There's gonna be a heartache tonight.

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Negan kissed Carol's cheek as he placed a dinner plate down in front of her. "Alright, dig in." He threw the dish towel he'd been holding over his shoulder and folded his arms. He stood back to watch as Carol took her first bite. "It's good right?"

"Mmm, yeah. It's nice, tastes like chicken." Carol didn't even have to lie. Negan had been cooking for the best part of an hour and although it was only a plate of mystery meat and seasoned potatoes, boy was it nice to come home to a hot cooked meal and a handsome man.

Negan laughed as he pulled out a chair and sat down across from her. "Uh, I think this started off a little furrier than a chicken, sorry."

Carol chuckled. "Really, it's delicious. Thank you. Who knew Negan could cook?"

"I told you, I'm an awesome cook! Shit, this is good." He complimented himself as he ate.

"Real modest too!"

Negan looked up from his plate and grinned at her. "Did you miss me today?" He and Carol had been keeping a low profile for the last few days. They'd been waiting on 'the wrath of Maggie', as Negan put it, but so far it hadn't came. The next council meeting was scheduled for the following day, so they were taking the evening to be together in anticipation.

"Oh of course I did. My ears enjoyed the rest though." Carol teased, "So, tell me. What would a real date night with Negan consist of? Would you take me dancing?" Carol's foot was caressing Negan's ankle.

He reached out under the table and squeezed her knee. "No, probably not." Carol gave him a look that urged him to continue. "I dunno. I'd invite you round, cook you a nice ass meal," he gestured the table, "candles lit, record playing." He shrugged.

"Swing music? I like swing."

"Sure. Swing music. Few glasses of red, pleasant conversation. Nothing too heavy, you know. As the evening would draw on I'd move to sit beside you, or we could move things to the living room, and I'd sweep your hair off your shoulder and look into your eyes." He reached out across the table and put his hand over Carol's.

She gave him a sweet smile, her head involuntary tilted.

He squeezed her fingers. "And I'd lean in and look at your lips, then at your lovely eyes again. And once you were like putty in my hands, I'd call you a cab and make sure to call to know you got home safe. Leave you with some kind words, make sure I'm what you're thinking about while you're falling asleep."

Carol squinted through her smile. "You not making a move on the first date?"

Negan grinned at her. "Well, you gotta play the long game you see. Plus, I think it feels like a Sunday today, so it's a school night."

Carol laughed and rolled her eyes. "Alright, so what if it was a Saturday night, no work in the morning."

"Well, once we're finished up here, how about I take you upstairs and just show you."

Daryl came home to the sound of sniggers and giggling. He closed his eyes and took a breath before he entered the kitchen and instantly tried to forget the sight that greeted him. Negan's hand over Carol's, Carol's foot half way up Negan's thigh under the table, both their eyes all dopey and googly.

"Hey." He greeted them and threw his bag and coat onto the floor by the door. It had been pouring down and he was dripping wet.
Judging by his face, Negan clearly wasn't happy that Daryl was interrupting their evening. Daryl however, didn't mind one bit.

Carol instantly sat up straight and brushed her hair with her fingers. "Hey Pookie. Gosh, you're soaked!"

Negan scrunched his face up as he stood to collect in their empty dishes. "Pookie? Where the hell's my cute nickname?"

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