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Dedicated to Thayyeeba0


Leaning against the fridge, he opened the milk and poured it into the bowl of cereals he was holding. He threw the now empty carton of milk on the counter top,and exit the kitchen. Bumping into his sister in the doorway, he knew she was going to rant his ear off when she sees what he just did. And that's exactly what happened three minutes later.

"-it's basic etiquette 101-"

Yep,that was Fatima,his sister. She was standing before him,hands akimbo and ranting. He had heard all of it before. She would go on and on about orderliness and perfection,and how it was part of the 'basic etiquettes' everyone must learn.

Truth was,she has OCD. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. And if someone was to be given an award of being patient and mentally sane,he'll be the one. Being under the same roof,and interacting with her daily has to be one of the strongest things he had done in his life.

Was it the repetitive cleaning of the coffee table,or the way she'd wash her hands every second for the fear of any of them contacting any infections?

The repetitions of these actions was something he'd learn to accept and live with despite the challenges.

"-did you even hear what I said?" She barked.

He jumped up,startled by the sudden increase in the octave of her voice.
"I'm sorry fateema. I'll put it in the bin next time," he apologized.

In response,Fateema only furrowed her brows. Narrowing her eyes, she tilt his head gently to the side and place a hand on his neck.

" your temperature is normal," she observed.

He lift his head up to look at her. Again,what was running through this girl's mind?
"What's with my temperature?"

She shook her head,and proceeds to wash her hands in the kitchen sink,and applied a sanitizer afterwards. He merely stared in her direction as she scrubbed her hands to get rid of any germs she might have contacted when she touched his head.

"I wasn't expecting you to accept your mistake so easily, " she said, walking past him to the living room.

" you were expecting me to argue with you, " He said,and smirked.

"Well,yeah," she mumbled and picked up the remote control, not before cleaning it with a tissue. She then stood up,and discard the tissue into the nearest bin,then washed her hands in the sink yet again.

Ilyas scooped the cereals into his mouth and watched the television alongside his sister. He chuckled at the scene which was playing, and glanced at Fateema who suddenly developed interest in the painting on the wall beside the television.

"Are you bored already?"

"No,I'm not, " she replied.

Ilyas looked at the scene which was still playing,and then back at his sister who was trying hard not to cover her eyes. This time, he couldn't hold it anymore, and burst out laughing.

"Should I be glad that you feel shy to watch something like this Fateema?" He asked in between laughters.

The slap on his shoulder was definitely something he wasn't expecting. It felt very hot,and he winced. He should have known that she was going to react violently to his words.

"That hurts," he groaned.

"So is my palm,"she glared. "Now it's red as a chilli".

"Violence is never the right way, tee".

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