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"Oh come on man, do you really think now is the right time for me to be trying to steal your girl? If we don't keep her warm she'll freeze to death, even if she is a hot piece of ass." Negan grinned, his tongue hung on his bottom lip. He rolled his eyes. "Still not talking huh? Well I'm just gonna... " He slid down the wall so he was sitting on the other side of Carol.

"Don't you fucking touch her." Daryl growled.

"Oh, I'm sorry? Were you talking to me? And here was me thinking I was invisible. Look fella I could just leave. She can't walk and you wouldn't be able to protect her out there on your own. You'd end up having to leave her or put her down and I just don't think you've got the balls to do any of that." Negan took off his leather jacket and placed it over Carol's bloodied legs. He slicked back the piece of hair that had fallen over his eyes. "You should not have followed me out here. You got yourselves into this mess."

"She followed you out here to kill you."

"You sure that's the reason she followed me?" Negan winked.

Daryl scoffed. "Yeah I'm sure, asshole."

Carol groaned in her unconscious state. She leaned into Negan's side, to his delight.

Hours passed by. The wind howled outside, it was getting colder. The steel shipping container was like a freezer.

"Maybe we all die tonight." Negan's teeth were chattering. "You wanna have a heart to heart? Shoot the shit?"

"Nah." Daryl was concentrating on his breathing.

"Come on. I bet you've got a lot to say to me."

"She's not dying tonight." The look Daryl gave Negan made him shut up, for a second.

"Then let me help." Negan paused a moment, reading Daryl's face before he lifted his arm and put it around Carol's shoulders.

Daryl glared at him, but let him continue. Daryl was hurt too. He had been shot and was bleeding from his shoulder. It was just a skim but damn it hurt.
Negan held Carol's body into his side. She stirred slightly. Daryl was watching Negan like he was dynamite that could explode at any second.

"Sounds like the walkers are quieting down, maybe they're moving on."

"Hm." Daryl replied.

Negan sighed. "Look man, you gotta get over here, come cuddle up. It's gonna be a long ass night and all that stink eye you're giving me is gonna give you a headache. She's out cold, pardon the pun, she won't see you blush."

To his dismay, Daryl knew that Negan was right. Carol needed him to be there for her. He scooted over so his side was pressed against hers. He was closer to Negan than he cared to be.

"Daryl?" Carol mumbled. Her vision was blurred and it took her a moment to realise where she was. She turned her body and gripped onto Daryl's chest and breathed a sigh of relief, instantly feeling safer when she felt his strong arm tighten around her.
"Daryl where are we?" She looked up at his face, her head was spinning.
Negan smiled softly back down at her. She fell into the blackness again.

"Did she say something!?" Daryl rushed back over from the corner.

"Yup you missed it. While you were taking a piss she told me she was in love with me."

"Shut up." He slumped back down beside Carol and opened his water canister. He carefully pulled her bottom lip down and poured a little water in her mouth. Carol's eyes flickered before they opened. This time the first face she saw was Daryl's.

"Is this real?" She asked him.

"Yeah, hey, yeah I'm here. We're ok. You're ok."

She looked up at Negan who's arm was still wrapped around her. His teeth were chattering. Carol suddenly felt the cold, she shrank into Negan's warm body. "What happened?" she still only spoke directly to Daryl.

"You lost a lot of blood" he told her. "You got shot. Negan, he uh.. he found you." Daryl glanced at Negan who nodded.

Carol looked down at her legs before she passed out again, her head falling backwards into Negan's chest.

"Wow this is really fucking with you isn't it?" Negan's eyes were practically lighting up at Daryl's expense. He watched as Negan stroked up and down Carol's arm.

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