Raging Darkness Inside

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The youngest princess of arendelle is standing on a balcony, smiling while looking down at the kingdom and it's people. She look up at the forest, right ahead of the kingdom.

Ariana sigh, "how many years had it been since that night?", she thought, feeling disappointed and angry at herself, "yet I didn't do anything to make it right". Ariana take a deep breath and let it out with a sigh.

"What's with that look?", a childlike male voice from behind asks.

Ariana look back and notice Olaf walking towards her, she smile at the young snowman, "nothing", she replied.

Olaf stand next to Ariana, "you sure?", he asks, Ariana give assure nod, "alright then", he said and look at the peaceful kingdom, "Ariana can I asks you something?".

Ariana look down at him, "sure-", she said, "-what is it?".

Olaf look at Ariana, "what is it like to fly?", he asks.

Ariana is confused, "why'd you asks?", Ariana asks him back.

"I was just curious", Olaf answer, "I've been meaning to asks that but always forgot to do so".

Ariana just chuckle and look back at the kingdom, "I feel free", she answer, "it's the best feeling that I ever feel".

"Oh", Olaf simply said.

Ariana look at him and smile, knowing what he want, "you want to fly don't you?", she asks the snowman.

The young snowman feel embarrassed, "I-", he didn't know what to say, "I would love to, but-", he confess but then he stop.

Ariana smile and get to her knee, "hop on", she said, offering Olaf to fly with her on her back.

Olaf eyes lit up, "really?", he asks.

"I don't see why not", Ariana said, smiling, "since it's only you and me in the palace besides the staffs, Elsa had duty in the kingdom as well as Anna is walking with Kristoff and Sven", she said, "and how about an interesting way to greet them". Olaf excitedly make his way to Ariana's back, "hold on tight", Ariana ordered.

The princess get back in her feet and her body starts glowing. She take a deep breath and jump off the balcony to fly around the kingdom. Olaf is speechless seeing the scenery, yet he enjoyed it so much. He is amazed the view of Arendelle from the sky.

Ariana spot her family down at the town, "we're landing down Olaf", she said as she land down near to the ground.

Down the ground, Anna, Elsa and Kristoff along with sven is talking about something.

"This chocolate is delicious", Anna said as she take another bite of the chocolate.

"Don't eat too much", Kristoff warned, "it's no good for your health".

"Don't worry about it", Anna assure, she hand the chocolate at Elsa, "want some?".

"Sure", Elsa gladly accept and eat that chocolate.

Ariana land down next to them with Olaf on her back and causing the 3 people and a reindeer startle. Olaf jump down from Ariana's back.

"Hey guys!", Olaf greet them.

"To be honest, I don't expect you to fly today", Kristoff said and Sven agree with the ice harvester, "you rarely use your powers".

Ariana chuckle, "Olaf wants me to do so", she said, "he's really curious on what I feel when I fly".

"And it's so amazing!", Olaf exclaimed.

"Really?", Anna asks, curious.

"Yeah", Olaf said, "the most beautiful thing I've ever seen".

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