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Watching the screen of my phone as it goes blank, I sighed.
Was it a crime to not want to attend a wedding? A friend's?

Well, I'm not interested in your response as I had just gotten it from my 'friend'. And unfortunately, its been decided and I have no say whatsoever.

Weddings are my 'thing' but there was just something about Jafa'ar's that made me feel reluctant. That's aside the fact that we'll be on the road for two hours, and I also have to look 'dashing' as others.

And then, there's a daughter of Hauwau who I had promised to talk to via video call. She better reveal her face this time around. I'm getting bored of the chase.


Yeah, and then there's another daughter of Hauwau who lives under the same roof as me, and has been mad at me for more than two hours now.
Shouting my birth name all over the house had turned into a new hobby for her.

Did I blame her? Of course. I was supposed to be out with my guys, playing snooker.

"Na'am," I said, dragging the 'a'.

Pushing my lazy ass off the bed, I reach for the door only for it to swing open all of a sudden.
" common woman, my face merely got lucky just now."

"Does it look like I'm bothered?" She huffed. " where's the new scarf?"

" I'm not going to the store anytime soon Tee. I'll get a new one for you from kano."

Suddenly, she burst into a laughter, dry laughter.
" I need that scarf in two days."

" common Tee, it's not my fault that your white scarf got stained by a green scarf."

If looks could burn, I would have turn into ashes right now. Why the fierce look though? It was just a scarf made of a flimsy material. No big deal.

"Take it easy tee, " I raised my hands, an attempt to pacifying her. " I just followed your orders."

"I asked you to sort out the dresses and scarfs." She scolded. This was the twenty fifth time she had said this, and it was starting to irk me.

But ofcourse, I wasn't going to tell her that, or I might become homeless before sunset.

" I'm deeply sorry Fatima. I'll buy you a new white scarf when I go to kano."

"You better do."

And just like that, she gracefully turned on her ...crocs? Exiting the room.

Geez! Women and tantrums.

I felt the intense vibration against my chest before my phone's ringtone blared. I pulled it out of my chest pocket, and looked at the caller's ID.

Speaking of women.

"Hey dear," I spoke to the phone.

"Hi," she replied in a whisper.

Oh well. Here goes nothing...

" you've been on my mind all day damsel." I could hear a low chuckle, covered up by a fake cough.

"That line is outdated Ilyas."

It was my turn to fake a cough. "Darling, you wound me with your words. "

"Lol," she said dryly. " what are you up to?"

"Thinking of how to make you mine."

At that moment, Fatima passed by my room and narrowed her eyes. That only meant that she had heard what I just said.

I winked at her.

"Ilyas I'm going out. Dinner should be ready before I come back home."

I threw her a salute. "Yes captain."

"Who's that?" Ameerah asked, tone laced with curiosity.

I had temporarily forgotten that she could hear what was happening. So, I hummed and complemented her voice in Hausa before answering the question.

"It's your sister-in-law my love."


I adjusted my sitting posture on my couch. "So, any fun thing happening in school?"

Hearing her sigh, I knew I was in for a long talk. What did I put myself into this time?

Just as I had thought, she began narrating her ordeals, occasionally asking me if I heard what she said and then I'd reply in affirmative. Why do girls like to talk for a long time?

"...I don't know what to do. What do you suggest dear?"

My mind totally won't blank for few seconds as I tried to catch up. She had caught me off guard. What was she talking about? The cousin of hers or her sister's shaky engagement?

"Follow your heart, Hayatee." I simply said. Atleast it could serve as a response to any of the topic she was referring to.

Sighing deeply, she replied with a 'thanks'.

"So, what are you up to?"

"I'm spending my day off at home. I had some quick errands to attend to earlier this morning. "

I hummed in response. There was a question burning at the back of my mind and I might as well just get rid of it once and for all.

"When do I get to see your face, Ameerah?"

" impatient much?" She laughed.

"There's only much patience a man can possess dear."

I could hear a shuffling in the background making it seem like she was repositioning herself.
"You stay in kano, right?" She asked.


She hesitates "Do you want to meet up this weekend?"

"Sure," I merely stopped the grid from spreading all over my face. " what's the location?"

"I'll text you about that later."

"That's alright. "

"Is it just me that can't wait to get to meet you physically?" She laughed, and it was contagious that I also did the same the next few seconds.

A picture of Ameerah was starting to form in my head. The hints she'd given me was struggling to make a complete puzzle image.

Was she fair?
Beautiful or average?
Tall? No grudges towards short girls, but I'm more into those who were atleast 5'5 tall or more.
Was I going to be smitten by her at first glance or would the chase cone to an abrupt end?


Now, going to kano didn't sound as bad as it did before. I scrolled through my contact and quickly typed a message to Jafa'ar.

Hey bro. What's the location?

His reply came almost instantly. Like he had been expecting the message. Or maybe he was just on his phone all day.

Alright. Location's set. Knowing Ameerah is also set. Now, what else?

Oh right. The game.

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