A Wizard Attack

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With that only one place of Leo is enough to make Ariana aware, she quickly stood in front of her family while gritted her teeth and give him a glare.

"What do you want Leo!", Ariana aggressively asks. She thinks it's a stupid question as she knows what he would want.

Leo remain calm as he is, "you know exactly why I'm here-", he said, "-princess Ariana". He suddenly notice Ariana's appearance is not what he remember 6 years ago, "I see something is wrong with you". Ariana didn't answer, she just look at him with disgust.

While the 2 victims had a chat, the other 3 people, a snowman and a raindeer didn't know what's going on.

"Ariana", Anna begin, making Ariana slightly turn her head to her, "who is he?", she asks.

"He's-", before Ariana could even finish, Leo cut her off.

"-my name's Leo", he said, "one of the serum's victims", he explains, making all of them shock except himself and Ariana, "which means I'm one of your sister's kidnapers". All 4 of them except Ariana gasp at his final sentence.

Leo swing his sceptre in vertical circle making multiple balls of light and when he stab his staff to the ground, the balls fire at the royals.

The Arendellian frozen in fear, Ariana glance back and notice the fear, she quickly lower her body, enough to place her left free hand on the ground to create a barrier to protect them. The balls hit the yellow barrier.

"How bad does he or should I say they wants you", Kristoff asks the youngest princess.

Ariana keep on the barrier, "so bad- like really bad", she answer.

She aim her left hand towards Leo, the barrier push itself towards the wizard. Before it hits him, Leo's body glow and fly up to the sky.

Ariana runs to the field and raise her hand, again to make balls of light to blast at him. Leo dodge it. He look back at Ariana, he aim his head sceptre at her, a light yellow beam being blast at the princess. Ariana dodge it by roll to the front, when he look back up, another multiple beam is being shot again and again. Ariana leap to different random spot at the ground, yet never leap close to her loved ones. She leap to the front and jump high towards Leo and block the beam attack with her sword, when she's close enough, she knee kick Leo's chin using her right knee.

Leo fall to the ground and Ariana land on her feet in front of Leo. Leo got back up after few seconds while aid his jaw and look at Elrik's 'student'.

"As expected", he said, "Elrik was right when he says that you're fast when you're pissed".

Hearing Elrik's name already giving her goosebumps, as much as she hate him, she sometimes grateful she was taught by him.

"But too bad you're not fast enough", he said. Ariana flinch when he said that. Leo stab his staff to the ground again. Thin tentacles appear below Ariana and wrap around her body, forcing her to be in one place.

Ariana struggle to break free, she can't even swing her sword or concentrating to use her magic. She look back up at Leo who is preparing another beam. She close her eyes tightly, ready for the pain to come, but somehow it didn't. She slowly open her eyes and saw thick layer of ice in front of her, strong enough to prevent the light beam to break it.

Ariana knows the ice, she look at her family and notice Elsa raise a hand to create one. Leo look at the royals and furious.

"Don't interfere us", he said, he aim his sceptre at them and a strong beam of light ready to fire.

Ariana notice this through the ice, she quickly face them, "run!", she scream, but no one move a muscle as they all really scared to move.

The beam fire at them making all of them close their eyes, as the beam get close, something get in front of them to take the blast. Dust fly everywhere causing to blind their view. As it clear down a bit, they open their eyes and they feel perfectly fine.

"What?", Leo whisper.

Ariana can see her family are fine, but how? She do feel grateful that they're fine but how. The dust clear completely, something white is on the ground, that's when Ariana knew what took the magical blast. Her eyes widen as the sight of Blizzard is lying on the ground with small smokes coming from it's feathers.

Ariana's breath quickened and no longer take breath using her nose but her mouth, her eyes widen, her body shaken because of fear, not from Leo's powerful attack, but from the same feeling on how she lost a friend just like that night.

Black aura appear and surrounded Ariana's body. That sight caught everyone's attention. The aura circles Ariana's body, another black aura appear from her right eye.

Leo feel something, "what's this feeling?", he thought as he never felt it before, "so full of darkness and emptiness".

The light tentacles disappeared from Ariana, she starts to grow fangs and claws made from dark magic surrounded by dark aura also appear in her every fingers. Ariana starts to growl and glaring at Leo.

"Ariana?", Elsa whisper, in shock to see Ariana in this state.

"What happened to her?", Olaf asks, looking at the princess.

Anna think for a while until she remember what Pabbie said yesterday, she look at her younger sister, "darkness must have done something to her", she said.

Ariana charge at Leo with high speed while her right hand with claws ready to kill the wizard. Just as she move her claws, Leo use his magic to create blind light. All of them cover their eyes  while Ariana still ready with the claws. When the light died down, the sight of Leo is gone. Ariana is angry of Leo's escape, her growl becomes loud.

"Ariana", Elsa's voice whisper from behind.

Ariana turn her head towards them, who are aiding Blizzard that's still on the ground. The sight of injured Blizzard is enough to make her calm down. The black claws fade away followed by the black aura, her fangs are gone, turn back to normal human fangs, but her right eye still pure black. Ariana's breathing becomes normal again.

"Blizzard", she whispers.

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