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I've done so many weird things in my life,but going to Google to search about 'how to know if a boy is flirting with you' has never been in the list. Never,and not anytime soon.

So,you can imagine my amusement when a girl asked the question in a female group chat I'm in on Facebook. Don't even ask me how I got myself there coz I can't remember. I tend to stay away from gatherings like this whether offline or online. But this particular group, I doubt if I'm exiting it anytime soon.

I love fun,and anything related to it. I don't mind joining kids to play with a ball in public or flying a kite with so many people around. If it catches my interest, I go for it. That has always been my mindset.

That's one of the reasons I had few female friends. They think of it as 'being shameless' and one of my classmate back then in secondary school during a fight,had tried to use it to insult me. I can't rephrase the words she said to me in Yoruba,but it translated to me being so shameless because I was given birth to in the daylight.

I had laughed back then,and still do. Not because it was hilarious,but because it makes no sense at all. Sure thing,she was right. I was given birth to in the day time, 1pm noon to be precise,but it just happened to match her words coincidentally.

Back to the matter at hand. A girl had posted in the group about how she was getting mixed signals from a boy in her neighbourhood. However,she wasn't sure if he was just flirting with her or was genuinely interested in her.

As expected in a girls gathering of any form, replies were coming from different angles. Everyone here became a love expert all of a sudden,offering her tips and tricks.

I laughed.

This space was gradually becoming my therapy space. I was getting addicted to what the platform could offer me in the comfort of my bedroom. No one needed to know me to have a conversation with me. Nobody knew who was on the other side of the screen.

Privacy. Just what I needed.

I chat with alot of people from different backgrounds,and with different mentalities. I receive friends requests from virtually anybody breathing in carbon(iv)oxide. Mostly,they were from the opposite gender. Different pages and Influencers on the app to suit my taste.

I'm obsessed with it.

Ilyas wasn't the only guy I was chatting with now. There's Karim, James, Bashir, Tope and alot more of them. Everyone claimed to 'love' me. Well,two can play the game.

Double dating has become one of my favourite sport.

Speaking of Ilyas, we've become even closer than we were a week ago. We talk about virtually everything. We exchanged contacts few days ago, and now make late night calls.

Oh no no no. Its not what you're thinking it's about...we just converse, that's all. He once told me that I had a nice voice he could listen to all night long.

Ha ha, I'm not dumb to fall for that though.

"Ameerah, have you prepared the snacks?"

That's my mum. She just came back home from her hospital shifts.

"Yes ma," I yell back from my room.

I think I heard her saying something along the lines of ' you can't come here to tell me that, right?'. I laughed at that in my head. She's my mum. So, I can act like a spoilt brat at times,and still get away with it. Not because I'm adorable, but because she's my mother.

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