7- Dayesha

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This might not be a good story compared to others you've read. That's understandable, considering the fact that I'm a newbie in writing books. However, your reads, votes and comments will go a long way in developing my writing skills.

Here's a new chappie. Hope y'all love it ❤



Was it disappointment? Dissatisfaction? Surprise? She wasn't sure what the look on Ilyas's face had portrayed. And the reason behind the temporary look in his eyes wasn't a rocket science.

Ilyas- she mentally noted, was a handsome guy. He had prominent cheekbones, with a straight nose which she was sure when placed a ruler against it, wouldn't miss a centimeter. The common features he shared with the rest of the guys she was flirting with, was the deep, almost black brown eyes. His full eyebrows was scrunched together into a frown she found quite cute as he took in her features. The only one she made accessible to him— her eyes.

" how are you doing?" She waved her hand in front of the camera, a small smile graze her lips.

" Ameerah?" He asked. Disbelief was clearly evident from the tone of his voice. Apart from that, it was just as she had heard in two days a row. Deep, and husky with a slight Sokoto accent which she found amusing.

" That's me," she said, keeping her voice as low as possible. Zainab was still around and the last thing she needed was someone ruining the facade she had spent almost an hour coming up with.

" Wow," he breathe. " you're a niqabi?"

She shook her head. " I'm not. Just not comfortable revealing my face to you yet".

Okay, that was a bit too straightforward and maybe she shouldn't have said that in a flat tone. However, Ilyas slightly flinch, a look of hurt flashed in his eyes, and then he was quick to blink away. But she saw that, and that was a look which she secretly never wished to see on his beautiful face in a lifetime.

" is that so? I understand " he said.

" didn't mean to make it sound like that, " She said, the words coming out in a small, pleading voice.

The focus of the camera changed as it seemed like he tilted his phone, and she could now take notice of the surrounding, his face not in anyway on the screen.

The surroundings made it appear as a GRA or private estate. If she had swept under the carpet the thoughts of him being filthy rich from the expensive wristwatch, and ring on his thumb before, now it was glaring and she affirmed the fact that he was from a rich background, and pretty much loaded.

It would have been an exciting realisation if she was a gold digger, and was only after the looks and wealth. But her mother was a financially- independent woman who owned a clothing line, and at the same time, a nurse with insanely high pay. Her biological father owned a multimillionaire company with branches all over the country. And damn it if she wasn't proud of that fact.

Her thoughts flitted elsewhere. What were they supposed to talk about? The weather? School? Work? Her mind went totally blank as horror washed through her. What if he already concluded that he didn't want to be friends anymore? Where would that leave her?

Were they even friends to begin with? Sure, they did flirt from time to time.
Okay, maybe the right phrase there should be 'all the time'. But they weren't a couple either.

His face returned back on the screen earning simultaneous blinking of the eye on Dayesha's part. They had been very subtle changes which was easy to miss as the mole at the bridge of his nose. His hair was tousled like he had ran his fingers in his hair.

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