8- Dayesha

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Dedicated to Oummytre_Thaalith Toyeebah_ and Biellym


I spotted her immediately after the food restaurant came into view. She threw her head back, laughing at something Faruq had said. My jaw clenched and I storm into the restaurant, hands itchy to make contact with her face.

She raised her head, immediately taking notice of my presence and her laughter morphed into a sheepish smile.
" Esha" she stood up.

I raised my hand in front of her face. " no Zainab. Don't Esha me". My eyebrows were drawn together in a frown, and I glared at the person who was the main reason why my mood was soiled, and I almost died of cardiac arrest.

" I looked for you-" Zainab began, but I cut her off immediately.

" no Zainab, you didn't." I dropped my purse on the table and it landed with a thud.

"Do you have any idea how I felt back there? You had me almost going crazy, and then someone called me saying you were with them".

I eyed the man; Faruq as I uttered the next few words.
"Was that a nice way of saying you're with my sister?" I place my phone against my ear. ' hello, come to Mr A's restaurant. Your sister is with me "

The only response I got from the dude was a slight tug of his bottom lips which only infuriated me.

My face felt hot. The audacity of this guy to find this humorous.
"Funny huh?" I snarled at him.

" no, no. I'm sorry," he raised his hands in mock surrender.

Zainab pulled over to sit down. I glared at her too. She was the reason why my heart was thumping heavily against my ribcage.
" If you hadn't been in such a hurry, we wouldn't be having this talk right now."

She bumped my shoulder with hers, a playful smile on her lips. My eyes zoned in on the smil and narrowed a bit. She wasn't acting like a sweet girl just because a guy was sitting across from the both of us, right?

" here's your order," a chubby lady said, gaining our attention.

He even had the guts to order food while I was stuck in that mini-market looking frantically everywhere for Zainab. The nerve of this guy!

"I hope it's not an issue that I ordered the food before your arrival?" He gave me a smile that was supposed to look charming but only made my frown deepen.

" it is". My voice came out flat as I intended it to be.

He looked taken aback. " uh...okay".

Zainab kicked my shin from under the table making me turn my head towards her. She was shamelessly staring at the Faruq guy with a smile. A love-sick smile, if I may add.
I rolled my eyes at that.

I peered at the food in front of us—jollof rice, salad and chicken.

" this won't do," I said.

Zainab and Faruq stared at me like they couldn't comprehend what I'd just said.

" this food won't be enough for me," I repeated and before any one of them could react to my comment, I stood up heading to the front desk.

" How may I help you miss?" A man who stood by the counter asked in a polite voice.

" just a minute," I said and looked at the menu behind him. I haven't taken a bite of the rice Faruq bought, so I wasn't sure how it tasted yet.

" I'll take a plate of coconut rice". I could manage that for now.

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