stage in my life, and can't risk falling apart because of a guy.

I'm smart, yes, but don't know how long I can keep this up.

"Dayesha," Dad called out as I stir some milk and sugar into the coffee.

"Coming papa," I yelled back in response.

Like a posh lady I am, I walked to the living room, head held up high. Dad, as usual, had a copy of the morning newspaper in hand.

"Here is your coffee, specially made by me. No need to thank me, I know I'm awesome." I winked.

"What a humble lady," he laughed.

"I know right." Taking a seat across from him, I cleared my throat, reducing my voice by an octave, mimicking my mum. " it's rare to find a daughter like this, these days".

We both burst out in laughter.

Dad took a sip of the coffee, his lips curved upwards. "Does your mother know that you're now very good at mimicking her ?" He asked.

"No way, mum's just as clueless as Mimi when it comes to that," I said. The feline who I had just compared to mum, sat at the furthest corner away from us, shooting dad hot glares right across the room.

Dad isn't a fan of cats, but he only tolerated 'Mimi' because of my mum. Better still, the cat sensed this at a very young stage, and since then, avoided my father like a plague.

Dad didn't mind that at all. He was very pleased.

"So, have you decided when to resume?"

My mind flashed back to the calendar at the back of my mind. " Zainab and I thought it will be cool if we resume a week after the resumption," I said, munching into the crackers in my hand.

Dad had a conflicted look on his face. Like, he was battling with his emotions on the inside.

"Dad," he raised his brows in response. "Is anything the matter?"

"No, I'll be off to Singapore for a two weeks workshop. I'm thinking of asking your mother to tag along ."

I edged closer, eyes widening in pure excitement. Now, this, is what I want to do—give advice. Cool, isn't it?

"I happened to know that she would be free from work for the whole week," I tapped my chin in thought. "I'm not sure she would want to spend hours in the air though."

"I'll just have to ask her then."

" and... you're welcome Dad," I smirked.

"I don't remember saying 'thank you' kid," he said, a smug smile on his lips.

" Well, I could just ask mum for the both of us to spend the week together... alone," I stressed the last word.

Meanwhile, my father, who looked more like me right now, calmly took a sip of his coffee. I watched him bring down the cup from his lips, the same smug look still on.

" I wouldn't be so sure if I were you, kid." He picked up his Ipad. " your mother might have never mentioned this to you, but, I charmed her and she fell for me in a week."

DayeshaWhere stories live. Discover now