Your prison is walking through this world all alone

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Carol went through the motions while Negan was away, and boy was life boring with him gone. It kinda felt like the world around her had lost some of its colour.
She cooked meals for the workers in the morning, taught some school to the kids in the afternoon and spent most of her evenings hanging out at home alone.

It had been about a week since the group had left on their mission and everyone was getting antsy about their return, Carol wasn't the only person missing someone. In fact, many of those who had gone had left partners behind.

"Carol, a bunch of us are meeting up tonight, just a little get together and chat, you're welcome to join us."

Martina was a kind lady, with plump rosy cheeks and gentle eyes. Her husband was also on Alexandria's run team. She stopped Carol in the street.

"Thank you, Martina. I'm super busy tonight, sorry. Another time though yeah?"

"Yeah, sure! We always try to have at least one meet up while the guys are away, take our mind off things for a while, you know?"

"Yeah, that's great." Carol smiled and nodded but was more than relieved when she heard Daryl calling for her. She bid farewell to Martina.

"Hey, Dixon. You got him!"

Daryl smiled at Carol as he untied the deer meat from the back of his bike.

"Course I did. You gon' join in with them?" Daryl wore a little smirk and gestured towards the group of ladies.

"The bleeding hearts pity party? Absolutely not."

"It might be good for ya, make some new friends?"

"Oh, please. They're only wanting to hear some new gossip."

Daryl's lips pulled into a small smile. "Give it to them then, stops them making their own shit up."

"Oh god, you've heard something haven't you?"

Daryl chuckled and widened his eyes while he struggled to untie a knot.

"Do I even want to know?"

The look he gave her told her no. "You gonna help me skin this thing or what?"

Carol shook her head. "Not tonight, sorry Pookie"

"Well, you ain't sitting in alone again."

Carol weighed up her options. Daryl had been pestering her to get out of the house all week long.

"Fine, I'll go to the group. Will you come get me though? Give me an excuse to leave early."

Daryl wiped the sweat from his brow and shrugged. "Yeah, sure."

Carol took a deep breath before she entered the church hall where everyone was meeting. There was music playing and three round tables full of prattling women.

"Carol!" Martina waved her over. "You made it, you know these guys right?"

Carol looked around and the vaguely familiar faces of people she never bothered to get to know properly. She'd been far too preoccupied with her turbulent life, it was hard to keep up with the influx of newcomers.

She smiled politely at them. "Yeah, of course. Hi."


It wasn't very long until Carol was feeling tipsy. She had quickly grown bored of their stories so she just tried to blend into the background as best she could. She regularly refilled her glass while the others gossiped about their neighbours and spoke about their seemingly perfect partners.

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