Interrogation (Torture shit)

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Carol went to visit Negan later that afternoon. Daryl still hadn't came home. There had been teams out searching for him but there was no trace of the tracker.

Negan sat up when Carol knocked on his door. "Any sign?"
Carol shook her head, her eyes filled with tears.
"Come, sit."
She sat down beside him and leaned in when he wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

"Negan, we have to tell them where you were last night. You're the only suspect."

"What about the guys who shot at us in the woods?"

"There's no sign of them, no trails. He's just gone."

"Ya know, Daryl's a smart man. Maybe he doesn't want to be found. Covered his trail himself?"

"He wouldn't just leave us like that. Not his family, not me. He was so mad... " Carol's words trailed off. "They're talking about killing you Negan."

"Yeah, that's why I'm gonna go find him. I figured they would be talking about killing me, especially with Maggie back. She's been watching me for weeks, looking for any excuse, any slip up. That woman wants me dead."

"Did you come right back here this morning?"

"Jesus, Carol. I practically skipped my ass back here. And I had the best sleep I've had for years."

"I don't think you should go out there. We don't know what we're dealing with. They won't let me go, I need you to be here. Please."

Negan grinned and raised his eyebrows, "Gee, wow. Okay. I won't go. But you know they'll try string me up for this. If he doesn't come back... "

"I love him."

Negan nodded and blew air out of puffed cheeks, "Yeah I know."
Carol stood up.
"I know it but I don't accept it." Negan finished.

"The council wants to see you, now. I'm sorry."

"Shit, alright." Negan sighed and stood up.

"It's gonna be alright, I won't let them hurt you."

"Yeah well, you might have to."
Negan stepped forward and gave Carol a long, firm kiss. "We'll figure everything out, and we'll find him. And then, we'll figure everything else out."


"Take a seat." Gabriel gestured the wooden chair in the centre of the council meeting room.

"No I'm good standing actua—"

"Sit down Negan." Maggie commanded.

Negan circled around the chair, smiling with his tongue in his cheek. He unzipped his overalls and tied the arms around his waist. "Alright, let's do this." He sat down and grunted as Rosita grabbed his arms and tied his hands behind the back of the chair. Carol stood in the corner of the room and watched as the others tried to get information out of him.


"One last time, where were you." Maggie held her gun up to Negan's head. It had been an hour or so, and the leaders still weren't any closer to finding out what happened to Daryl.

"Out." Negan answered, staring at the wall in front of him.

Maggie hit him in the jaw with the butt of the hunting rifle she was holding. "Not good enough! How is it someone who never shuts the hell up can now only give us a one word answer?"

Negan laughed, "You guys are really missing Daryl right now for all the torture shit huh? He'd have a couple finger nails off of me by now. Shit, maybe a whole ass finger. Why don't you try taking some pearly whites, I'm nothing without my winning smile." He grinned showing bloodied teeth.

"Where is he." Maggie asked again, rage dripping off her words.

Negan leaned his head forward, drawing Maggie closer. He spoke quietly, "I. Don't. Know." He sat back. "And, by the way, I really do not appreciate the way I'm being treated here. Where's the southern hospitality? Now, if you're finished, let me go."

Rosita stepped forward, knife in hand. "You remember this game Negan?" She held the blade to his cheek.

"Jesus, chicks never let shit go."

"Stop, that's enough. This is ridiculous, stop" Carol pulled Rosita away from Negan and stood between them. "This isn't right. He didn't do anything to Daryl."

"We don't know that! He's hiding something, it's obvious." Rosita tried to push past Carol, but Carol blocked her.

"He was... he was with me last night." Carol almost whispered.
The room went silent, Negan leaned back in his chair and stretched his legs out. He sighed in relief. He was clearly fighting back a smile, his bravado returning.

"Why didn't you just tell us that before?" Realisation crossed Gabe's face before he had even finished asking his question. "Did Daryl know?"

"No, it just happened, he—"

"Actually." Negan interrupted, "Daryl may have had some suspicions. Will someone un fucking tie me by the way?"
Maggie stormed out, Rosita shook her head at Carol with disgust before leaving along with Gabriel.

Carol crouched in front of Negan "Are you ok?" She wiped blood from his lip with her thumb as she cupped his face. "Im sorry. I had to tell them." She untied him. Negan rubbed his aching jaw. "I couldn't just stand there and watch anymore."

"It's ok, I'm ok. Shit, that went surprisingly well. I thought she was gonna cut up my pretty face for a second there. Now that would have been a crime." Negan stood up and pulled Carol into an embrace. They squeezed each other tight for a second.

Maggie slammed the door behind her as she entered the room. Carol tried to pull away from Negan but he kept his hold on her.
"Find him Negan. If you don't you won't be welcome here anymore. This is still your fault."
Maggie didn't acknowledge Carol as she left the room once more.

"How are we gonna find him?" Carol's eyes filled with tears again.

"So, when Daryl and I had our, disagreement, on the street." Negan scratched behind his ear. "It was 'cos I was busting his balls. I told him we'd got together, you and me."

"Why would you say that to him?" Carol looked furious, she stepped away from him.

"I don't know why I done it. Shit, boredom? Jealousy? We were in that freezing fucking container for so long. He wouldn't even touch you when you were bleeding out Carol! He just gets to have this silent hold on you, you deserve more. Anyway, I thought I'd have a little fun with it, guess I never got round to telling him it never happened. And then, ya know, it did happen."

"It really is your fault." She looked at him disapprovingly. "But I think I know where he went."

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